require_login(); else if ($fb_user_data['require_login'] == FB_USER_OPTION_REQUIRE_ADD) $fb->require_add(); // If we know the user's fbu, try to load the corresponding local account. $fbu = fb_facebook_user(); if ($fbu && $user->fbu != $fbu) { // Try the application-specific account. $account = user_external_load("$fbu-$fb_app->"); if (!$account) // Try the cross-application account. $account = user_external_load("$"); if ($account) { $account->fbu = $fbu; $user = $account; // change the global user } } // Later, if we do not create an account, we'll load the default user // specified in the app config. // Check if we need to create a local account for this user. if (fb_facebook_user() && ($fb_user_data['create_account'] == FB_USER_OPTION_CREATE_ADD && $fb->api_client->users_isAppAdded()) || ($fb_user_data['create_account'] == FB_USER_OPTION_CREATE_LOGIN)) { // Check if the local account is already made. if ($user->fbu != fb_facebook_user()) { // We need to make a local account for this facebook user. $user = fb_user_create_local_user(fb_facebook_user(), $fb_user_data['unique_account'], array($fb_user_data['new_user_rid'] => TRUE)); watchdog('fb_user', t("Created new user !username for application %app", array('!username' => theme('username', $user), '%app' => $fb_app->label))); } } // It's possible the user was already created by another app. // In this case we need to add our role. if (fb_facebook_user() && $user->fbu == fb_facebook_user() && $fb_user_data['new_user_rid'] && !$user->roles[$fb_user_data['new_user_rid']]) { // there should be an API for this... db_query('INSERT INTO {users_roles} (uid, rid) VALUES (%d, %d)', $user->uid, $fb_app->rid); watchdog('fb_user', t("Added role %role to existing user !username for application %app", array('!username' => theme('username', $user), '%app' => $fb_app->label, '%role' => $fb_app->rid))); // Here, we need to somehow refresh the user's permissions! Otherwise // they won't take effect until next page. // sess_regenerate() doesn't seem to do it. // Perhaps we need to do a goto??? } // Keep track of all our app users. We need this info when updating // profiles during cron. We keep session keys in case user has an // infinite session, and we can actually log in as them during cron. // TODO: is this a violation of facebook terms? db_query("REPLACE INTO {fb_user_app} (apikey, fbu, added, time_access, session_key, session_key_expires) VALUES ('%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s', %d)", $fb_app->apikey, fb_facebook_user(), $fb->api_client->users_isAppAdded(), time(), $fb->api_client->session_key, $_REQUEST['fb_sig_expires'] ); if (!$user->uid) { if ($fbu = fb_facebook_user()) { $uid = $fb_app_data['fb_user']['logged_in_uid']; } else { $uid = $fb_app_data['fb_user']['not_logged_in_uid']; } if ($uid) { $user = user_load(array('uid' => $uid)); /* too verbose watchdog('fb_user', t('Treating a facebook user as local user !user', array('!user' => $user->name, ))); */ } } // This is an experiment. Trying to get login links to prompt for a facebook login. if (strpos($_GET['q'],'user/login') === 0) { $fb->require_login(); } else if (strpos($_GET['q'],'user/register') === 0) { $fb->require_add(); } // Now do I need a goto or some such??? // debug /* drupal_set_message("To Drupal, you are " . theme('username', $user)); drupal_set_message("Facebook user id is " . fb_facebook_user()); drupal_set_message("Facebook logged in is " . $fb->get_loggedin_user()); */ } else if ($op == FB_OP_GET_FBU) { // This is a request to learn the user's FB id. $return = _fb_user_get_fbu($data['uid'], $fb_app); } else if ($op == FB_OP_GET_USER_SESSION) { // The fb module is asking for session login information. For example, to // log in as the user when not on a canvas page. This module may be able // to provide it, depending on whether the user has logged in, and whether // the session has expired. $fbu = $data['fbu']; $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fb_user_app} WHERE apikey = '%s' and fbu = %d", $fb_app->apikey, $fbu); $data = db_fetch_object($result); if ($data && $data->session_key) // Return array with FB id and apikey. $return = array($data->fbu, $data->session_key); } } function fb_user_form_alter($form_id, &$form) { //drupal_set_message("fb_user_form_alter($form_id) " . dpr($form, 1)); // Add our settings to the fb_app edit form. if (is_array($form['fb_app_data'])) { $node = $form['#node']; $fb_app_data = fb_app_get_data($node->fb_app); $fb_user_data = $fb_app_data['fb_user']; $form['fb_app_data']['fb_user'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Facebook user settings'), '#tree' => TRUE, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, ); $form['fb_app_data']['fb_user']['require_login'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Require Login'), '#description' => t('When viewing canvas pages, how strict do you want to be? Most FBML applications will not want \'Allow anyone\' because facebook allows no persistent session; features like drupal_set_message() will not work properly. Also facebook does not allow form submissions unless the user logs in.'), '#options' => array(FB_USER_OPTION_ALLOW_ANON => t('Allow anyone'), FB_USER_OPTION_REQUIRE_LOGIN => t('Allow logged-in users'), FB_USER_OPTION_REQUIRE_ADD => t('Allow users who have added this app to their profile'), ), '#default_value' => $fb_user_data['require_login'], '#required' => TRUE, ); // TODO: fix this so that it prompts for username with autocomplete, not a uid. $form['fb_app_data']['fb_user']['not_logged_in_uid'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Not logged in user (uid)'), '#description' => t('If allowing non-logged in users, when such a user visits the site, which Drupal user should they be treated as? Use 0 for the anonymous user.'), '#default_value' => $fb_user_data['not_logged_in_uid'], ); $form['fb_app_data']['fb_user']['logged_in_uid'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Logged in user (uid)'), '#description' => t('If allowing logged in users, when such a user visits the site, and they do not have a local Drupal account, which Drupal user should they be treated as? Use 0 for the Anonymous user, or create a dedicated account for this purpose.'), '#default_value' => $fb_user_data['logged_in_uid'], ); $form['fb_app_data']['fb_user']['create_account'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Create Local Account'), '#description' => t('When logged-in facebook user visits this app, should we create a local account for them?'), '#options' => array(FB_USER_OPTION_CREATE_NEVER => t('Never (I\'ll map the accounts some other way)'), FB_USER_OPTION_CREATE_LOGIN => t('If user has logged in'), FB_USER_OPTION_CREATE_ADD => t('If user has added this app'), ), '#default_value' => $fb_user_data['create_account'], '#required' => TRUE, ); // TODO: prompt for role with a select. Don't make user figure out id $form['fb_app_data']['fb_user']['new_user_rid'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('New user role (rid)'), '#description' => t('When creating an account, this role will be assigned. Use this to give every user that adds the app a particular Drupal role. Type a numerical role id.'), '#default_value' => $fb_user_data['new_user_rid'], ); $form['fb_app_data']['fb_user']['unique_account'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Make Local Account Unique'), '#description' => t('When creating a local account, a unique account will apply only to this app. A non-unique account will be shared by all apps which do not have this checked.'), '#default_value' => $fb_user_data['unique_account'], ); } } function fb_user_create_local_user($fbu = NULL, $app_specific = FALSE, $roles = array()) { global $fb; if (!$fbu) $fbu = fb_facebook_user(); if (!$fbu) return; // User not logged into facebook, can't create local account $info = $fb->api_client->users_getInfo($fbu, array('first_name', 'last_name')); $username = $info[0]['first_name'] .' '. $info[0]['last_name']; // debugging. //drupal_set_message("Facebook knows you as $username ($fbu)"); // map fbu to uid, include apikey if user is app_specific if ($app_specific) // would rather use the shorter app id (not apikey), but no way to query it $authmap = "$fbu-$fb_app->"; else $authmap = "$"; $account = user_external_load($authmap); if (!$account) { // Create a new user in our system // TODO: handle case when username is already taken. $user_default = array('name' => $username, 'pass' => user_password(), 'init' => db_escape_string($username), 'status' => 1, 'authname_fb_user' => $authmap, ); $user_default['roles'][DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID] = 'authenticated user'; foreach ($roles as $rid => $value) if ($rid) $user_default['roles'][$rid] = $value; $user_default['fbu'] = $fbu; // Will get saved as user data. $account = user_save('', $user_default); } if (!$account->fbu) { // This should only happen on older, automatically created accounts. $account->fbu = $fbu; user_save($account, array('fbu' => $fbu)); } return $account; } function fb_user_get_local_user($fbu, $fb_app) { $result = db_query("SELECT am.* FROM authmap am WHERE am.authname='%s' OR am.authname='%s' ORDER BY am.authname", "$fbu-$fb_app->", "$"); if ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $account = user_load(array('uid' => $data->uid)); return $account; } } /** * Given a local user id, find the facebook id. This is for internal use. * Outside modules use fb_get_fbu(). */ function _fb_user_get_fbu($uid, $fb_app) { static $cache = array(); if (!$cache[$uid]) { $cache[$uid] = array(); // Look up this user in the authmap $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {authmap} WHERE uid=%d AND authname LIKE ''", $uid); while (!$fbu && $data = db_fetch_object($result)) { // get the part before the '@' $substr = substr($data->authname, 0, strpos($data->authname, '@')); // then split at the '-' $parts = explode('-', $substr); if ($parts[1]) // $parts[1] is app id $cache[$uid][$parts[1]] = $parts[0]; else $cache[$uid]['global'] = $parts[0]; } } if ($cache[$uid][$fb_app->apikey]) // Return the app-specific mapping return $cache[$uid][$fb_app->apikey]; else // Return the global mapping return $cache[$uid]['global']; } function fb_user_token_list($type = 'all') { if ($type == 'all' || $type == 'fb' || $type == 'fb_app') { $tokens['fb_app']['fb-app-user-fbu'] = t('Current user\'s Facebook ID'); $tokens['fb_app']['fb-app-user-name'] = t('Current user\'s name on Facebook (TODO)'); $tokens['fb_app']['fb-app-user-name-fbml'] = t('Current user\'s name for display on Facebook profile and canvas pages.'); $tokens['fb_app']['fb-app-profile-url'] = t('Current user\'s Facebook profile URL'); } return $tokens; } function fb_user_token_values($type = 'all', $object = NULL) { if ($type == 'fb_app' && $object) { $fb_app = $object; global $user; $fbu = _fb_user_get_fbu($user->uid, $fb_app); if ($fbu) { $values['fb-app-user-fbu'] = $fbu; $values['fb-app-user-name'] = 'TODO XXX'; $values['fb-app-user-name-fbml'] = ''; $values['fb-app-profile-url'] = ''.$fbu; } } return $values; } ?>