Drush extras ------------ Drush extras is a place where auxiliary drush commands may be found. Typically, these "extra" commands are not be suitable for drush core due to limitations; for example, some may only support certain platforms, and others might require customization before use. Drush extras welcomes contributions. Installation Instructions ------------------------- Use with drush-4.x or later. $ drush dl drush_extras This will download drush_extras and place it in your $HOME/.drush folder. You may also download the release manually from: http://drupal.org/project/drush_extras You may place drush_extras wherever you want, but if it is not in a standard location for drush commands, you will need to add it to your drush include file search path. See examples/example.drushrc.php in the drush project for more information. Drush extras commands --------------------- Here is a brief overview of the commands available in drush_extras. Please see the help text for more information. PUSHKEY drush pushkey user@host.domain.com Creates an ssh public/private key pair in $HOME/.ssh, if one does not already exist, and then pushes the public key to the specified remote account. The password for the destination account must be entered once to push the key over; after the key has been stored on the remote system, subsequent ssh and remote drush commands may be executed using the public/private key pair for authentication. IN DRUSH EXTRAS because is is Linux / openssl-specific. GREP drush grep '#regex#' --content-types=node Grep through a site's content using PCREs. IN DRUSH EXTRAS because it is only applicable to small sites (greping through enormous databases is impractically slow). BLOCK-CONFIGURE drush block-configure --module=block --delta=0 --region=right --weight=10 drush block-disable --module=block --delta=0 drush block-show Configure, disable or show settings for particular blocks. Here, the --delta is the specific identifier for the desired block in the specified module. You can find it using `drush block-show`, or by inspecting the path in the block configuration form. IN DRUSH EXTRAS because site administration commands are not maintained in drush core. GIVE drush give-node 27 bob drush give-comment 7 bob Change the ownership of a node or a comment. IN DRUSH EXTRAS because site administration commands are not maintained in drush core. MENU-CREATE drush menu-create new_menu "New Menu" "Menu description." drush add-menu-item menu_name "New Link Title" "http://external.com/link/target" menu-list menu-links menu_name Create menus, add menu items, and list existing menus and items. IN DRUSH EXTRAS because site administration commands are not maintained in drush core. SQL-HASH drush sql-hash drush sql-compare @site1 @site2 DEPRECATED This function is extremely inefficient. If you'd like to determine whether the CONTENT of two sites has changed, use the following instead: $ drush @site sql-query --db-prefix 'select max(nid),max(changed) from {node}' Compare the output of this with the target site to see if anything changed. If you must use sql-hash or sql-compare, it is recommended to do so only with the --tables-list option with a small number of tables. For example: $ drush sql-compare @site1 @site2 --tables-list=users Output hash values for each table in the database, or compare two Drupal sites to determine which tables have different content. Run before and after an operation on a Drupal site to track table usage. IN DRUSH EXTRAS because it is only nominally useful. Likely to be removed in future releases.