configFactory = $config_factory; $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler; $this->state = $state; $this->infoParser = $info_parser; $this->logger = $logger; $this->cssCollectionOptimizer = $css_collection_optimizer; $this->configInstaller = $config_installer; $this->routeBuilder = $route_builder; $this->extensionDiscovery = $extension_discovery; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getDefault() { return $this->configFactory->get('system.theme')->get('default'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setDefault($name) { $list = $this->listInfo(); if (!isset($list[$name])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$name theme is not enabled."); } $this->configFactory->get('system.theme') ->set('default', $name) ->save(); return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function enable(array $theme_list, $enable_dependencies = TRUE) { $extension_config = $this->configFactory->get('core.extension'); $theme_data = $this->rebuildThemeData(); if ($enable_dependencies) { $theme_list = array_combine($theme_list, $theme_list); if ($missing = array_diff_key($theme_list, $theme_data)) { // One or more of the given themes doesn't exist. throw new \InvalidArgumentException(String::format('Unknown themes: !themes.', array( '!themes' => implode(', ', $missing), ))); } // Only process themes that are not enabled currently. $installed_themes = $extension_config->get('theme') ?: array(); if (!$theme_list = array_diff_key($theme_list, $installed_themes)) { // Nothing to do. All themes already enabled. return TRUE; } $installed_themes += $extension_config->get('disabled.theme') ?: array(); while (list($theme) = each($theme_list)) { // Add dependencies to the list. The new themes will be processed as // the while loop continues. foreach (array_keys($theme_data[$theme]->requires) as $dependency) { if (!isset($theme_data[$dependency])) { // The dependency does not exist. return FALSE; } // Skip already installed themes. if (!isset($theme_list[$dependency]) && !isset($installed_themes[$dependency])) { $theme_list[$dependency] = $dependency; } } } // Set the actual theme weights. $theme_list = array_map(function ($theme) use ($theme_data) { return $theme_data[$theme]->sort; }, $theme_list); // Sort the theme list by their weights (reverse). arsort($theme_list); $theme_list = array_keys($theme_list); } else { $installed_themes = $extension_config->get('theme') ?: array(); $installed_themes += $extension_config->get('disabled.theme') ?: array(); } $themes_enabled = array(); foreach ($theme_list as $key) { // Only process themes that are not already enabled. $enabled = $extension_config->get("theme.$key") !== NULL; if ($enabled) { continue; } // Throw an exception if the theme name is too long. if (strlen($key) > DRUPAL_EXTENSION_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new ExtensionNameLengthException(String::format('Theme name %name is over the maximum allowed length of @max characters.', array( '%name' => $key, '@max' => DRUPAL_EXTENSION_NAME_MAX_LENGTH, ))); } // The value is not used; the weight is ignored for themes currently. $extension_config ->set("theme.$key", 0) ->clear("disabled.theme.$key") ->save(); // Add the theme to the current list. // @todo Remove all code that relies on $status property. $theme_data[$key]->status = 1; $this->addTheme($theme_data[$key]); // Update the current theme data accordingly. $current_theme_data = $this->state->get('', array()); $current_theme_data[$key] = $theme_data[$key]; $this->state->set('', $current_theme_data); // Reset theme settings. $theme_settings = &drupal_static('theme_get_setting'); unset($theme_settings[$key]); // @todo Remove system_list(). $this->systemListReset(); // Only install default configuration if this theme has not been installed // already. if (!isset($installed_themes[$key])) { // The default config installation storage only knows about the currently // enabled list of themes, so it has to be reset in order to pick up the // default config of the newly installed theme. However, do not reset the // source storage when synchronizing configuration, since that would // needlessly trigger a reload of the whole configuration to be imported. if (!$this->configInstaller->isSyncing()) { $this->configInstaller->resetSourceStorage(); } // Install default configuration of the theme. $this->configInstaller->installDefaultConfig('theme', $key); } $themes_enabled[] = $key; // Record the fact that it was enabled. $this->logger->info('%theme theme enabled.', array('%theme' => $key)); } $this->cssCollectionOptimizer->deleteAll(); $this->resetSystem(); // Invoke hook_themes_enabled() after the themes have been enabled. $this->moduleHandler->invokeAll('themes_enabled', array($themes_enabled)); return !empty($themes_enabled); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function disable(array $theme_list) { $list = $this->listInfo(); $theme_config = $this->configFactory->get('system.theme'); foreach ($theme_list as $key) { if (!isset($list[$key])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown theme: $key."); } if ($key === $theme_config->get('default')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current default theme $key cannot be disabled."); } if ($key === $theme_config->get('admin')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current admin theme $key cannot be disabled."); } // Base themes cannot be disabled if sub themes are enabled, and if they // are not disabled at the same time. if (!empty($list[$key]->sub_themes)) { foreach ($list[$key]->sub_themes as $sub_key => $sub_label) { if (isset($list[$sub_key]) && !in_array($sub_key, $theme_list, TRUE)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The base theme $key cannot be disabled, because theme $sub_key depends on it."); } } } } $this->cssCollectionOptimizer->deleteAll(); $extension_config = $this->configFactory->get('core.extension'); $current_theme_data = $this->state->get('', array()); foreach ($theme_list as $key) { // The value is not used; the weight is ignored for themes currently. $extension_config ->clear("theme.$key") ->set("disabled.theme.$key", 0); // Remove the theme from the current list. unset($this->list[$key]); // Update the current theme data accordingly. unset($current_theme_data[$key]); // Reset theme settings. $theme_settings = &drupal_static('theme_get_setting'); unset($theme_settings[$key]); // @todo Remove system_list(). $this->systemListReset(); } $extension_config->save(); $this->state->set('', $current_theme_data); $this->resetSystem(); // Invoke hook_themes_disabled after the themes have been disabled. $this->moduleHandler->invokeAll('themes_disabled', array($theme_list)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function listInfo() { if (!isset($this->list)) { $this->list = array(); $themes = $this->systemThemeList(); // @todo Ensure that systemThemeList() does not contain an empty list // during the batch installer, see if (empty($themes)) { $this->refreshInfo(); $this->list = $this->list ?: array(); $themes = \Drupal::state()->get('', array()); } foreach ($themes as $theme) { $this->addTheme($theme); } } return $this->list; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addTheme(Extension $theme) { // @todo Remove this 100% unnecessary duplication of properties. foreach ($theme->info['stylesheets'] as $media => $stylesheets) { foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet => $path) { $theme->stylesheets[$media][$stylesheet] = $path; } } foreach ($theme->info['libraries'] as $library => $name) { $theme->libraries[$library] = $name; } if (isset($theme->info['engine'])) { $theme->engine = $theme->info['engine']; } if (isset($theme->info['base theme'])) { $theme->base_theme = $theme->info['base theme']; } $this->list[$theme->getName()] = $theme; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function refreshInfo() { $this->reset(); $extension_config = $this->configFactory->get('core.extension'); $enabled = $extension_config->get('theme'); // @todo Avoid re-scanning all themes by retaining the original (unaltered) // theme info somewhere. $list = $this->rebuildThemeData(); foreach ($list as $name => $theme) { if (isset($enabled[$name])) { $this->list[$name] = $theme; } } $this->state->set('', $this->list); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function reset() { $this->systemListReset(); $this->list = NULL; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rebuildThemeData() { $listing = $this->getExtensionDiscovery(); $themes = $listing->scan('theme'); $engines = $listing->scan('theme_engine'); $extension_config = $this->configFactory->get('core.extension'); $enabled = $extension_config->get('theme') ?: array(); // Set defaults for theme info. $defaults = array( 'engine' => 'twig', 'regions' => array( 'sidebar_first' => 'Left sidebar', 'sidebar_second' => 'Right sidebar', 'content' => 'Content', 'header' => 'Header', 'footer' => 'Footer', 'highlighted' => 'Highlighted', 'help' => 'Help', 'page_top' => 'Page top', 'page_bottom' => 'Page bottom', ), 'description' => '', 'features' => $this->defaultFeatures, 'screenshot' => 'screenshot.png', 'php' => DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHP, 'stylesheets' => array(), 'libraries' => array(), ); $sub_themes = array(); $files = array(); // Read info files for each theme. foreach ($themes as $key => $theme) { // @todo Remove all code that relies on the $status property. $theme->status = (int) isset($enabled[$key]); $theme->info = $this->infoParser->parse($theme->getPathname()) + $defaults; // Add the info file modification time, so it becomes available for // contributed modules to use for ordering theme lists. $theme->info['mtime'] = $theme->getMTime(); // Invoke hook_system_info_alter() to give installed modules a chance to // modify the data in the .info.yml files if necessary. // @todo Remove $type argument, obsolete with $theme->getType(). $type = 'theme'; $this->moduleHandler->alter('system_info', $theme->info, $theme, $type); if (!empty($theme->info['base theme'])) { $sub_themes[] = $key; // Add the base theme as a proper dependency. $themes[$key]->info['dependencies'][] = $themes[$key]->info['base theme']; } // Defaults to 'twig' (see $defaults above). $engine = $theme->info['engine']; if (isset($engines[$engine])) { $theme->owner = $engines[$engine]->getExtensionPathname(); $theme->prefix = $engines[$engine]->getName(); } // Prefix stylesheets and screenshot with theme path. $path = $theme->getPath(); $theme->info['stylesheets'] = $this->themeInfoPrefixPath($theme->info['stylesheets'], $path); if (!empty($theme->info['screenshot'])) { $theme->info['screenshot'] = $path . '/' . $theme->info['screenshot']; } $files[$key] = $theme->getPathname(); } // Build dependencies. // @todo Move into a generic ExtensionHandler base class. // @see $themes = $this->moduleHandler->buildModuleDependencies($themes); // Store filenames to allow system_list() and drupal_get_filename() to // retrieve them without having to scan the filesystem. $this->state->set('system.theme.files', $files); // After establishing the full list of available themes, fill in data for // sub-themes. foreach ($sub_themes as $key) { $sub_theme = $themes[$key]; // The $base_themes property is optional; only set for sub themes. // @see ThemeHandlerInterface::listInfo() $sub_theme->base_themes = $this->getBaseThemes($themes, $key); // empty() cannot be used here, since ThemeHandler::doGetBaseThemes() adds // the key of a base theme with a value of NULL in case it is not found, // in order to prevent needless iterations. if (!current($sub_theme->base_themes)) { continue; } // Determine the root base theme. $root_key = key($sub_theme->base_themes); // Build the list of sub-themes for each of the theme's base themes. foreach (array_keys($sub_theme->base_themes) as $base_theme) { $themes[$base_theme]->sub_themes[$key] = $sub_theme->info['name']; } // Add the theme engine info from the root base theme. if (isset($themes[$root_key]->owner)) { $sub_theme->info['engine'] = $themes[$root_key]->info['engine']; $sub_theme->owner = $themes[$root_key]->owner; $sub_theme->prefix = $themes[$root_key]->prefix; } } return $themes; } /** * Prefixes all values in an .info.yml file array with a given path. * * This helper function is mainly used to prefix all array values of an * .info.yml file property with a single given path (to the module or theme); * e.g., to prefix all values of the 'stylesheets' properties * with the file path to the defining module/theme. * * @param array $info * A nested array of data of an .info.yml file to be processed. * @param string $path * A file path to prepend to each value in $info. * * @return array * The $info array with prefixed values. * * @see _system_rebuild_module_data() * @see self::rebuildThemeData() */ protected function themeInfoPrefixPath(array $info, $path) { foreach ($info as $key => $value) { // Recurse into nested values until we reach the deepest level. if (is_array($value)) { $info[$key] = $this->themeInfoPrefixPath($info[$key], $path); } // Unset the original value's key and set the new value with prefix, using // the original value as key, so original values can still be looked up. else { unset($info[$key]); $info[$value] = $path . '/' . $value; } } return $info; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getBaseThemes(array $themes, $theme) { return $this->doGetBaseThemes($themes, $theme); } /** * Finds the base themes for the specific theme. * * @param array $themes * An array of available themes. * @param string $theme * The name of the theme whose base we are looking for. * @param array $used_themes * (optional) A recursion parameter preventing endless loops. Defaults to * an empty array. * * @return array * An array of base themes. */ protected function doGetBaseThemes(array $themes, $theme, $used_themes = array()) { if (!isset($themes[$theme]->info['base theme'])) { return array(); } $base_key = $themes[$theme]->info['base theme']; // Does the base theme exist? if (!isset($themes[$base_key])) { return array($base_key => NULL); } $current_base_theme = array($base_key => $themes[$base_key]->info['name']); // Is the base theme itself a child of another theme? if (isset($themes[$base_key]->info['base theme'])) { // Do we already know the base themes of this theme? if (isset($themes[$base_key]->base_themes)) { return $themes[$base_key]->base_themes + $current_base_theme; } // Prevent loops. if (!empty($used_themes[$base_key])) { return array($base_key => NULL); } $used_themes[$base_key] = TRUE; return $this->doGetBaseThemes($themes, $base_key, $used_themes) + $current_base_theme; } // If we get here, then this is our parent theme. return $current_base_theme; } /** * Returns an extension discovery object. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery * The extension discovery object. */ protected function getExtensionDiscovery() { if (!isset($this->extensionDiscovery)) { $this->extensionDiscovery = new ExtensionDiscovery(); } return $this->extensionDiscovery; } /** * Resets some other systems like rebuilding the route information or caches. */ protected function resetSystem() { if ($this->routeBuilder) { $this->routeBuilder->setRebuildNeeded(); } $this->systemListReset(); // @todo It feels wrong to have the requirement to clear the local tasks // cache here. Cache::deleteTags(array('local_task' => 1)); $this->themeRegistryRebuild(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getName($theme) { $themes = $this->listInfo(); if (!isset($themes[$theme])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(String::format('Requested the name of a non-existing theme @theme', array('@theme' => $theme))); } return String::checkPlain($themes[$theme]->info['name']); } /** * Wraps system_list_reset(). */ protected function systemListReset() { system_list_reset(); } /** * Wraps drupal_theme_rebuild(). */ protected function themeRegistryRebuild() { drupal_theme_rebuild(); } /** * Wraps system_list(). * * @return array * A list of themes keyed by name. */ protected function systemThemeList() { return system_list('theme'); } }