The libraries listed here are the only ones we officially depend on. Anything else is either provided only for development purposes or an implicit dependency that may be removed in the future, if it is properly decoupled from the packages depending on it. doctrine/common doctrine/annotations easyrdf/easyrdf egulias/email-validator fabpot/goutte guzzlehttp/guzzle masterminds/html5 stack/builder symfony/class-loader symfony/console symfony/dependency-injection symfony/event-dispatcher symfony/http-foundation symfony/http-kernel symfony/routing symfony/serializer symfony/validator symfony/process symfony/yaml symfony-cmf/routing symfony/psr-http-message-bridge twig/twig zendframework/zend-diactoros zendframework/zend-feed If you are writing code that depends on a library not listed here, you should add it explicitly as a dependency yourself in your own "composer.json" file.