'fb_tab_view', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items[FB_TAB_PATH_FORM] = array( 'title' => 'Configure Tabs', 'page callback' => 'fb_tab_pages', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items[FB_TAB_PATH_FORM . '/%'] = array( 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('fb_tab_config_form', FB_TAB_PATH_FORM_ARGS), 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); // Admin pages $items[FB_PATH_ADMIN .'/fb_tab'] = array( 'title' => 'Page Tabs', 'description' => 'Configure Tabs', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('fb_tab_admin_settings'), 'access arguments' => array(FB_PERM_ADMINISTER), 'file' => 'fb_tab.admin.inc', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_fb * * @param $op * @param $data -- data payload * @param $return */ function fb_tab_fb($op, $data, &$return) { $fb = isset($data['fb']) ? $data['fb'] : NULL; $fb_app = isset($data['fb_app']) ? $data['fb_app'] : NULL; if ($op == FB_OP_POST_INIT) { // Include our admin hooks. if (fb_is_fb_admin_page()) { require drupal_get_path('module', 'fb_tab') . '/fb_tab.admin.inc'; } if (fb_is_tab()) { // Include our javascript. drupal_add_js(array( 'fb_tab' => array( 'fbu' => fb_facebook_user(), 'uid' => $GLOBALS['user']->uid, 'canvas' => $fb_app->canvas, ), ), 'setting'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'fb_tab') . '/fb_tab.js'); } } elseif ($op == FB_OP_CURRENT_APP && fb_is_tab()) { if ($id = fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_CB)) { // Using fb_url_rewrite. $fb_app = fb_get_app(array('id' => $id)); if (!$fb_app) { // DEPRECATED. For backward compatibility, accept apikey in FB_SETTINGS_CB $fb_app = fb_get_app(array('apikey' => $id)); } } elseif ($id = fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_ID)) { // New SDK includes ID when session is present. $fb_app = fb_get_app(array('id' => $id)); } // Old, deprecated, FBML tabs. elseif (isset($_REQUEST['fb_sig_api_key'])) { $return = fb_get_app(array('apikey' => $_REQUEST['fb_sig_api_key'])); } if ($fb_app) { $return = $fb_app; } } elseif ($op == FB_OP_INITIALIZE) { if (fb_is_tab()) { $config = _fb_tab_get_config($fb_app); if (!isset($GLOBALS['custom_theme'])) { $GLOBALS['custom_theme'] = $config['custom_theme']; } if (fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_TYPE) == FB_SETTINGS_TYPE_PAGE_TAB && variable_get(FB_TAB_VAR_PROCESS_IFRAME, TRUE)) { // Process iframe $use_ob = TRUE; } elseif (fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_TYPE) == FB_SETTINGS_TYPE_PROFILE && variable_get(FB_TAB_VAR_PROCESS_FBML, TRUE)) { // Process FBML $use_ob = TRUE; } else { $use_ob = FALSE; } // Hack to init the theme before _drupal_maintenance_theme initializes the wrong one. if (variable_get('site_offline', FALSE)) { $dummy = theme('dummy'); } // Store entire page in output buffer. Will post-process on exit. if ($use_ob) { ob_start(); $GLOBALS['fb_tab_post_process'] = TRUE; } // Override what Drupal renders. if ($_REQUEST['q'] == FB_TAB_PATH_VIEW) { // Do not override fb_tab/config. $sr = $fb->getSignedRequest(); if ($sr['page'] && $sr['page']['liked'] && $config['profile_tab_url_liked']) { $path = $config['profile_tab_url_liked']; } else { $path = $config['profile_tab_url']; } if ($path && $path != FB_TAB_PATH_VIEW) { // Tell Drupal what to really render. menu_set_active_item(drupal_get_normal_path($path)); } } } } elseif ($op == FB_OP_EXIT && fb_is_tab()) { if (isset($GLOBALS['fb_tab_post_process']) && $GLOBALS['fb_tab_post_process']) { $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'fb') . '/fb.process.inc'); if (variable_get(FB_TAB_VAR_PROCESS_TO_CANVAS, TRUE)) { $to_canvas = $fb_app->canvas; } else { $to_canvas = FALSE; } if (fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_TYPE) == FB_SETTINGS_TYPE_PAGE_TAB) { // Process iframe $output = fb_process($output, array( 'add_target' => '_top', 'absolute_links' => TRUE, 'to_canvas' => $to_canvas, )); } elseif (fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_TYPE) == FB_SETTINGS_TYPE_PROFILE) { // Process FBML (deprecated) $output = fb_process($output, array( 'add_target' => FALSE, 'absolute_links' => TRUE, 'to_canvas' => $to_canvas, )); } if (isset($output)) { print($output); } } } } /** * Implements fb_tab_form_alter. */ function fb_tab_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if (isset($form['fb_app_data']) && is_array($form['fb_app_data'])) { // Add our settings to the fb_app edit form. //require 'fb_canvas.admin.inc'; fb_tab_admin_form_alter($form, $form_state, $form_id); } } /** * Helper returns configuration for this module, on a per-app basis. */ function _fb_tab_get_config($fb_app) { $fb_app_data = fb_get_app_data($fb_app); $config = isset($fb_app_data['fb_tab']) ? $fb_app_data['fb_tab'] : array(); // Merge in defaults $config += array( 'custom_theme' => NULL, 'tab_default_name' => isset($fb_app->title) ? $fb_app->title : NULL, 'profile_tab_url' => NULL, 'profile_tab_url_liked' => NULL, 'edit_url' => FB_TAB_PATH_FORM, ); return $config; } /** * Another module provides the contents of the tab depending * on the context that we give it (who is calling it, etc.) */ function fb_tab_view() { $fb_app = $GLOBALS['_fb_app']; $fb = $GLOBALS['_fb']; $profile_id = fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_CB_PAGE); $config = fb_tab_fetch_config($fb_app, $profile_id); $sr = $fb->getSignedRequest(); $data = array( 'fb_app' => $fb_app, 'fb' => $fb, 'profile_id' => $profile_id, 'config' => isset($config['data']) ? $config['data'] : NULL, 'page' => $sr['page'], ); $content = fb_invoke(FB_TAB_OP_VIEW, $data, array(), FB_TAB_HOOK); return drupal_render($content); } /** * Build the tab config form. Invokes hook_fb_tab() to get the custom settings. */ function fb_tab_config_form($form_state, $profile_id) { $fb_app = $GLOBALS['_fb_app']; $fb = $GLOBALS['_fb']; $config = fb_tab_fetch_config($fb_app, $profile_id); $sr = $fb->getSignedRequest(); $data = array( 'fb_app' => $fb_app, 'fb' => $fb, 'profile_id' => $profile_id, 'config' => isset($config['data']) ? $config['data'] : NULL, 'page' => $sr['page'], ); try { //$fbu = fb_facebook_user($fb); $fbu = fb_require_authorization($fb); $page_info = $fb->api($profile_id, array( 'access_token' => fb_get_token($fb), )); $admin_info = fb_fql_query($fb, "SELECT uid, type FROM page_admin WHERE uid=$fbu AND page_id=$profile_id"); // FQL not SQL, no {curly_brackets} //dpm($admin_info, __FUNCTION__); // @TODO: if not page admin, prompt user to login or deny access. $form = array( 'info' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t('Tab settings for %page', array( '!href' => $page_info['link'], '%page' => $page_info['name'], )), '#prefix' => '

', '#suffix' => '

', '#weight' => -99, ), 'label' => array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $fb_app->label, ), 'profile_id' => array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $profile_id, ), 'data' => array( // Modules will add their fields here. '#tree' => TRUE, ), 'submit' => array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Submit'), '#weight' => 90, ), ); if (isset($config['fb_tab_id'])) { $form['fb_tab_id'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $config['fb_tab_id'], ); } $form['data'] = fb_invoke(FB_TAB_OP_FORM, $data, $form['data'], FB_TAB_HOOK); //print('
' . print_r($data, 1) . '
'); flush(); //print(print_r($content, 1)); flush(); return $form; } catch (Exception $e) { fb_log_exception($e, t('Failed to get details for facebook page %profile_id', array( '%profile_id' => $profile_id, ))); return array( 'error' => array( '#value' => t('Unable to set properties.'), ), ); } } /** * Submit handler for tab config form. */ function fb_tab_config_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { if ($profile_id = $form_state['values']['profile_id']) { fb_tab_write_config($form_state['values']); $data = fb_fql_query($GLOBALS['_fb'], "SELECT page_id, name, pic_small, page_url, type FROM page WHERE page_id=$profile_id"); // FQL, no {curly_brackets} drupal_set_message(t('The tab settings for %page have been updated.', array( '!url' => $data[0]['page_url'], '%page' => $data[0]['name'], ))); } } /* * Store configuration data for a tab by application. */ function fb_tab_write_config(&$row) { if (!isset($row['created'])) $row['created'] = time(); $row['data'] = serialize($row['data']); return drupal_write_record('fb_tab', $row, isset($row['fb_tab_id']) ? array('fb_tab_id') : NULL); } /* * Return configuration of a tab by application (access via 'label') and page ID. * Page ID exists because an app can present different views on different pages. */ function fb_tab_fetch_config($fb_app, $profile_id) { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {fb_tab} WHERE label = '%s' AND profile_id = %d" , $fb_app->label, $profile_id); $row = db_fetch_array($result); if ($row) { $row['data'] = unserialize($row['data']); return $row; } else { return array(); } } /** * This page callback will show the user a list of pages they have authority * to configure. */ function fb_tab_pages() { if ($fbu = fb_facebook_user()) { // @TODO: broken on facebook's end??? this query used to work. $result = fb_fql_query($GLOBALS['_fb'], "SELECT page_id, name, pic_small, page_url, type FROM page WHERE has_added_app=1 AND page_id IN (SELECT page_id FROM page_admin WHERE uid=$fbu)"); // FQL, no {curly_brackets} if (count($result)) { $output['pages'] = array( '#prefix' => '', ); foreach ($result as $data) { $output['pages'][$data['page_id']] = array( '#value' => l($data['name'], fb_tab_config_url($data['page_id'], array('fb_canvas' => fb_is_canvas()))), '#prefix' => '
  • ', '#suffix' => '
  • ', ); } $output['intro'] = array( '#value' => t('Select one of your pages to configure:'), '#prefix' => '

    ', '#suffix' => '

    ', ); } else { $output['intro'] = array( '#value' => t('Found no pages to configure.'), '#prefix' => '

    ', '#suffix' => '

    ', ); } return drupal_render($output); } else { fb_access_denied(); } } /** * Provides the URL of the settings page for a given facebook page. */ function fb_tab_config_url($profile_id = NULL, $options = array()) { if (!$profile_id) { $profile_id = fb_settings(FB_SETTINGS_CB_PAGE); } return url(FB_TAB_PATH_FORM . '/' . $profile_id, $options); }