manager = $manager; $this->configurations = $configurations; if (!empty($configurations)) { $instance_ids = array_keys($configurations); $this->instanceIds = array_combine($instance_ids, $instance_ids); // Store the original order of the instance IDs for export. $this->originalOrder = $this->instanceIds; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function initializePlugin($instance_id) { $configuration = $this->configurations[$instance_id] ?? []; if (!isset($configuration[$this->pluginKey])) { throw new PluginNotFoundException($instance_id); } $this->set($instance_id, $this->manager->createInstance($configuration[$this->pluginKey], $configuration)); } /** * Sorts all plugin instances in this collection. * * @return $this */ public function sort() { uasort($this->instanceIds, [$this, 'sortHelper']); return $this; } /** * Provides uasort() callback to sort plugins. */ public function sortHelper($aID, $bID) { $a = $this->get($aID); $b = $this->get($bID); return strnatcasecmp($a->getPluginId(), $b->getPluginId()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConfiguration() { $instances = []; // Store the current order of the instances. $current_order = $this->instanceIds; // Reorder the instances to match the original order, adding new instances // to the end. $this->instanceIds = $this->originalOrder + $current_order; foreach ($this as $instance_id => $instance) { if ($instance instanceof ConfigurableInterface) { $instances[$instance_id] = $instance->getConfiguration(); } else { $instances[$instance_id] = $this->configurations[$instance_id]; } } // Restore the current order. $this->instanceIds = $current_order; return $instances; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setConfiguration($configuration) { if (!is_array($configuration)) { @trigger_error('Calling ' . __METHOD__ . '() with a non-array argument is deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and will fail in drupal:11.0.0. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $configuration = []; } // Track each instance ID as it is updated. $unprocessed_instance_ids = $this->getInstanceIds(); foreach ($configuration as $instance_id => $instance_configuration) { $this->setInstanceConfiguration($instance_id, $instance_configuration); // Remove this instance ID from the list being updated. unset($unprocessed_instance_ids[$instance_id]); } // Remove remaining instances that had no configuration specified for them. foreach ($unprocessed_instance_ids as $unprocessed_instance_id) { $this->removeInstanceId($unprocessed_instance_id); } return $this; } /** * Updates the configuration for a plugin instance. * * If there is no plugin instance yet, a new will be instantiated. Otherwise, * the existing instance is updated with the new configuration. * * @param string $instance_id * The ID of a plugin to set the configuration for. * @param array $configuration * The plugin configuration to set. */ public function setInstanceConfiguration($instance_id, array $configuration) { $this->configurations[$instance_id] = $configuration; $instance = $this->get($instance_id); if ($instance instanceof ConfigurableInterface) { $instance->setConfiguration($configuration); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addInstanceId($id, $configuration = NULL) { parent::addInstanceId($id); if ($configuration !== NULL) { $this->setInstanceConfiguration($id, $configuration); } if (!isset($this->originalOrder[$id])) { $this->originalOrder[$id] = $id; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function removeInstanceId($instance_id) { parent::removeInstanceId($instance_id); unset($this->originalOrder[$instance_id]); unset($this->configurations[$instance_id]); } }