sortByStatusThenAlphabetically($entities); return $entities; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getDefaultOperations(EntityInterface $entity) { $operations = parent::getDefaultOperations($entity); if ($entity instanceof FacetInterface) { if ($entity->access('update') && $entity->hasLinkTemplate('edit-form')) { $operations['edit'] = array( 'title' => $this->t('Edit'), 'weight' => 10, 'url' => $entity->urlInfo('edit-form'), ); } if ($entity->access('update') && $entity->hasLinkTemplate('display-form')) { $operations['display'] = array( 'title' => $this->t('Display'), 'weight' => 20, 'url' => $entity->urlInfo('display-form'), ); } if ($entity->access('delete') && $entity->hasLinkTemplate('delete-form')) { $operations['delete'] = array( 'title' => $this->t('Delete'), 'weight' => 100, 'url' => $entity->urlInfo('delete-form'), ); } } return $operations; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildHeader() { return [ 'type' => $this->t('Type'), 'title' => [ 'data' => $this->t('Title'), ], 'status' => [ 'data' => $this->t('Enabled'), 'class' => ['checkbox'], ], ] + parent::buildHeader(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity) { /** @var \Drupal\facets\FacetInterface $entity */ $row = parent::buildRow($entity); $status_label = $entity->status() ? $this->t('Enabled') : $this->t('Disabled'); $status_icon = array( '#theme' => 'image', '#uri' => $entity->status() ? 'core/misc/icons/73b355/check.svg' : 'core/misc/icons/e32700/error.svg', '#width' => 18, '#height' => 18, '#alt' => $status_label, '#title' => $status_label, ); return array( 'data' => array( 'type' => array( 'data' => 'Facet', 'class' => array('facets-type'), ), 'title' => array( 'data' => array( '#type' => 'link', '#title' => $entity->getName(), '#suffix' => '
' . $entity->getFieldAlias() . ' - ' . $entity->getWidget() . '
', ) + $entity->urlInfo('edit-form')->toRenderArray(), 'class' => array('search-api-title'), ), 'status' => array( 'data' => $status_icon, 'class' => array('checkbox'), ), 'operations' => $row['operations'], ), 'title' => $this->t('ID: @name', array('@name' => $entity->id())), 'class' => array('facet'), ); } /** * Builds an array of facet sources for display in the overview. */ public function buildFacetSourceRow(array $facet_source = []) { return array( 'data' => array( 'type' => array( 'data' => 'Facet source', 'class' => array('facets-type'), ), 'title' => array( 'data' => $facet_source['id'], ), 'status' => array( 'data' => '', ), 'operations' => array( 'data' => Link::createFromRoute( $this->t('Configure'), 'entity.facets_facet_source.edit_form', ['source_id' => $facet_source['id']] )->toRenderable(), ), ), 'class' => array('facet-source'), ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render() { $groups = $this->loadGroups(); // When no facet sources are found, we should show a message that you can't // add facets yet. if (empty($groups['facet_source_groups'])) { return [ '#markup' => $this->t( 'You currently have no facet sources defined. You should start by adding a facet source before creating facets.
An example of a facet source is a view based on Search API or a Search API page. Other modules can also implement a facet source by providing a plugin that implements the FacetSourcePluginInterface.' ), ]; } $list['#attached']['library'][] = 'facets/drupal.facets.admin_css'; $list['#type'] = 'container'; $list['facet_sources'] = array( '#type' => 'table', '#header' => $this->buildHeader(), '#rows' => array(), '#empty' => $groups['lone_facets'] ? '' : $this->t('There are no facet sources or facets defined.'), '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array( 'facets-groups-list', ), ), ); foreach ($groups['facet_source_groups'] as $facet_source_group) { $list['facet_sources']['#rows'][$facet_source_group['facet_source']['id']] = $this->buildFacetSourceRow($facet_source_group['facet_source']); foreach ($facet_source_group['facets'] as $i => $facet) { $list['facet_sources']['#rows'][$facet->id()] = $this->buildRow($facet); } } // Output the list of facets without a facet source separately. if (!empty($groups['lone_facets'])) { $list['lone_facets']['heading']['#markup'] = '

' . $this->t('Facets not currently associated with any facet source') . '

'; $list['lone_facets']['table'] = array( '#type' => 'table', '#header' => $this->buildHeader(), '#rows' => array(), ); foreach ($groups['lone_facets'] as $entity) { $list['lone_facets']['table']['#rows'][$entity->id()] = $this->buildRow($entity); } } return $list; } /** * Loads facet sources and facets, grouped by facet sources. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface[][] * An associative array with two keys: * - facet sources: All available facet sources, each followed by all facets * attached to it. * - lone_facets: All facets that aren't attached to any facet source. */ public function loadGroups() { $facet_source_plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.facets.facet_source'); $facets = $this->storage->loadMultiple(); $facet_sources = $facet_source_plugin_manager->getDefinitions(); $this->sortByStatusThenAlphabetically($facets); $facet_source_groups = array(); foreach ($facet_sources as $facet_source) { $facet_source_groups[$facet_source['id']] = [ 'facet_source' => $facet_source, 'facets' => [], ]; foreach ($facets as $facet) { /** @var \Drupal\facets\FacetInterface $facet */ if ($facet->getFacetSourceId() == $facet_source['id']) { $facet_source_groups[$facet_source['id']]['facets'][$facet->id()] = $facet; // Remove this facet from $facet so it will finally only contain those // facets not belonging to any facet_source. unset($facets[$facet->id()]); } } } return [ 'facet_source_groups' => $facet_source_groups, 'lone_facets' => $facets, ]; } /** * Sorts an array of entities by status and then alphabetically. * * Will preserve the key/value association of the array. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface[] $entities * An array of config entities. */ protected function sortByStatusThenAlphabetically(array &$entities) { uasort($entities, function (ConfigEntityInterface $a, ConfigEntityInterface $b) { if ($a->status() == $b->status()) { return strnatcasecmp($a->label(), $b->label()); } else { return $a->status() ? -1 : 1; } }); } }