/** * @file * Javascript behaviors and helpers for modules/fb. */ FB_JS = function(){}; FB_JS.fbu = null; /** * Drupal behaviors hook. * * Called when page is loaded, or content added via javascript. */ Drupal.behaviors.fb = function(context) { // Respond to our jquery pseudo-events var events = jQuery(document).data('events'); if (!events || !events.fb_session_change) { jQuery(document).bind('fb_session_change', FB_JS.sessionChangeHandler); } // Once upon a time, we initialized facebook's JS SDK here, but now that is done in fb_footer(). if (typeof(FB) != 'undefined') { // Render any XFBML markup that may have been added by AJAX. $(context).each(function() { var elem = $(this).get(0); FB.XFBML.parse(elem); }); } FB_JS.showConnectedMarkup(Drupal.settings.fb.fbu, context); // Markup with class .fb_show should be visible if javascript is enabled. .fb_hide should be hidden. jQuery('.fb_hide', context).hide(); jQuery('.fb_show', context).show(); }; if (typeof(window.fbAsyncInit) != 'undefined') { // There should be only one definition of fbAsyncInit! debugger; }; // This function called by facebook's javascript when it is loaded. // http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/ window.fbAsyncInit = function() { if (Drupal.settings.fb) { FB.init(Drupal.settings.fb.fb_init_settings); } if (FB._apiKey) { if (typeof(Drupal.settings.fb.fb_init_settings.authResponse) == 'undefined') { // Check the login status. If offline_access granted, this // is the only way to know if user has logged out of facebook. FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { FB_JS.initFinal(response); }); } else { // With third party cookies disabled, calling getLoginStatus doesnt seem to work. // @TODO: figure out why getLoginStatus fails! Bug on facebook's side? FB_JS.initFinal({'authResponse' : Drupal.settings.fb.fb_init_settings.authResponse}); FB.api('/me', function(response) { // Calling FB.api is unfortunate overhead, but no other way to detect if user has logged out of facebook. if (typeof(response.error) != 'undefined') { // Fake an auth response change so Drupal knows user is logged out. FB_JS.authResponseChange({'authResponse' : null}); } }); } } else { // No application. Not safe to call FB.getLoginStatus(). // We still want to initialize XFBML, third-party modules, etc. FB_JS.initFinal({'authResponse' : null}); } }; /** * Finish initializing, whether there is an application or not. */ FB_JS.initFinal = function(response) { var status = { 'auth': response.authResponse, 'response': response }; jQuery.event.trigger('fb_init', status); // Trigger event for third-party modules. FB_JS.authResponseChange(response); // This will act only if fbu changed. FB_JS.eventSubscribe(); FB.XFBML.parse(); } /** * Tell facebook to notify us of events we may need to act on. */ FB_JS.eventSubscribe = function() { // Use FB.Event to detect Connect login/logout. FB.Event.subscribe('auth.authResponseChange', FB_JS.authResponseChange); // Q: what the heck is "edge.create"? A: the like button was clicked. FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', FB_JS.edgeCreate); } /** * Helper parses URL params. * * http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com/2009/09/get-url-parameters-values-with-jquery.html */ FB_JS.getUrlVars = function(href) { var vars = [], hash; var hashes = href.slice(href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash = hashes[i].split('='); vars[hash[0]] = hash[1]; if (hash[0] != 'fbu') vars.push(hashes[i]); // i.e. "foo=bar" } return vars; } /** * Reload the current page, whether on canvas page or facebook connect. * * append fbsig, a hash of the session data, to avoid infinite reloads * in some cases. */ FB_JS.reload = function(destination) { // Determine url hash. var auth = FB.getAuthResponse(); var fbhash; if (auth != null) fbhash = auth.signedRequest; // Use sig rather than compute a new hash. else fbhash = 0; // Avoid infinite reloads. Still needed? It would be nice to do away with this code if not needed. ///@TODO - does not work on iframe because facebook does not pass url args to canvas frame when cookies not accepted. http://forum.developers.facebook.net/viewtopic.php?id=77236 var vars = FB_JS.getUrlVars(window.location.href); if (vars.fbhash == fbhash) { return; // Do not reload (again) } // Determine where to send user. if (typeof(destination) != 'undefined' && destination) { // Use destination passed in. } else if (typeof(Drupal.settings.fb.reload_url) != 'undefined') { destination = Drupal.settings.fb.reload_url; } else { destination = window.location.href; } // Split and parse destination var path; if (destination.indexOf('?') == -1) { vars = []; path = destination; } else { vars = FB_JS.getUrlVars(destination); path = destination.substr(0, destination.indexOf('?')); } // Add fbhash to params before reload. if (Drupal.settings.fb.reload_url_append_hash) { vars.push('fbhash=' + fbhash); } // Use window.top for iframe canvas pages. destination = vars.length ? (path + '?' + vars.join('&')) : path; if (Drupal.settings.fb.reload_url_fragment) { destination = destination + "#" + Drupal.settings.fb.reload_url_fragment; } // Feedback that entire page may be reloading. // @TODO improve the appearance of this, make it customizable. jQuery('body').prepend('
'); window.top.location = destination; //alert(destination); }; // Facebook pseudo-event handlers. FB_JS.authResponseChange = function(response) { //debugger; if (response.status == 'unknown') { // @TODO can we test if third-party cookies are disabled? } var status = { 'changed': false, 'fbu': null, 'session': response.authResponse, // deprecated, still needed??? 'auth': response.authResponse, // still needed??? 'response' : response }; if (response.authResponse) { status.fbu = response.authResponse.userID; if (Drupal.settings.fb.fbu != status.fbu) { // A user has logged in. status.changed = true; } } else if (Drupal.settings.fb && Drupal.settings.fb.fbu) { // A user has logged out. status.changed = true; } if (status.changed) { // fbu has changed since server built the page. jQuery.event.trigger('fb_session_change', status); // Remember the fbu. Drupal.settings.fb.fbu = status.fbu; FB_JS.showConnectedMarkup(status.fbu); } }; // edgeCreate is handler for Like button. FB_JS.edgeCreate = function(href, widget) { var status = {'href': href}; FB_JS.ajaxEvent('edge.create', status); }; // JQuery pseudo-event handler. FB_JS.sessionChangeHandler = function(context, status) { // Pass data to ajax event. var data = { 'event_type': 'session_change', 'is_anonymous': Drupal.settings.fb.is_anonymous }; if (status.session) { data.fbu = status.session.userID; // Suppress facebook-controlled session. data.fb_session_handoff = true; // Facebook's PHP SDK should find this. We can't rely on cookies being set. //data.signed_request = status.response.authResponse.signedRequest; } FB_JS.ajaxEvent(data.event_type, data); // No need to call window.location.reload(). It will be called from ajaxEvent, if needed. }; // Helper to pass events via AJAX. // A list of javascript functions to be evaluated is returned. FB_JS.ajaxEvent = function(event_type, request_data) { if (Drupal.settings.fb.ajax_event_url) { // Session data helpful in ajax callbacks. See fb_settings.inc. // request_data.fb_js_session = JSON.stringify(FB.getSession()); // FB.getSession() FAILS! REMOVE or REPLACE. if (typeof(Drupal.settings.fb_page_type) != 'undefined') { request_data.fb_js_page_type = Drupal.settings.fb_page_type; } // FB._apikey might be an apikey or might be an appid! if (FB._apiKey == Drupal.settings.fb.fb_init_settings.appId || FB._apiKey == Drupal.settings.fb.fb_init_settings.apiKey) { request_data.apikey = Drupal.settings.fb.fb_init_settings.apiKey; // deprecated request_data.appId = Drupal.settings.fb.fb_init_settings.appId; } // Other values to pass to ajax handler. if (Drupal.settings.fb.controls) { request_data.fb_controls = Drupal.settings.fb.controls; } // In case cookies are not accurate, always pass in signed request. response = FB.getAuthResponse(); if (response) { request_data.signed_request = response.signedRequest; } else { request_data.signedRequest = ''; } jQuery.ajax({ url: Drupal.settings.fb.ajax_event_url + '/' + event_type, data : request_data, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(js_array, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { if (js_array.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < js_array.length; i++) { eval(js_array[i]); } } else { if (event_type == 'session_change') { // No instructions from ajax. Notify interested parties jQuery.event.trigger('fb_session_change_done'); } } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { // Unexpected error (i.e. ajax did not return json-encoded data). var headers = jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders(); // debug info. var responseText = jqXHR.responseText; // debug info. debugger; // @TODO: handle error, but how? } }); } }; /** * Called when we first learn the currently logged in user's Facebook ID. * * Responsible for showing/hiding markup not intended for the current * user. Some sites will choose to render pages with fb_connected and * fb_not_connected classes, rather than reload pages when user's * connect/disconnect. */ FB_JS.showConnectedMarkup = function(fbu, context) { if (context || fbu != FB_JS.fbu) { if (fbu) { FB_JS.fbu = fbu; // Show markup intended only for connected users. jQuery('.fb_not_connected', context).hide(); jQuery('.fb_connected', context).show(); } else { FB_JS.fbu = null; // Show markup intended only for not connected users. jQuery('.fb_connected', context).hide(); jQuery('.fb_not_connected', context).show(); } } };