label . ($fb_app->status ? '' : ' ' . t('(not enabled)')); // About. $row[] = l(isset($fb_app->application_name) ? $fb_app->application_name : $fb_app->label, '' . $fb_app->id); // Canvas Page. if (isset($fb_app->canvas_name) && $fb_app->canvas_name != $fb_app->canvas) { drupal_set_message(t('Canvas page for %label is out of sync! Facebook believes it is %fbcanvas, while our database believes %canvas. Edit and save the application to remedy this.', array('%label' => $fb_app->label, '%fbcanvas' => $fb_app->canvas_name, '%canvas' => $fb_app->canvas)), 'error'); } if ($fb_app->canvas) { $row[] = l($fb_app->canvas, '' . $fb_app->canvas); } else { $row[] = t('n/a'); } // Local Ops $local_links = fb_invoke(FB_ADMIN_OP_LOCAL_LINKS, array('fb_app' => $fb_app), array(t('view') => FB_PATH_ADMIN_APPS . '/' . $fb_app->label, t('sync props') => FB_PATH_ADMIN_APPS . '/' . $fb_app->label . '/fb/set_props', ), FB_ADMIN_HOOK); $links = array(); foreach ($local_links as $title => $href) { $links[] = array( 'title' => $title, 'href' => $href, ); } $row[] = theme('links', $links); // Remote Settings $row[] = l($fb_app->id, '' . $fb_app->id); $rows[] = $row; } $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows); } else { $output = t('Start by creating an application.'); if (!module_exists('fb_app')) { $output .= t('Ensure the Facebook Application module is enabled.'); } else { $output .= t('Click Add Application to continue.', array('!url' => url('admin/build/fb/fb_app_create'))); } } return $output; } function fb_admin_app_page($fb_app = NULL) { fb_get_app_data($fb_app); fb_admin_get_app_properties($fb_app); $fb = fb_api_init($fb_app); // @TODO use an actual theme function and make render more appealing. // Hide a couple things... unset($fb_app->secret); unset($fb_app->data); // Warn user if values have changed since last edit. foreach (array('canvas_name' => 'canvas', 'application_name' => 'title') as $prop => $key) { if (isset($fb_app->$prop) && $fb_app->$prop != $fb_app->$key) { drupal_set_message(t("The property %prop has been changed to %value on facebook. Go to the Edit tab, confirm values are correct and hit Save button to syncronize the local values.", array('%prop' => $prop, '%value' => $fb_app->$prop)), 'error'); } } $props_map = array( t('Name') => 'name', t('Label') => 'label', t('API Key') => 'apikey', t('ID') => 'id', ); $output = "
\n"; $props_map = fb_invoke(FB_ADMIN_OP_LIST_PROPERTIES, array('fb_app' => $fb_app), $props_map, FB_ADMIN_HOOK); foreach ($props_map as $name => $key) { if (isset($fb_app->$key)) { $output .= "
\n"; } } $output .= "
\n"; //$output .= '
' . print_r($fb_app, 1) . '
'; // debug return $output; } function fb_admin_page_title($fb_app) { return $fb_app->label; } /** * Get properties from Facebook. Fills in the data that we need to * know by querying facebook. */ function fb_admin_get_app_properties(&$fb_app) { static $cache; static $props_map; if (!isset($cache)) { $cache = array(); // $props_map = array( t('About URL') => 'about_url', t('Application Name') => 'application_name', t('Edit URL') => 'edit_url', ); $props_map = fb_invoke(FB_ADMIN_OP_LIST_PROPERTIES, array('fb_app' => $fb_app), $props_map, FB_ADMIN_HOOK); } if (!isset($cache[$fb_app->apikey])) { if ($fb = fb_api_init($fb_app)) { try { $props = fb_call_method($fb, 'admin.getAppProperties', array( 'properties' => implode(',', array_values($props_map)), )); $cache[$fb_app->apikey] = $props; } catch (Exception $e) { fb_log_exception($e, t('Failed to get application properties (%label) from Facebook', array('%label' => $fb_app->label))); } } } else { $props = $cache[$fb_app->apikey]; } // Update $fb_app with the values we got from facebook api. foreach ($props_map as $key) { if (isset($props[$key])) { $fb_app->$key = $props[$key]; } } } /** * Convenience method to return a list of all known apps, suitable for * form elements. * */ function fb_admin_get_app_options($include_current = FALSE, $key = 'label') { $apps = fb_get_all_apps(); $options = array(); if ($include_current) $options[FB_APP_CURRENT] = t(''); foreach ($apps as $app) { if ($key == 'apikey') { $options[$app->apikey] = $app->label; } else { $options[$app->label] = $app->label; } } return $options; } function fb_admin_set_properties_form(&$form_state, $fb_app) { $form['fba_id'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $fb_app->fba_id, ); $props = fb_invoke(FB_ADMIN_OP_SET_PROPERTIES, array('fb_app' => $fb_app), array(), FB_ADMIN_HOOK); $form['#fb_props'] = $props; $form['desc'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t('This will attempt to set the following application properties on'), '#prefix' => '

', '#suffix' => '

', ); // @TODO - beautify display of properties. $form['props'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => print_r($props, 1), '#prefix' => '
    '#suffix' => '
', ); $form['desc2'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t('Syncing will also update local settings with values learned from facebook (i.e. if you have changed your canvas page).'), '#prefix' => '

', '#suffix' => '

', ); return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you set properties for %title?', array('%title' => $fb_app->title)), isset($_GET['destination']) ? $_GET['destination'] : FB_PATH_ADMIN_APPS . '/' . $fb_app->label, t('This action cannot be undone.'), t('Sync Properties'), t('Cancel') ); } /** * Button submit function. Use has clicked delete, send them to confirm page. */ function fb_admin_set_properties_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $fba_id = $form_state['values']['fba_id']; $fb_app = fb_get_app(array('fba_id' => $fba_id)); $props = $form['#fb_props']; if ($fb_app && count($props)) { if ($fb = fb_api_init($fb_app)) { try { $result = fb_call_method($fb, 'admin.setAppProperties', array( 'properties' => json_encode($props), )); // Success. $form_state['redirect'] = FB_PATH_ADMIN_APPS . '/' . $fb_app->label; drupal_set_message(t('Note that it may take several minutes for property changes to propagate to all facebook servers.')); if (fb_verbose()) { drupal_set_message(t('Set the following properties for %label application:
', array('%label' => $fb_app->label, '!props' => print_r($props, 1)))); watchdog('fb_app', 'Set facebook app properties for %label.', array('%label' => $fb_app->label, ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view apps'), FB_PATH_ADMIN)); } // Update local data with values learned from facebook. fb_admin_get_app_properties($fb_app); if ($fb_app->fba_id && $fb_app->canvas_name && module_exists('fb_app')) { // @TODO - clean this up or move it to fb_app.module. fb.module should have no knowledge of fb_app table. db_query("UPDATE {fb_app} SET canvas='%s' WHERE fba_id = %d", array( $fb_app->canvas_name, $fb_app->fba_id, )); } } catch (Exception $e) { drupal_set_message(t('Failed to set the following properties for %label application. You may need to manually editing remote settings!
', array('%label' => $fb_app->label, '!props' => print_r($props, 1))), 'error'); fb_log_exception($e, t('Failed to set application properties on Facebook')); } } } } /** * Form callback for general settings. */ function fb_admin_settings() { $form = array(); $form['fb_admin_session'] = array( '#title' => t('Sessions'), '#type' => 'fieldset', '#description' => t('Settings that control authentication and session management when connected to Facebook. These settings are relavant for Apps, but not Social Plugins.', array( '!auth_url' => '', )), '#collapsible' => TRUE, ); $form['fb_admin_session'][FB_VAR_USE_COOKIE] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Set FB Cookie'), '#default_value' => variable_get(FB_VAR_USE_COOKIE, TRUE), '#description' => t('Tell Facebook\'s libraries to set a cookie, named fbs_APIKEY, when user connects. Makes facebook applications run smoother, but fails when third-party cookies are denied by user\'s browser.'), ); $form['fb_admin_session'][FB_VAR_USE_SESSION] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Store tokens in session'), '#default_value' => variable_get(FB_VAR_USE_SESSION, TRUE), '#description' => t('Store tokens and data needed by facebook\'s libraries in Drupal\'s session. Helps applications work even when third-party cookies are denied.'), ); $form['fb_admin_languages'] = array( '#title' => t('Languages and Locales'), '#type' => 'fieldset', '#collapsible' => TRUE, ); $form['fb_admin_languages'][FB_VAR_LANGUAGE_OVERRIDE] = array( '#title' => t("Use locale learned from facebook, if available."), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#return_value' => 'override', '#default_value' => variable_get(FB_VAR_LANGUAGE_OVERRIDE, 'override'), '#description' => t('Otherwise, use the mapping below when the local user\'s language is known.'), ); foreach (language_list() as $language) { $form['fb_admin_languages']['fb_language_'. $language->language] = array( '#title' => t("Assigned Facebook's locale to @language", array('@language' => t($language->name))), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => fb_admin_i18n_list(), '#default_value' => fb_admin_i18n_map($language->language), ); } return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Validates the settings form. */ function fb_admin_settings_validate($form, &$form_state) { $values = $form_state['values']; if (!$values[FB_VAR_USE_COOKIE] && !$values[FB_VAR_USE_SESSION]) { form_set_error('fb_admin_session][' . FB_VAR_USE_SESSION, t('You must select either the FB Cookie option, the store token in session option, or both.')); form_set_error('fb_admin_session][' . FB_VAR_USE_COOKIE); } } /* * Returns a list of valid Facebook language codes. * Helper function * see: */ function fb_admin_i18n_list() { return array( 'af_ZA' => t('Afrikaans'), 'sq_AL' => t('Albanian'), 'ar_AR' => t('Arabic'), 'hy_AM' => t('Armenian'), 'ay_BO' => t('Aymara'), 'az_AZ' => t('Azeri'), 'eu_ES' => t('Basque'), 'be_BY' => t('Belarusian'), 'bn_IN' => t('Bengali'), 'bs_BA' => t('Bosnian'), 'bg_BG' => t('Bulgarian'), 'ca_ES' => t('Catalan'), 'ck_US' => t('Cherokee'), 'hr_HR' => t('Croatian'), 'cs_CZ' => t('Czech'), 'da_DK' => t('Danish'), 'nl_NL' => t('Dutch'), 'nl_BE' => t('Dutch (België)'), 'en_PI' => t('English (Pirate)'), 'en_GB' => t('English (UK)'), 'en_US' => t('English (US)'), 'en_UD' => t('English (Upside Down)'), 'eo_EO' => t('Esperanto'), 'et_EE' => t('Estonian'), 'fo_FO' => t('Faroese'), 'tl_PH' => t('Filipino'), 'fi_FI' => t('Finnish'), 'fb_FI' => t('Finnish (test)'), 'fr_FR' => t('French (France)'), 'fr_CA' => t('French (Canada)'), 'gl_ES' => t('Galician'), 'ka_GE' => t('Georgian'), 'de_DE' => t('German'), 'el_GR' => t('Greek'), 'gn_PY' => t('Guaraní'), 'gu_IN' => t('Gujarati'), 'he_IL' => t('Hebrew'), 'hi_IN' => t('Hindi'), 'hu_HU' => t('Hungarian'), 'is_IS' => t('Icelandic'), 'id_ID' => t('Indonesian'), 'ga_IE' => t('Irish'), 'it_IT' => t('Italian'), 'ja_JP' => t('Japanese'), 'jv_ID' => t('Javanese'), 'kn_IN' => t('Kannada'), 'kk_KZ' => t('Kazakh'), 'km_KH' => t('Khmer'), 'tl_ST' => t('Klingon'), 'ko_KR' => t('Korean'), 'ku_TR' => t('Kurdish'), 'la_VA' => t('Latin'), 'lv_LV' => t('Latvian'), 'fb_LT' => t('Leet Speak'), 'li_NL' => t('Limburgish'), 'lt_LT' => t('Lithuanian'), 'mk_MK' => t('Macedonian'), 'mg_MG' => t('Malagasy'), 'ms_MY' => t('Malay'), 'ml_IN' => t('Malayalam'), 'mt_MT' => t('Maltese'), 'mr_IN' => t('Marathi'), 'mn_MN' => t('Mongolian'), 'ne_NP' => t('Nepali'), 'se_NO' => t('Northern Sámi'), 'nb_NO' => t('Norwegian (bokmal)'), 'nn_NO' => t('Norwegian (nynorsk)'), 'ps_AF' => t('Pashto'), 'fa_IR' => t('Persian'), 'pl_PL' => t('Polish'), 'pt_PT' => t('Portuguese (Portugal)'), 'pt_BR' => t('Portuguese (Brazil)'), 'pa_IN' => t('Punjabi'), 'qu_PE' => t('Quechua'), 'ro_RO' => t('Romanian'), 'rm_CH' => t('Romansh'), 'ru_RU' => t('Russian'), 'sa_IN' => t('Sanskrit'), 'sr_RS' => t('Serbian'), 'zh_CN' => t('Simplified Chinese (China)'), 'sk_SK' => t('Slovak'), 'sl_SI' => t('Slovenian'), 'so_SO' => t('Somali'), 'es_LA' => t('Spanish'), 'es_CL' => t('Spanish (Chile)'), 'es_CO' => t('Spanish (Colombia)'), 'es_MX' => t('Spanish (Mexico)'), 'es_ES' => t('Spanish (Spain)'), 'es_VE' => t('Spanish (Venezuela)'), 'sw_KE' => t('Swahili'), 'sv_SE' => t('Swedish'), 'sy_SY' => t('Syriac'), 'tg_TJ' => t('Tajik'), 'ta_IN' => t('Tamil'), 'tt_RU' => t('Tatar'), 'te_IN' => t('Telugu'), 'th_TH' => t('Thai'), 'zh_HK' => t('Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)'), 'zh_TW' => t('Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)'), 'tr_TR' => t('Turkish'), 'uk_UA' => t('Ukrainian'), 'ur_PK' => t('Urdu'), 'uz_UZ' => t('Uzbek'), 'vi_VN' => t('Vietnamese'), 'cy_GB' => t('Welsh'), 'xh_ZA' => t('Xhosa'), 'yi_DE' => t('Yiddish'), 'zu_ZA' => t('Zulu'), ); } /* * Mapping Drupal language code -> Facebook locale * Helper function */ function fb_admin_i18n_map($lang_code) { $languages_map = array( 'af' => 'af_ZA', 'ar' => 'ar_AR', 'ay' => 'ay_BO', 'az' => 'az_AZ', 'be' => 'be_BY', 'bg' => 'bg_BG', 'bn' => 'bn_IN', 'bs' => 'bs_BA', 'ca' => 'ca_ES', 'cs' => 'cs_CZ', 'cy' => 'cy_GB', 'da' => 'da_DK', 'de' => 'de_DE', 'el' => 'el_GR', 'en' => 'en_US', 'eo' => 'eo_EO', 'es' => 'es_ES', 'et' => 'et_EE', 'eu' => 'eu_ES', 'fa' => 'fa_IR', 'fi' => 'fi_FI', 'fo' => 'fo_FO', 'fr' => 'fr_FR', 'ga' => 'ga_IE', 'gl' => 'gl_ES', 'gn' => 'gn_PY', 'gu' => 'gu_IN', 'he' => 'he_IL', 'hi' => 'hi_IN', 'hr' => 'hr_HR', 'hu' => 'hu_HU', 'hy' => 'hy_AM', 'id' => 'id_ID', 'is' => 'is_IS', 'it' => 'it_IT', 'ja' => 'ja_JP', 'jv' => 'jv_ID', 'ka' => 'ka_GE', 'kk' => 'kk_KZ', 'km' => 'km_KH', 'kn' => 'kn_IN', 'ko' => 'ko_KR', 'ku' => 'ku_TR', 'la' => 'la_VA', 'lt' => 'lt_LT', 'lv' => 'lv_LV', 'mg' => 'mg_MG', 'mk' => 'mk_MK', 'ml' => 'ml_IN', 'mn' => 'mn_MN', 'mr' => 'mr_IN', 'ms' => 'ms_MY', 'mt' => 'mt_MT', 'nb' => 'nb_NO', 'ne' => 'ne_NP', 'nl' => 'nl_BE', 'nn' => 'nn_NO', 'pa' => 'pa_IN', 'pl' => 'pl_PL', 'ps' => 'ps_AF', 'qu' => 'qu_PE', 'rm' => 'rm_CH', 'ro' => 'ro_RO', 'ru' => 'ru_RU', 'sa' => 'sa_IN', 'se' => 'se_NO', 'sk' => 'sk_SK', 'sl' => 'sl_SI', 'so' => 'so_SO', 'sq' => 'sq_AL', 'sr' => 'sr_RS', 'sv' => 'sv_SE', 'sw' => 'sw_KE', 'ta' => 'ta_IN', 'te' => 'te_IN', 'tg' => 'tg_TJ', 'th' => 'th_TH', 'tl' => 'tl_ST', 'tr' => 'tr_TR', 'tt' => 'tt_RU', 'uk' => 'uk_UA', 'ur' => 'ur_PK', 'uz' => 'uz_UZ', 'vi' => 'vi_VN', 'xh' => 'xh_ZA', 'yi' => 'yi_DE', 'zh-hans' => 'zh_CN', 'zh-hant' => 'zh_TW', 'zu' => 'zu_ZA', ); return isset($languages_map[$lang_code]) ? $languages_map[$lang_code] : 'en_US'; }