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    • Greg Anderson's avatar
      #663290 by greg.1.anderson: document allow-additional-options, and also merge... · c2172263
      Greg Anderson authored
      #663290 by greg.1.anderson: document allow-additional-options, and also merge in options from subcommands in the output of Execute a drush command. Run `drush help [command]` to view command-specific help.  Run `drush topic` to read even more
      Global options (see `drush topic core-global-options` for the full list).:
       -r <path>, --root=<path>                  Drupal root directory to use (default: current directory).
       -l,               URI of the drupal site to use (only needed in multisite environments or when
       --uri=             running on an alternate port).
       -v, --verbose                             Display extra information about the command.
       -d, --debug                               Display even more information, including internal messages.
       -y, --yes                                 Assume 'yes' as answer to all prompts.
       -n, --no                                  Assume 'no' as answer to all prompts.
       -s, --simulate                            Simulate all relevant actions (don't actually change the system).
       -p, --pipe                                Emit a compact representation of the command for scripting.
       -h, --help                                This help system.
       --version                                 Show drush version.
       --php                                     The absolute path to your PHP intepreter, if not 'php' in the path.
       --ia                                      Force interactive mode for commands run on multiple targets (e.g. `drush
                                                 @site1,@site2 cc --ia`).
      Core drush commands: (core)
       archive-dump (ard,    Backup your code, files, and database into a single file.
       archive-backup, arb)
       archive-restore       Expand a site archive into a Drupal web site.
       cache-clear (cc)      Clear a specific cache, or all drupal caches.
       cache-get (cg)        Fetch a cached object and display it.
       cache-set (cs)        Cache an object expressed in JSON or var_export() format.
       core-cli (cli)        Enter a new shell optimized for drush use. Returns the exit code of the last command executed in
                             the shell.
       core-config (conf,    Edit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files.
       core-cron (cron)      Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site.
       core-execute (exec,   Execute a shell command. Usually used with a site alias.
       core-rsync (rsync)    Rsync the Drupal tree to/from another server using ssh.
       core-status (status,  Provides a birds-eye view of the current Drupal installation, if any.
       core-topic (topic)    Read detailed documentation on a given topic.
       drupal-directory      Return path to a given module/theme directory.
       help                  Print this help message. See `drush help help` for more options.
       image-flush           Flush all derived images for a given style.
       php-eval (eval, ev)   Evaluate arbitrary php code after bootstrapping Drupal (if available).
       php-script (scr)      Run php script(s).
       search-index          Index the remaining search items without wiping the index.
       search-reindex        Force the search index to be rebuilt.
       search-status         Show how many items remain to be indexed out of the total.
       self-update           Update drush to the latest version, if available.
       shell-alias (sha)     Print all known shell alias records.
       site-alias (sa)       Print site alias records for all known site aliases and local sites.
       site-install (si)     Install Drupal along with modules/themes/configuration using the specified install profile.
       site-ssh (ssh)        Connect to a Drupal site's server via SSH for an interactive session or to run a shell command
       site-upgrade (sup)    Run a major version upgrade for Drupal (e.g. Drupal 6 to Drupal 7).  A copy of the site is made,
                             and then upgraded; the source site is not changed.
       test-clean            Clean temporary tables and files.
       test-run              Run tests. Note that you must use the --uri option.
       updatedb (updb)       Apply any database updates required (as with running update.php).
       variable-delete       Delete a variable.
       variable-get (vget)   Get a list of some or all site variables and values.
       variable-set (vset)   Set a variable.
       version               Show drush version.
       watchdog-delete       Delete watchdog messages.
       (wd-del, wd-delete)
       watchdog-list         Show available message types and severity levels. A prompt will ask for a choice to show
       (wd-list)             watchdog messages.
       watchdog-show         Show watchdog messages.
       (wd-show, ws)
      Runserver commands: (runserver)
       runserver (rs)        Runs a lightweight built in http server for development.
      Drupal on Git (dog) commands: (dog)
       dog-catchup (dogre)   Update an existing dog-managed Drupal site to the latest state recorded in the main collab
       dog-collab            Changes the collab remote to a module, theme or main repository. Useful if one was not set up
                             initially or flexibility is required.
       dog-dl                Download contributed projects from via git cloning and register them into the dog
                             system. This is essentially a wrapper on `drush dl` without the "--version-control*" and
                             "--package-handler*" arguments, as those considerations are handled by dog.
       dog-init              Set up a new dog-managed Drupal instance.
       dog-log               Wrapper on `git log` that helps filter log output to exclude upstream and irrelevant commit
       dog-remove (doggone)  Remove a dog-managed extension from the site. This removes the attached git repository and
                             removes all references to it from dog's metadata.
       dog-revert            Roll back a dog resync operation.
       dog-rollout (dogro)   Roll out a new dog-managed Drupal instance either from an existing dog repository or a raw dog
       dog-rollup (dogru)    Update the dog manifests & metadata, or init them if they have not yet been created.
       dog-upstream-update   Pull updates from upstream and commit them to the collab remote if one exists.
       dog-vet               Inspect and report on the state of the current dog-managed Drupal instance, as it pertains to
      Drush extras: (drush_extras)
       block-configure       Saves single block configuration (ie move block to a region)
       block-disable         Quickly disable a single block
       block-show            Show the configuration options for one or more blocks
       give-comment (gc)     Give ownership of a comment to the specified user.
       give-node (gn)        Give ownership of a node and its most recent revision to the specified user.
       grep (dgrep)          grep through content using PCREs.
       make-make             Create a drush make makefile from an existing site.
       pushkey               Generate a public/private key pair and push the public key to a remote server.
       sql-compare (sqlh)    Show each table that differs in content in any way between two sites.
       sql-hash (sqlh)       Output hash values for each table in the database.  Run before and after an operation on a
                             Drupal site to track table usage.
      Field commands: (field)
       field-clone           Clone a field and all its instances.
       field-create          Create fields and instances. Returns urls for field editing.
       field-delete          Delete a field and its instances.
       field-info            View information about fields, field_types, and widgets.
       field-update          Return URL for field editing web page.
      Project manager commands: (pm)
       pm-disable (dis)      Disable one or more extensions (modules or themes).
       pm-download (dl)      Download projects from or other sources.
       pm-enable (en)        Enable one or more extensions (modules or themes).
       pm-info (pmi)         Show detailed info for one or more extensions (modules or themes).
       pm-list (pml)         Show a list of available extensions (modules and themes).
       pm-refresh (rf)       Refresh update status information.
       pm-releasenotes       Print release notes for given projects.
       pm-releases (rl)      Print release information for given projects.
       pm-uninstall          Uninstall one or more modules.
       pm-update (up)        Update Drupal core and contrib projects and apply any pending database updates (Same as
                             pm-updatecode + updatedb).
       pm-updatecode (upc)   Update Drupal core and contrib projects to latest recommended releases.
      SQL commands: (sql)
       sql-cli (sqlc)        Open a SQL command-line interface using Drupal's credentials.
       sql-connect           A string for connecting to the DB.
       sql-drop              Drop all tables in a given database.
       sql-dump              Exports the Drupal DB as SQL using mysqldump or equivalent.
       sql-query (sqlq)      Execute a query against the site database.
       sql-sync              Copy and import source database to target database. Transfers via rsync.
      User commands: (user)
       user-add-role (urol)  Add a role to the specified user accounts.
       user-block (ublk)     Block the specified user(s).
       user-cancel (ucan)    Cancel a user account with the specified name.
       user-create (ucrt)    Create a user account with the specified name.
       user-information      Print information about the specified user(s).
       user-login (uli)      Display a one time login link for the given user account (defaults to uid 1).
       user-password (upwd)  (Re)Set the password for the user account with the specified name.
       user-remove-role      Remove a role from the specified user accounts.
       user-unblock (uublk)  Unblock the specified user(s).
      All commands in iq: (iq)
       iq-apply-patch        Look up the most recent patch attached to the specified issue, and apply it to its project.
       (patch, ap)
       iq-create-commit-com  Create a commit comment for the specified issue number.
       ment (iqccc, ccc)
       iq-diff (diff, iqd)   Create a diff.
       iq-info (iqi)         Show information about an issue from the queue on
       iq-reset (reset,      Stop working on a patch, and return to the branch point.
      Other commands: (drush_make,drush_make_d_o,rebuild_project_paths)
       convert-makefile      Convert the specified makefile to a friendly format, and verify the converted file.
       make                  Turns a makefile into a working drupal install.
       make-generate         Attempts to generate a makefile from the current Drupal install, specifying project version
       (generate-makefile)   numbers unless not known or otherwise specified. Unversioned projects will be interpreted later
                             by drush make as "most recent stable release"
       make-test             Run a drush make test.
       rebuild-project-path  Rebuilds the system table when you move projects around.
       s (rpp)
       verify-makefile       Verify the specified makefile is in a friendly format.                               .
  10. Aug 03, 2011
  11. Jun 29, 2011
  12. May 19, 2011
  13. May 01, 2011
  14. Feb 25, 2011
  15. Jan 07, 2011
  16. Jan 03, 2011
  17. Dec 30, 2010
  18. Dec 29, 2010
  19. Dec 27, 2010
  20. Dec 24, 2010
  21. Dec 05, 2010
  22. Oct 28, 2010
  23. Oct 05, 2010
  24. Aug 31, 2010
  25. Apr 22, 2010
  26. Mar 26, 2010
  27. Jan 20, 2010
  28. Jan 18, 2010
  29. Dec 06, 2009
  30. Sep 30, 2009
  31. Sep 21, 2009
  32. Apr 15, 2009
  33. Dec 07, 2008
  34. Dec 06, 2008