installConfig(array('filter', 'node')); $node_type = entity_create('node_type', array('type' => 'article', 'name' => 'Article')); $node_type->save(); node_add_body_field($node_type); } /** * Creates a node, then tests the tokens generated from it. */ function testNodeTokenReplacement() { $url_options = array( 'absolute' => TRUE, 'language' => $this->interfaceLanguage, ); // Create a user and a node. $account = $this->createUser(); /* @var $node \Drupal\node\NodeInterface */ $node = entity_create('node', array( 'type' => 'article', 'tnid' => 0, 'uid' => $account->id(), 'title' => 'Blinking Text', 'body' => array(array('value' => $this->randomMachineName(32), 'summary' => $this->randomMachineName(16), 'format' => 'plain_text')), )); $node->save(); // Generate and test sanitized tokens. $tests = array(); $tests['[node:nid]'] = $node->id(); $tests['[node:vid]'] = $node->getRevisionId(); $tests['[node:type]'] = 'article'; $tests['[node:type-name]'] = 'Article'; $tests['[node:title]'] = SafeMarkup::checkPlain($node->getTitle()); $tests['[node:body]'] = $node->body->processed; $tests['[node:summary]'] = $node->body->summary_processed; $tests['[node:langcode]'] = SafeMarkup::checkPlain($node->language()->getId()); $tests['[node:url]'] = $node->url('canonical', $url_options); $tests['[node:edit-url]'] = $node->url('edit-form', $url_options); $tests['[node:author]'] = SafeMarkup::checkPlain($account->getUsername()); $tests['[node:author:uid]'] = $node->getOwnerId(); $tests['[node:author:name]'] = SafeMarkup::checkPlain($account->getUsername()); $tests['[node:created:since]'] = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->formatTimeDiffSince($node->getCreatedTime(), array('langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage->getId())); $tests['[node:changed:since]'] = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->formatTimeDiffSince($node->getChangedTime(), array('langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage->getId())); // Test to make sure that we generated something for each token. $this->assertFalse(in_array(0, array_map('strlen', $tests)), 'No empty tokens generated.'); foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) { $output = $this->tokenService->replace($input, array('node' => $node), array('langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage->getId())); $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, format_string('Sanitized node token %token replaced.', array('%token' => $input))); } // Generate and test unsanitized tokens. $tests['[node:title]'] = $node->getTitle(); $tests['[node:body]'] = $node->body->value; $tests['[node:summary]'] = $node->body->summary; $tests['[node:langcode]'] = $node->language()->getId(); $tests['[node:author:name]'] = $account->getUsername(); foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) { $output = $this->tokenService->replace($input, array('node' => $node), array('langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage->getId(), 'sanitize' => FALSE)); $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, format_string('Unsanitized node token %token replaced.', array('%token' => $input))); } // Repeat for a node without a summary. $node = entity_create('node', array( 'type' => 'article', 'uid' => $account->id(), 'title' => 'Blinking Text', 'body' => array(array('value' => $this->randomMachineName(32), 'format' => 'plain_text')), )); $node->save(); // Generate and test sanitized token - use full body as expected value. $tests = array(); $tests['[node:summary]'] = $node->body->processed; // Test to make sure that we generated something for each token. $this->assertFalse(in_array(0, array_map('strlen', $tests)), 'No empty tokens generated for node without a summary.'); foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) { $output = $this->tokenService->replace($input, array('node' => $node), array('language' => $this->interfaceLanguage)); $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, format_string('Sanitized node token %token replaced for node without a summary.', array('%token' => $input))); } // Generate and test unsanitized tokens. $tests['[node:summary]'] = $node->body->value; foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) { $output = $this->tokenService->replace($input, array('node' => $node), array('language' => $this->interfaceLanguage, 'sanitize' => FALSE)); $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, format_string('Unsanitized node token %token replaced for node without a summary.', array('%token' => $input))); } } }