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  1. Feb 15, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 4b0b2d02
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Patch by Steven: removed redundant permission checks.  These are no longer
        required thanks to the new 404 handling.
  2. Feb 08, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · bc8057df
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Patch #5613 by Goba: fixed translation issue with archive module and removed
        some locale module code that is now part of extractor.php.
  3. Feb 07, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      - First batch of profile module improvements: · 5a8129e0
      Dries Buytaert authored
         + Tidied up the profile configuration page: grouped form elements.
         + Tidied up the block configuration settings: removed hard-coded
         + Changed the profile API to return the preferred group name, and
           changed the user module to group settings.  Modules implementing
           the _user hook will need to be udpated.
         + Removed register_form and register_validate for now.
  4. Feb 01, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · dc938c53
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Patch #5567 by Goba: fixed t() functions, cleanup of locale module's help,
        fixed translation issues in taxonomy module, etc.
  5. Jan 26, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 10e8da69
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Patch 5246 by Stefan: usability improvements for the locale module.
  6. Jan 11, 2004
  7. Dec 28, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 7e67d991
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Locale module improvements: better performance, reduce memory footprint.
        Patch by Bart.
  8. Dec 17, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · d5c80264
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Updated the calls to menu() to use MENU_HIDE instead of 1
  9. Dec 08, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      - Improvements by Goba: · 712a30b5
      Dries Buytaert authored
        + removes the lots of pagers and indirect pager themeing
        + add the theme_pager() function, which should be called as
          theme("pager", ...) to get a pager.
  10. Dec 01, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 4e2c0b25
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Introduced a drupal_set_message() and drupal_get_message() function.
        Contributed themes and modules need to be updated:
         - modules: status() is no more; use drupal_set_message() instead.
         - themes: use drupal_get_message() to check for status messages and
           visualize them.
  11. Nov 25, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · c0494c0a
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Committed phase 4 of JonBob's menu system changes.
  12. Nov 20, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 4bdac433
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Patch by JonBob:
        Phase 2 of the menu system integration project. This unifies the interface
        used by admin and non-admin pages, and deprecates the _page hook in favor of
        explicit callbacks from menu(). Breadcrumbs, titles, and help text go away
        as a result of this patch; they will return in the phase 3 patch, printed
        by the theme.
  13. Nov 13, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 36bb5755
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - table(...) -> theme("table", ...)
  14. Nov 07, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · ef0fa006
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Usability improvement: replaced many selection boxes by radio buttons.
        Patch by Stefan.
  15. Nov 05, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 6735be09
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Bugfix: PostgreSQL problem with locale module.   Fixed bug #3900.  Patch #139
        by Gerhard.
      - Forum module improvements.  Patch #138 by Ax.
  16. Oct 09, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b11d99fe
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Fixed bug #3564: missing check in locale module.
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 1a5fcacd
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Committed part 3 of Michael's help system improvements: removed the $help
        parameter from the menu() function.
  17. Oct 07, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 22c889e7
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Help system improvements: eliminated the _system hook.  Patch by Michael.
      - Bloggerapi module fixes.  Patch by Kjartan.
      - Coding style fixes.  Patch by Michael.
  18. Oct 05, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 87fe2d42
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Bugfix: fixed print problem.  Patch by Gabor.
  19. Oct 03, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 6b2038d7
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Removed a debug statement from the locale module.  Thanks Gobar.
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 058971c3
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Help improvements and translation improvements from Michael.  Thanks!
  20. Sep 30, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 392304da
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Moved the locale settings from the user module to the locale module.
        Patch by Stefan.
      - Moved the theme settings from the user module to the system module and
        made the code more intelligent.  Patch by Stefan.
  21. Sep 28, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · c8b28009
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Made sure all menu items can be translated.  Path by Goba.
  22. Sep 26, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · f104d3cc
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Committed the admin menu integration patch.  Thanks Adrian, Stefan and others.
  23. Sep 23, 2003
  24. Sep 19, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 2fbc7fcf
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Committed a partial administration page integration patch.
  25. Sep 03, 2003
  26. Aug 30, 2003
  27. Aug 21, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 022db9a2
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Updated the locale module to the new help system.  Patch from Michael.
  28. Jul 10, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 337b3c9d
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Committed a slightly modified version of Slavica's table prefix patch.
  29. Jul 09, 2003
  30. Jun 17, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · cc837807
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Bugfix: made searching locale strings work.  Patch by Al.  Fixes bug #1986.
  31. Jun 15, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 10e1c075
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Bugfix: locale module fix for bug # 1822 (translated/untranslated and search
        issues).  Patch #12 by Al.
  32. Jun 12, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 1a257603
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Bugfix: charset fixes/clean-up.  Patch #52 by Al.
      - Improvement: renamed some theme functions of the forum module for sake of consistency/readability.  Patch #2 by Kristjan.
      - Improvement: usability improvements to the Xtemplate theme.  Patch #3 by Kristjan.
      - Improvement: CSS'ified the book module pages.  Patch #3 by Al.  (I simplified the "l
      ocation" part.  Al's approach gave you a bit more power but I'm not sure anyone wants
      to change that.  Besides, this will change as soon we integrate the menu system so I kept it easy for now.)
  33. Jun 11, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 3b8c99d9
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Bugfix: fixed the CREATE FUNCTION in database.mssql as it needs to be prefixed with GO for some obscure reason.  Patch by Kjartan.
      - Bugfix: fixed the defaults for blocks in database.mssql so the NOT NULL fields get values.  Patch by Kjartan.
      - Bugfix: changed check_form() to use htmlspecialchars() instead of drupal_specialchars() as this caused Drupal to emit incorrect form items in presence of quotes.  Example:
        <input type="submit" class="form-submit" name="op" value="Submit "top nodes" block changes" />
        IMO, drupal_specialchars() is better called xmlspecialchars() to avoid confusion.
      - Bugfix: when an anonymous user visits a site, they shouldn't see any content (except the login block, if it is enabled) unless they have the "access content" permissions.  Patch by Matt Westgate.
      - Improvement: improved the error checking and the error messages in the profile module.  Updated the code to match the Drupal coding conventions.  Modified patch from Matt Westgate.
      - Improvement: don't generate the <base href=""> tag in the base theme; it is already emitted by theme_head().  Patch by Kristjan.
      - Improvement: don't execute any SQL queries when checking the permissions of user #1.  Patch by Kjartan.
      - Improvement: made a scalable layout form that works in IE and that behaves better with narrow themes.  Part of patch #51 by Al.
      - Improvement: removed some redundant print statements from the comment module.  Modified patch from Craig Courtney.
  34. Jun 05, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 522ed4d6
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - More charset patches by Al.
  35. Jun 04, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 355d25e7
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Bugfix: renamed the SQL field 'types' to 'nodes' because 'types' is a reserved keyword in MySQL 4.  This fixes critical bug #1618.  Patch by Marco.
        ==> This fix requires to run update.php!
      - Bugfix: made sessions work without warnings when register_globals is turned off. The solution is to use $_SESSION instead of session_register().  This fixes critical bug #1797.  Patch by Marco.
      - Bugfix: sometimes error messages where being discarded when previewing a node.  Patch by Craig Courtney.
      - Bugfix: fixed charset problems.  This fixes critical bug #1549.  Patch '0023.charset.patch' by Al.
      - Code improvements: removed some dead code from the comment module.  Patch by Marco.
      - Documentation improvements: polished the node module help texts and form descriptions.  Patch '' by Al.
      - CSS improvements all over the map!  Patch '0021.more.css.patch' by Al.
      - GUI improvements: improved the position of Druplicon in the admin menu.  Patch '0020.admin.logo.patch' by Al.
      - GUI improvements: new logos for theme Marvin and theme UnConeD.  Logos by Kristjan Jansen.
      - GUI improvements: small changes to the output emitted by the profile module.  Suggestions by Steven Wittens.
      - GUI improvements: small fixes to Xtemplate.  Patch '0022.xtemplate.css.patch' by Al.
      - Some modules such as the buddy list module and the annotation module in the contributions repository are also using session_register().  They should be updated.  We should setup a task on Drupal.
      - There is code emitting '<div align="right">' which doesn't validate.
      - Does our XML feeds validate with the charset changes?
      - The forum module's SQL doesn't work properly on PostgreSQL.
  36. Jun 02, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 54774aa8
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Removed the module field from the locale search form.  It won't work and
        there is no easy replacement.
      - Wrapped the strings in htmlentities() such that one can see the HTML.
  37. May 29, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 8d2b1238
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Michael Frankowski's excellent help text improvements!
  38. May 13, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · c2d2fb73
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme.  Patch by Michael Frankowski.
      - Fixed a typo in the MSSQL database scheme.  Patch by Michael Frankowski.
      - Removed dependency on "register_globals = on"!  Patches by Michael Frankowski.
        + Updated the patches to use $foo["bar"] instead of $foo['bar'].
        + Updated the INSTALL and CHANGELOG files as well.
      - Tiny improvement to the "./scripts/" script.