t('Stores FCKeditor profile settings'), 'fields' => array( 'name' => array( 'type' => 'varchar', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', 'length' => 128, 'description' => t('Name of the FCKeditor profile'), ), 'settings' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'description' => t('Profile settings'), ), ), 'primary key' => array('name'), ); $schema['fckeditor_role'] = array( 'description' => t('Stores FCKeditor profile assignments'), 'fields' => array( 'name' => array( 'type' => 'varchar', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', 'length' => 128, 'description' => t('Name of the FCKeditor role'), ), 'rid' => array( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, 'description' => t('Drupal role id'), ), ), 'primary key' => array('name', 'rid'), ); return $schema; } /** * Implementation of hook_requirements(). * * This hook will issue warnings if: * - The FCKeditor source files are not found * - The FCKeditor source files are out of date * - Quick upload and/or the built-in file browser are used and $cookie_domain is not set */ function fckeditor_requirements($phase) { $requirements = array(); if ($phase == 'runtime') { $requirements['fckeditor'] = array( 'title' => t('FCKeditor'), 'value' => t('Unknown'), ); $requirements['fckeditor']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; if (!_fckeditor_requirements_isinstalled()) { $sourcepath = fckeditor_path(TRUE); $requirements['fckeditor']['description'] = t('FCKeditor was not found at %sourcepath', array('%sourcepath' => $sourcepath)); $requirements['fckeditor']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; } //Let's wait with version checking until a formal way of informing about new FCKeditor releases by fckeditor.net site is available /* elseif (($installed_version = _fckeditor_requirements_getinstalledversion()) === NULL) { $requirements['fckeditor']['description'] = t('FCKeditor version could not be determined'); $requirements['fckeditor']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_INFO; } elseif (($available_version = _fckeditor_requirements_getavailableversion($available_version_error)) === NULL) { $requirements['fckeditor']['description'] = t('The latest available FCKeditor version could not be determined, the HTTP error while fetching the version information was: @error', array('@error' => $available_version_error)); $requirements['fckeditor']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_INFO; } elseif (version_compare($installed_version, $available_version, '<')) { $requirements['fckeditor']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING; $requirements['fckeditor']['description'] = t('The latest available FCKeditor version is @version. You can download it at !fcklink.', array('@version' => $available_version, '!fcklink' => l('FCKeditor.net', 'http://fckeditor.net'))); } */ else { $profile_name = _fckeditor_requirements_builtin_filebrowser_enabled(); if ($profile_name !== FALSE) { if (!_fckeditor_requirements_cookiedomainset()) { $requirements['fckeditor']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $requirements['fckeditor']['description'] = t('You are using a feature that requires $cookie_domain to be set, but it is not set in your settings.php (either built-in filebrowser or quick uploads are enabled in the !profile profile).', array('!profile' => l($profile_name, 'admin/settings/fckeditor/edit/'. urlencode($profile_name)))); } elseif ($error = _fckeditor_requirements_filemanager_config_check($profile_name)) { $requirements['fckeditor']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $requirements['fckeditor']['description'] = $error; } } } /* if (!empty($installed_version)) { $requirements['fckeditor']['value'] = $installed_version; }*/ } return $requirements; } /** * Determines whether the FCKeditor sources are present * * It checks if fckeditor.js is present. * * This function is used by fckeditor_requirements() * * @return boolean True if FCKeditor is installed */ function _fckeditor_requirements_isinstalled() { module_load_include('module', 'fckeditor'); $editor_path = fckeditor_path(TRUE); $jspath = $editor_path .'/fckeditor.js'; return file_exists($jspath); } /** * Fetches the version of the installed FCKeditor sources * * It tries to locate the version of the FCKeditor sources in * fckeditor.js * * This function is used by fckeditor_requirements() * * @return string Version number (eg. 2.6.2) of FCKeditor. Null if not found in fckeditor.js */ function _fckeditor_requirements_getinstalledversion() { module_load_include('module', 'fckeditor'); $editor_path = fckeditor_path(TRUE); $jspath = $editor_path .'/fckeditor.js'; $configcontents = file_get_contents($jspath); $matches = array(); if (preg_match('#FCKeditor\.prototype\.Version\s*=\s*\'([\d\.]+)\'\s*;#', $configcontents, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } return NULL; } /** * Executed when built-in file browser is enabled * Returns FALSE if no errors are found in config.php file, otherwise it returns an error message. * * @return string|boolean */ function _fckeditor_requirements_filemanager_config_check($profile_name) { module_load_include('module', 'fckeditor'); $editor_path = fckeditor_path(TRUE); $config_path = $editor_path .'/editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php'; if (!file_exists($config_path)) { return t('!config not found. Make sure that you have uploaded all files or didn\'t remove that file accidentally.', array('!config' => 'editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php')); } if (!is_readable($config_path)) { return t('FCKeditor needs read permission to !config.', array('!config' => 'editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php')); } $config_contents = file($config_path); //not a 100% valid check, but well... let's have at least some error checking $require_once_found = FALSE; $require_once_line = 0; $userfiles_absolute_path_line = 0; $force_single_extension_line = 0; if ($config_contents) foreach ($config_contents as $line_num => $line) { //make sure it doesn't start with a comment, unfortunately we're not protected if code is commented with /* */ if (!$require_once_found && strpos($line, "filemanager.config.php") !== FALSE && !preg_match(",^(?://|\#|\*|/\*),", trim($line))) { $require_once_found = TRUE; $require_once_line = $line_num; } if (!$userfiles_absolute_path_line && strpos($line, '$Config[\'UserFilesAbsolutePath\']') !== FALSE && !preg_match(",^(?://|\#|\*|/\*),", trim($line))) { $userfiles_absolute_path_line = $line_num; } if (!$force_single_extension_line && strpos($line, '$Config[\'ForceSingleExtension\']') !== FALSE && !preg_match(",^(?://|\#|\*|/\*),", trim($line))) { $force_single_extension_line = $line_num; } } if (!$require_once_found) { return t('You are using a feature that requires manul integration into config.php (either built-in filebrowser or quick uploads are enabled in the !profile profile). Read instructions about enabling built-in file browser and add "require_once ..." statement in editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php.', array('!profile' => l($profile_name, 'admin/settings/fckeditor/edit/'. urlencode($profile_name)))); } if ($userfiles_absolute_path_line && $force_single_extension_line && ( $require_once_line < $userfiles_absolute_path_line || $require_once_line > $force_single_extension_line)) { return t('You are using a feature that requires manul integration into config.php (either built-in filebrowser or quick uploads are enabled in the !profile profile). You have added "require_once ..." statement in editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php, but in the wrong line.', array('!profile' => l($profile_name, 'admin/settings/fckeditor/edit/'. urlencode($profile_name)))); } return FALSE; } /** * Fetches the version of the latest version of FCKeditor available * * It tries to locate the latest version of FCKeditor in the source of * http://fckeditor.net/. It might fail when the connection fails. * * This function is used by fckeditor_requirements() * * @param $error string This string will be filled with the error reason or be untouched if no error occured * @return string Version number (eg. 2.6.2) of the latest version of FCKeditor. Null if an error occured */ function _fckeditor_requirements_getavailableversion(&$error) { $fckpage = drupal_http_request('http://www.fckeditor.net'); $matches = array(); if (!isset($fckpage->error) && preg_match('#class="release_number">\s*([\d\.]+[ \w]*)<#', $fckpage->data, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } else { $error = $fckpage->error; } return NULL; } /** * Checks if any profile requires an explicit setting of $cookie_domain * in settings.php * * %cookie_domain is required when the internal filebrowser or quick upload is used * * This function is used by fckeditor_requirements() * * @return boolean True iff any profile requires $cookie_domain */ function _fckeditor_requirements_builtin_filebrowser_enabled() { module_load_include('module', 'fckeditor'); $profiles = fckeditor_profile_load(); foreach ($profiles as $profile) { if ((isset($profile->settings['filebrowser']) && $profile->settings['filebrowser'] == 'builtin') || (isset($profile->settings['quickupload']) && $profile->settings['quickupload'] == 't')) { return $profile->name; } } return FALSE; } /** * Checks if $cookie_domain has been set * * It has to include settings.php again because conf_init() sets * $cookie_domain regardless of its presence in settings.php, so * simply checking $GLOBALS['cookie_domain'] is not possible. * * This function is used by fckeditor_requirements() * * @return boolean True iff $cookie_domain was set in settings.php */ function _fckeditor_requirements_cookiedomainset() { if (file_exists('./'. conf_path() .'/settings.php')) { $settings = file_get_contents('./'. conf_path() .'/settings.php'); if (preg_match('#^\s*\$cookie_domain#m', $settings)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Update from 6.x-1.0 to 6.x-1.1 * */ function fckeditor_update_6110() { $ret = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fckeditor_settings}"); $global_profile_found = FALSE; while (($data = db_fetch_object($result))) { if ($data->name == "FCKeditor Global Profile") { $global_profile_found = TRUE; } if ($data->settings) { $settings = unserialize($data->settings); } if (isset($settings['excl_mode'], $settings['excl_list']) && !empty($settings['excl_list'])) { switch ($settings['excl_mode']) { case 0: // normal exclusion based on the id $settings['excl_fields'] = $settings['excl_list']; $settings['excl_mode'] = 0; break; case 1: //normal inclusion based on the id $settings['excl_fields'] = $settings['excl_list']; $settings['excl_mode'] = 1; break; case 2: //path exclusion $settings['excl_paths'] = $settings['excl_list']; $settings['excl_mode'] = 0; break; case 3: //path inclusion $settings['excl_paths'] = $settings['excl_list']; $settings['excl_mode'] = 1; break; } unset($settings['excl_list']); } if (isset($settings['simple_incl_mode'], $settings['simple_incl_list']) && !empty($settings['simple_incl_list'])) { switch ($settings['simple_incl_mode']) { case 1: //normal inclusion based on the id $settings['simple_incl_fields'] = $settings['simple_incl_list']; break; case 3: //path inclusion $settings['simple_incl_paths'] = $settings['simple_incl_list']; break; } unset($settings['simple_incl_mode']); unset($settings['simple_incl_list']); } db_query("UPDATE {fckeditor_settings} SET settings='%s' WHERE name='%s'", serialize($settings), $data->name); } if (!$global_profile_found) { db_query("INSERT INTO {fckeditor_settings} (name, settings) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", "FCKeditor Global Profile", serialize(array())); } return $ret; } /** * Update from 6.x-1.2 to 6.x-1.3 * * Change file browser selection method */ function fckeditor_update_6130() { $ret = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fckeditor_settings} WHERE name <> 'FCKeditor Global Profile'"); $hasimce = module_exists('imce'); while (($data = db_fetch_object($result))) { if ($data->settings) { $settings = unserialize($data->settings); // Rewrite imce, upload_basic and upload_advanced settings to filebrowser and quickupload $imce = ($hasimce && isset($settings['imce']) && $settings['imce'] == 't'); $upload_basic = (isset($settings['upload_basic']) && $settings['upload_basic'] == 't'); $upload_advanced = (isset($settings['upload_advanced']) && $settings['upload_advanced'] == 't'); if ($imce) { $settings['filebrowser'] = 'imce'; } elseif ($upload_advanced) { $settings['filebrowser'] = 'builtin'; } else { $settings['filebrowser'] = 'none'; } $settings['quickupload'] = $upload_basic ? 't' : 'f'; unset($settings['imce'], $settings['upload_basic'], $settings['upload_advanced']); // unfortunately, update_sql is not an option, as serialize($settings) will contain curly braces which will // be replaced. update_sql does not support arguments like db_query() does. db_query("UPDATE {fckeditor_settings} SET settings='%s' WHERE name='%s'", serialize($settings), $data->name); } } return $ret; } /** * Update from 6.x-1.x to 6.x-2.x * * Change storage of exclusion modes */ function fckeditor_update_6200() { $ret = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fckeditor_settings}"); while (($data = db_fetch_object($result))) { if ($data->settings) { $settings = unserialize($data->settings); foreach (array('simple_incl', 'excl') as $var) { $paths = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $settings[$var .'_paths']); $ids = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $settings[$var .'_fields']); $final = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { $path = trim($path); if (!empty($path)) { $final[] = $path; } } foreach ($ids as $id) { $id = trim($id); if (!empty($id)) { $final[] = '*.'. $id; } } $settings[$var] = implode("\n", $final); unset($settings[$var .'_paths'], $settings[$var .'_fields']); } db_query("UPDATE {fckeditor_settings} SET settings='%s' WHERE name='%s'", serialize($settings), $data->name); module_load_include('inc', 'fckeditor', 'fckeditor.admin'); fckeditor_rebuild_selectors(); } } return $ret; } /** * Update from 6.x-1.x to 6.x-2.x * * Add show_fieldnamehint setting, defaults to t ( = true) */ function fckeditor_update_6201() { $ret = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fckeditor_settings}"); while (($data = db_fetch_object($result))) { if ($data->settings) { $settings = unserialize($data->settings); $settings['show_fieldnamehint'] = 't'; db_query("UPDATE {fckeditor_settings} SET settings='%s' WHERE name='%s'", serialize($settings), $data->name); } } return $ret; } /** * Implementation of hook_uninstall(). */ function fckeditor_uninstall() { drupal_uninstall_schema('fckeditor'); }