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  1. Jun 30, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · e6a67118
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Made search.php a module, being search.module.
      - Updated the permission names to be more consistent.
      - Small improvement to node.php.
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · f56e7453
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Tidied up and node.php a bit.
      - Fixed annoyance in
  2. Jun 29, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 9c43e8fc
      Dries Buytaert authored
      Extremely large commit:
      - Fixed tiny quote problem in account.php.
      - Fixed tiny bug in
      - Fixed tiny bug in comment.module.
      - Fixed tiny bug in meta.module.
      - Simplified user_access() API.
      - Rewrote link system: still needs fine-tuning and testing so don't
        upgrade if you are running a production site. ;)
        Updated all modules and themes to reflect this change.  All other
        themes and modules need updating too!
  3. Jun 22, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b6820fe4
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Fixed typo in node.php (patch by Simone).
      - Fixed type in 2.00-to-x.xx.sql (patch by Simone).
  4. Jun 20, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 72065fb8
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Added a brand-new access.module which allows you to manage 'roles'
        (groups) and 'permissions' ... (inspired by Zope's system).
          + Once installed, click the help-link for more information.
          + See updates/2.00-to-x.xx.sql for the SQL updates.
      - Modified loads of code to use our new access.module.  The system
        still has to mature though: new permissions have to be added and
        existing permissions need stream-lining.  Awaiting suggestions.
      - As a direct result of the new access system, I had to rewrite the
        way the top-level links in admin.php are rendered and displayed,
        and xhtml-ified admin.php while I was at it.
      - Home-brewed modules need updating, home-brewed themes not.
        (Examples: file.module, trip_link.module)
      - As soon we *finished* the refactoring of the user system (KJ has
        been working on this refactoring already) we should consider to
        embed this role and permission code into account.module ...
  5. Jun 15, 2001
    • natrak's avatar
      Changes · a7fddeb8
      natrak authored
      - Modified to use form_*() functions. Might have some
        side-effects I haven't found yet. Report any problems.
  6. May 20, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 532233a9
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Removed includes/ it has been integrated in
      - Fixed a bug in node.php: UnConeD forgot to update 1 node_get_object().
      - I changed the look of theme_morelink() a bit: it might not look better,
        but at least the output is "correct".
      - Various small improvements.
    • Steven Wittens's avatar
      - Changed the node_get_object() and node_get_array() functions to allow multiple conditions · 27496c46
      Steven Wittens authored
      - Added the "delete" hook for node-modules. When called, a module should do additional clean-up if necessary.
      - Updated all node-modules
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      CHANGES · 20397ad3
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Redid settings.module and even renamed it to conf.module.
          * Settings are now grouped in basic categories like "system
            settings", "module settings" and "filters".
        * Added new settings to make Drupal easier to configure and
        to make some aspects like the watchdog scale better.
      - Renamed includes/settings.php to includes/conf.php.
      - Added filter support to conf.module and introduced filter hooks so
        modules can implement and export new filters.  Example filters are
        an HTML filter (implemented), a profanity filter, an url converter,
        ASCII smileys to images filter and so on ...
      - Reworked the check_* functions: user contributed content/input is
        only verified and filtered once in its lifespan.
      - Altough this is a large commit, no database changes are required.
  7. Apr 29, 2001
    • natrak's avatar
      Fixes · c8d16d76
      natrak authored
       - Changed include "includes/"; to include_once
         "includes/"; Including the common file more than once will
         cause bad things.
  8. Apr 16, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b1c66cb5
      Dries Buytaert authored
      Another big update so please read this carefully because there is important information hidden in it.
      Made it so that we can disable/enable comments on a category by category basis. In order to accomplish this I had to make a few (*temporary*) changes.
      I moved all comment code from the "module level" (eg. story.module) to the "node level".  It was nothing but the logical next step in nodifying drupal.  This enables us to add comments to all existing content types including book entries.  But also for book entries, this to can be toggled on and off. :-)
      Moreover module writers don't have to worry about the complex comment logic: it is "abstracted" away.  This implies that story.module got smaller, faster and easier to comprehend. :-)
      In order to accomplish this, I had to update ALL THEMES, which I did - and on my way I updated Goofy, Oranzh and UnConeD - with the previous changes.  All themes are up-to-date now!  I also had to remove the [ reply to this story ] links, and temporally re-introcuded the "Add comment" button in the "Comment control".  Tempora lly that is, UnConeD. ;)
      I plan to upgrade either tommorow or wednesday so test away if you have some time to kill. ;)
      Oh, I also fixed a few bugs and made various small improvements.
  9. Apr 15, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 1f056580
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - improved submit.php:
        it now uses the new category code, incl content bindings.
        You can setup different "categories" which map on a content
        type.  Example:
          review   -> review.module
          article  -> story.module
          column   -> story.module
          announc. -> story.module
          addons   -> file.module
          themes   -> file.module
      - "generalised" story.module and book.module's output.
      - fixed bug in includes/
      - fixed glitch in theme example.theme: it said "$how by" but
        the variable $how has never been declared.
      - added "drupal development settings" to display some timings
      - more work on the categories/topics -> does NOT work yet
  10. Apr 04, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 7fac91c2
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - various smaller improvements
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 8d249c5f
      Dries Buytaert authored
      Last night's updates:
       - improved "track": it has now 2 boxes, one for "track
         comments" and one for "track nodes"
       - various small improvements to the book module based on the
         feedback we got.
       - fixed typo in moderation module
       - ...
  11. Mar 31, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · d1a07a2e
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - fixed "you-have-to-logout-and-login-before-permissions-change" bug
        (reported by UnConeD)
      - added "add node" link to book selection box and made it display the
        current location
      - removed tabs and whitespaces from themes - done automatically
  12. Mar 29, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 8588850d
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - forgot to remove a debug statement
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 04ad9b8a
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - fixed issue depricated call-by-reference issues
      - fixed small visual glitch in includes/
      - changed SQL tables around a bit to be more consistent
        (result: small changes to a lot of different files)
      - improved robustness of includes/
      - improved output of cron.module
      - improved output of node.php
  13. Mar 28, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 3f2b0e0b
      Dries Buytaert authored
      Flushing my backlog (in case Natrak wants to make more changes):
       - tidied up some of the code
       - fixed a small problems
  14. Mar 25, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 1f798630
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - large commit of everything else that has been queued in my backlog:
        it's not 100% stable yet
  15. Mar 24, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · fd659b51
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - some preliminary node code for the "node frenzy noders"(tm)