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  1. Jul 12, 2009
    • Ankur Saxena's avatar
      Completed and Tested ( on - ) Features : · 369c2214
      Ankur Saxena authored
      A. Authentication token fetch using ClientLogin
              1. Make an Admin setting page
              2. Make forms
              3. Submit and show proper drupal messges
              3. Validate the forms and show error as per result
              4. Store thing in database
              5. WatchDog ing and Logging
              6. Permission Layer
              7. Dyanamic scheduling of  cron jobs
              8. Mailing on failure
      The Code needs review.
    • Ankur Saxena's avatar
      Completed and Tested ( on - ) Features : · 837b405d
      Ankur Saxena authored
      A. Authentication token fetch using ClientLogin
              1. Make an Admin setting page
              2. Make forms
              3. Submit and show proper drupal messges
              3. Validate the forms and show error as per result
              4. Store thing in database
              5. WatchDog ing and Logging
              6. Permission Layer
              7. Dyanamic scheduling of  cron jobs
              8. Mailing on failure
      The Code needs review.
      More features very soon