" instead of "=". * * @return bool * A boolean flag indicating if search should exlude selected facets */ public function getExclude(); /** * Returns the plugin name for the url processor. * * @return string * The id of the url processor. */ public function getUrlProcessorName(); /** * Sets a string representation of the Facet source plugin. * * This is usually the name of the Search-api view. * * @param string $facet_source_id * The facet source id. * * @return $this * Returns self. */ public function setFacetSourceId($facet_source_id); /** * Sets the query operator. * * @param string $operator * The query operator being used. */ public function setQueryOperator($operator); /** * Sets the exclude. * * @param bool $exclude * A boolean flag indicating if search should exclude selected facets. */ public function setExclude($exclude); /** * Returns the Facet source id. * * @return string * The id of the facet source. */ public function getFacetSourceId(); /** * Returns the plugin instance of a facet source. * * @return \Drupal\facets\FacetSource\FacetSourcePluginInterface * The plugin instance for the facet source. */ public function getFacetSource(); /** * Returns the facet source configuration object. * * @return \Drupal\facets\FacetSourceInterface * A facet source configuration object. */ public function getFacetSourceConfig(); /** * Loads the facet sources for this facet. * * @param bool|TRUE $only_enabled * Only return enabled facet sources. * * @return \Drupal\facets\FacetSource\FacetSourcePluginInterface[] * An array of facet sources. */ public function getFacetSources($only_enabled = TRUE); /** * Returns an array of processors with their configuration. * * @param bool|TRUE $only_enabled * Only return enabled processors. * * @return \Drupal\facets\Processor\ProcessorInterface[] * An array of processors. */ public function getProcessors($only_enabled = TRUE); /** * Loads this facets processors for a specific stage. * * @param string $stage * The stage for which to return the processors. One of the * \Drupal\facets\Processor\ProcessorInterface::STAGE_* constants. * @param bool $only_enabled * (optional) If FALSE, also include disabled processors. Otherwise, only * load enabled ones. * * @return \Drupal\facets\Processor\ProcessorInterface[] * An array of all enabled (or available, if if $only_enabled is FALSE) * processors that support the given stage, ordered by the weight for that * stage. */ public function getProcessorsByStage($stage, $only_enabled = TRUE); /** * Retrieves this facets's processor configs. * * @return array * An array of processors and their configs. */ public function getProcessorConfigs(); /** * Sets the "only visible when facet source is visible" boolean flag. * * @param bool $only_visible_when_facet_source_is_visible * A boolean flag indicating if the facet should be hidden on a page that * does not show the facet source. * * @return $this * Returns self. */ public function setOnlyVisibleWhenFacetSourceIsVisible($only_visible_when_facet_source_is_visible); /** * Returns the "only visible when facet source is visible" boolean flag. * * @return bool * True when the facet is only shown on a page with the facet source. */ public function getOnlyVisibleWhenFacetSourceIsVisible(); /** * Adds a processor for this facet. * * @param array $processor * An array definition for a processor. */ public function addProcessor(array $processor); /** * Removes a processor for this facet. * * @param string $processor_id * The plugin id of the processor. */ public function removeProcessor($processor_id); /** * Defines the no-results behavior. * * @param array $behavior * The definition of the behavior. */ public function setEmptyBehavior(array $behavior); /** * Returns the defined no-results behavior or NULL if none defined. * * @return array|NULL * The behavior definition or NULL. */ public function getEmptyBehavior(); /** * Returns the configuration of the selected widget. * * @return array * The configuration settings for the widget. */ public function getWidgetConfigs(); /** * Sets the configuration for the widget of this facet. * * @param array $widget_config * The configuration settings for the widget. */ public function setWidgetConfigs(array $widget_config); /** * Returns any additional configuration for this facet, not defined above. * * @return array * An array of additional configuration for the facet. */ public function getFacetConfigs(); /** * Defines any additional configuration for this facet not defined above. * * @param array $facet_config * An array of additional configuration for the facet. */ public function setFacetConfigs(array $facet_config); /** * Returns the weight of the facet. */ public function getWeight(); /** * Sets the weight of the facet. * * @param int $weight * Weight of the facet. */ public function setWeight($weight); }