getComposer()->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir'); // We need the root package so we can add our classmaps to its loader. $package = $event->getComposer()->getPackage(); // We need the local repository so that we can query and see if it's likely // that our files are present there. $repository = $event->getComposer()->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); // This is, essentially, a null constraint. We only care whether the package // is present in the vendor directory yet, but findPackage() requires it. $constraint = new Constraint('>', ''); // It's possible that there is no classmap specified in a custom project // composer.json file. We need one so we can optimize lookup for some of our // dependencies. $autoload = $package->getAutoload(); if (!isset($autoload['classmap'])) { $autoload['classmap'] = []; } // Check for packages used prior to the default classloader being able to // use APCu and optimize them if they're present. // @see \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel::boot() if ($repository->findPackage('symfony/http-foundation', $constraint)) { $autoload['classmap'] = array_merge($autoload['classmap'], [ $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-foundation/Request.php', $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-foundation/RequestStack.php', $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-foundation/ParameterBag.php', $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-foundation/FileBag.php', $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-foundation/ServerBag.php', $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-foundation/HeaderBag.php', $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-foundation/HeaderUtils.php', ]); } if ($repository->findPackage('symfony/http-kernel', $constraint)) { $autoload['classmap'] = array_merge($autoload['classmap'], [ $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php', $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernelInterface.php', $vendor_dir . '/symfony/http-kernel/TerminableInterface.php', ]); } if ($repository->findPackage('symfony/dependency-injection', $constraint)) { $autoload['classmap'] = array_merge($autoload['classmap'], [ $vendor_dir . '/symfony/dependency-injection/ContainerInterface.php', ]); } if ($repository->findPackage('psr/container', $constraint)) { $autoload['classmap'] = array_merge($autoload['classmap'], [ $vendor_dir . '/psr/container/src/ContainerInterface.php', ]); } $package->setAutoload($autoload); } /** * Fires the drupal-phpunit-upgrade script event if necessary. * * @param \Composer\Script\Event $event * The event. * * @internal */ public static function upgradePHPUnit(Event $event) { $repository = $event->getComposer()->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); // This is, essentially, a null constraint. We only care whether the package // is present in the vendor directory yet, but findPackage() requires it. $constraint = new Constraint('>', ''); $phpunit_package = $repository->findPackage('phpunit/phpunit', $constraint); if (!$phpunit_package) { // There is nothing to do. The user is probably installing using the // --no-dev flag. return; } // If the PHP version is 7.4 or above and PHPUnit is less than version 9 // call the drupal-phpunit-upgrade script to upgrade PHPUnit. if (!static::upgradePHPUnitCheck($phpunit_package->getVersion())) { $event->getComposer() ->getEventDispatcher() ->dispatchScript('drupal-phpunit-upgrade'); } } /** * Determines if PHPUnit needs to be upgraded. * * This method is located in this file because it is possible that it is * called before the autoloader is available. * * @param string $phpunit_version * The PHPUnit version string. * * @return bool * TRUE if the PHPUnit needs to be upgraded, FALSE if not. * * @internal */ public static function upgradePHPUnitCheck($phpunit_version) { return !(version_compare(PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . PHP_MINOR_VERSION, '7.4') >= 0 && version_compare($phpunit_version, '9.0') < 0); } }