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  1. Feb 25, 2011
  2. Jan 04, 2008
  3. Oct 21, 2007
  4. Sep 12, 2007
  5. Jun 08, 2007
  6. Jun 01, 2007
  7. May 04, 2007
    • Gábor Hojtsy's avatar
      #127539: progressive operation support, refactoring update.php code to a... · c740ac7f
      Gábor Hojtsy authored
      #127539: progressive operation support, refactoring update.php code to a generic batch API to support runnning operations in multiple HTTP requests
        - update.php is already on the batch API
        - node access rebuilding is in the works
        - automatic locale importing is in the works
       Thanks to Yves Chedemois (yched) for the good code quality, very wide awareness of issues related to batches,
       and the fantastic turnaround times. Hats off.
  8. Dec 14, 2006
  9. Dec 12, 2006
  10. Oct 14, 2006
  11. Aug 31, 2006
  12. Mar 28, 2006
  13. Mar 09, 2006
  14. Mar 01, 2006
  15. Feb 05, 2006
  16. Jan 12, 2006
  17. Dec 21, 2005
  18. Dec 19, 2005
  19. Dec 06, 2005
  20. Sep 07, 2005
    • Steven Wittens's avatar
      Fixes for AJAX/JS stuff in Konqueror: · 7f73c2bf
      Steven Wittens authored
      - Fix collapsible fieldsets (broken since to 'IE5 icons alignment' fix)
      - Fix JS upload (broken due to mysterious form submission abortion bug)
      Thanks Bèr for letting me use VNC :).
  21. Aug 31, 2005
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      - Patch #28483 by Steven: JavaScript enabled uploading. · e03ce2f9
      Dries Buytaert authored
        Comment from Steven: It does this by redirecting the submission of the form to a hidden <iframe> when you click "Attach" (we cannot submit data through Ajax directly because you cannot read file contents from JS for security reasons).  Once the file is submitted, the upload-section of the form is updated.  Things to note:
          * The feature degrades back to the current behaviour without JS.
          * If there are errors with the uploaded file (disallowed type, too big, ...), they are displayed at the top of the file attachments fieldset.
          * Though the hidden-iframe method sounds dirty, it's quite compact and is 100% implemented in .js files. The drupal.js api makes it a snap to use.
          * I included some minor improvements to the Drupal JS API and code.
          * I added an API drupal_call_js() to bridge the PHP/JS gap: it takes a function name and arguments, and outputs a <script> tag. The kicker is that it preserves the structure and type of arguments, so e.g. PHP associative arrays end up as objects in JS.
          * I also included a progressbar widget that I wrote for drumm's ongoing update.php work. It includes Ajax status updating/monitoring, but it is only used as a pure throbber in this patch. But as the code was already written and is going to be used in the near future, I left that part in. It's pretty small ;). If PHP supports ad-hoc upload info in the future like Ruby on Rails, we can implement that in 5 minutes.