// $Id$ // map of instancename -> FCKeditor object var fckInstances = {}; // this object will store teaser information var fckTeaser = { lookup : {}, lookupSetup : false, cache : {} }; /** * Drupal behavior that adds FCKeditors to textareas */ Drupal.behaviors.fckeditor = function(context) { $('textarea.fckeditor:not(.fckeditor-processed)', context).each(function() { var textarea = $(this).addClass('fckeditor-processed'); var taid = textarea.attr('id'); if (fckInstances[taid]) { var editorInstance = fckInstances[taid]; if (editorInstance.defaultState == 1) { if (textarea.attr('class').indexOf("filterxss1") != -1 || textarea.attr('class').indexOf("filterxss2") != -1) { $.post(Drupal.settings.basePath + 'fckeditor/xss', { text: $('#' + taid).val() }, function(text) { textarea.val(text); $('#img_assist-link-' + taid).hide(); editorInstance.ReplaceTextarea(); } ); } else { editorInstance.ReplaceTextarea(); $('#img_assist-link-' + taid).hide(); } } } }); } /** * This method takes care of replacing a textarea with an FCKeditor * and vice versa. */ function Toggle(textareaID, TextTextarea, TextRTE) { var swtch = $('#switch_'+textareaID); // check if this FCKeditor was initially disabled if (fckInstances[textareaID].defaultState == 0) { fckInstances[textareaID].defaultState = 2; if ($('#' + textareaID).attr('class').indexOf("filterxss2") != -1) { $.post(Drupal.settings.basePath + 'fckeditor/xss', { text: $('#' + textareaID).val() }, function(text) { $('#' + textareaID).val(text); fckInstances[textareaID].ReplaceTextarea(); } ); } else { fckInstances[textareaID].ReplaceTextarea(); } swtch.text(TextTextarea); // simply return: ReplaceTextarea will take the contents of the textarea for us return; } var textArea = $('#'+textareaID); var textAreaContainer = $('#'+textareaID).parents('.resizable-textarea'); var editorFrame = $('#'+textareaID+'___Frame'); var editorInstance = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(textareaID); var text; // execute the switch if (textArea.is(':hidden')) { // switch from fck to textarea swtch.text(TextRTE); text = editorInstance.GetData(true); // check if we have to take care of teasers var teaser = FCKeditor_TeaserInfo(textareaID); if (teaser) { var t = text.indexOf(''); if (t != -1) { teaser.textarea.val(FCKeditor_trim(text.slice(0,t))); text = FCKeditor_trim(text.slice(t+12)); teaser.textareaContainer.show(); teaser.textarea.attr('disabled', ''); if (teaser.button.attr('value') != Drupal.t('Join summary')) { try {teaser.button.click();} catch(e) {teaser.button.val(Drupal.t('Join summary'));} } } else { teaser.textarea.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if (teaser.button.attr('value') != Drupal.t('Split summary at cursor')) { try {teaser.button.click();} catch(e) {teaser.button.val(Drupal.t('Split summary at cursor'));} } } teaser.buttonContainer.show(); } else { text = textArea.val(); } textArea.val(text); textArea.show(); textAreaContainer.show(); editorFrame.hide(); $('#img_assist-link-' + textareaID).show(); $(textArea).parent().children(".grippie").show(); } else { // switch from textarea to fck swtch.text(TextTextarea); // check if we have to take care of teasers var teaser = FCKeditor_TeaserInfo(textareaID); if (teaser) { if (teaser.textarea.val().length > 0) { text = teaser.textarea.val() + '\n\n' + textArea.val(); } else { text = textArea.val(); } teaser.textarea.attr('disabled', ''); teaser.buttonContainer.hide(); teaser.textareaContainer.hide(); teaser.checkboxContainer.show(); } else { text = textArea.val(); } editorInstance.SetData(text, true); // Switch the DIVs display. textArea.hide(); textAreaContainer.show(); $(editorInstance.LinkedField).parent().children(".grippie").hide(); editorFrame.show(); $('#img_assist-link-' + textareaID).hide(); } } /** * The FCKeditor_OnComplete function is a special function called everytime an * editor instance is completely loaded and available for API interactions. */ function FCKeditor_OnComplete(editorInstance) { // Enable the switch button. It is disabled at startup, waiting the editor to be loaded. $('#switch_' + editorInstance.Name).show(); editorInstance.Events.AttachEvent('OnAfterLinkedFieldUpdate', FCKeditor_OnAfterLinkedFieldUpdate); var teaser = FCKeditor_TeaserInfo(editorInstance.Name); if (teaser) { // if there is a teaser, prepend it to the text, only when switched to FCKeditor using toggle if (fckInstances[editorInstance.Name].defaultState == 2) { if (teaser.textarea.val().length > 0) { var text = teaser.textarea.val() + '\n\n' + editorInstance.GetData(); editorInstance.SetData(text); } } // hide the teaser teaser.textarea.attr('disabled', ''); teaser.buttonContainer.hide(); teaser.textareaContainer.hide(); teaser.checkboxContainer.show(); } $(editorInstance.LinkedField).parent().children(".grippie").hide(); // very ugly hack to circumvent FCKeditor from re-updating textareas on submission. We do that ourselves // FCKeditor will happily update the fake textarea while we will use the proper one editorInstance.LinkedField2 = editorInstance.LinkedField; editorInstance.LinkedField = $(''); // Img_Assist integration IntegrateWithImgAssist(); } /** * This method is executed for every FCKeditor instance just after the underlying text field is updated * before the form is submitted. */ function FCKeditor_OnAfterLinkedFieldUpdate(editorInstance) { var textArea = editorInstance.LinkedField2; var taid = textArea.id; var teaser = FCKeditor_TeaserInfo(taid); if ($(textArea).is(':hidden')) { var text = editorInstance.GetData(); textArea.value = text; // only update the teaser field if this field is associated with a teaser field if (teaser) { var t = text.indexOf(''); if (t != -1) { teaser.textarea.val(FCKeditor_trim(text.slice(0,t))); textArea.value = FCKeditor_trim(text.slice(t+12)); } else { teaser.textarea.val(''); teaser.textarea.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var teaserbuttontxt = Drupal.t('Join summary'); if (teaser.button.attr('value') == teaserbuttontxt) { try { teaser.button.click(); } catch(e) { teaserbutton.val(teaserbuttontxt); } } } } } } function IntegrateWithImgAssist() { var link = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < link.length; i++) { cl = link[i].className; if ( cl == "img_assist-link") { link[i].href = link[i].href.replace("/load/textarea", "/load/fckeditor"); } } } /** * Removes leading and trailing whitespace from the input */ function FCKeditor_trim(text) { return text.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, ''); } /** * This function retrieves information about a possible teaser field * associated with the mentioned field. * * @param taid string HTML id of the main text area */ function FCKeditor_TeaserInfo(taid) { // if the result is cached, return it if (fckTeaser.cache[taid]) { return fckTeaser.cache[taid]; } // build a lookup table if (!fckTeaser.lookupSetup) { fckTeaser.lookupSetup = true; for(var x in Drupal.settings.teaser) { fckTeaser.lookup[Drupal.settings.teaser[x]] = x; } } // find the elements if (fckTeaser.lookup[taid]) { var obj = { textarea : $('#'+fckTeaser.lookup[taid]), checkbox : $('#'+Drupal.settings.teaserCheckbox[fckTeaser.lookup[taid]]) }; obj.textareaContainer = obj.textarea.parent(); obj.checkboxContainer = obj.checkbox.parent(); obj.button = $('input.teaser-button', obj.checkbox.parents('div.teaser-checkbox').get(0)); obj.buttonContainer = obj.button.parent(); fckTeaser.cache[taid] = obj; } else { fckTeaser.cache[taid] = null; } return fckTeaser.cache[taid]; } /** * Creates a screen wide popup window containing an FCKeditor */ function FCKeditor_OpenPopup(popupUrl, jsID, textareaID) { popupUrl = popupUrl + '?var='+ jsID + '&el=' + textareaID; var teaser = FCKeditor_TeaserInfo(textareaID); if (teaser) { popupUrl = popupUrl + '&teaser=' + teaser.textarea.attr('id'); } window.open(popupUrl, null, 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=1,dependent=yes'); }