{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation to configure blocks. * * Available variables: * - block_regions: A collection of regions. Keyed by name with the title as value. * - block_listing: A collection of blocks keyed by region and then delta. * - form: The form elements. * * Each block_listing[region] contains a collection of blocks for that region. * - data: Each data in block_listing[region] contains. * - region_title: Region title for the listed block. * - block_title: Block title. * - region_select: Drop-down menu for assigning a region. * - weight_select: Drop-down menu for setting weights. * - operations: Block operations. * * @see template_preprocess() * @see template_preprocess_block_admin_display_form() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% set row = 0 %} {% for region, title in block_regions %} {% for delta, data in block_listing[region] %} {% set row = row + 1 %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{{ 'Block'|t }} {{ 'Region'|t }} {{ 'Weight'|t }} {{ 'Operations'|t }}
{{ title }}
{{ 'No blocks in this region'|t }}
{{ data.block_title }} {{ data.region_select }} {{ data.weight_select }} {{ data.operations }}
{{ form }}