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  1. Oct 01, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · fa2581ed
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Modifies path.module to get rid of pgsql reserved word.  Patch by Adrian.
      - Updates database.pgsql and database.mysql to work with current cvs. Patch
        by Adrian.
      - Updates update.php to be able to update postgres from 4.2 to current.
        Patch by Adrian.
      - Small fixes by me.
  2. Aug 26, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b7727227
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Committed Moshe's selective table rewriting patch.  Makes it possible to
        share some database tables but not others.
  3. Jul 10, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 337b3c9d
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Committed a slightly modified version of Slavica's table prefix patch.
  4. Nov 05, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · db47bac3
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - node.module:
         + Changed node_form() to use good ol' tables instead of div/CSS-tags.
         + Revised the "revision API": I think we have both an easy and powerful
           API now that should make everyone happy.
         + Improved the usability of the rollback functionality a bit.
         + Removed the "view node" link from the "node overview" page in the
           admin section and added a "delete node" link instead.
         + Added a few missing translations; there might be missing more
           translations though.
      - book.module:
         + Made the book module use the "revision API" instead of having it poke
           and use the innards and underlying details of the revision system.
      - queue.module:
         + Made the queue module use the improved revision number.
         + Applied Moshe's patch: added more arguments to module_invoke()
         + Added support for more header fields and for folded fields
      - no database updates required
  5. Oct 31, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 7c181aba
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Made some improvements/updates to the database abstraction layer.
  6. Oct 20, 2001
  7. Oct 14, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 27e4d1ab
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Small improvement to db_query() to make debuging queries a bit more easy.
  8. Oct 11, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 959cae82
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - added sequence tables
      - fixed bug in node_page()
      - fixed bug in db_result()
      - fixed rss glitch
  9. Oct 09, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · f1932821
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - PEAR-ification of Drupal by claw: you can now host Drupal on a wide
        range of databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and others.
        For additional information and an 'how to upgrade', check the mails
        sent to the mailing list.
  10. Jun 06, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 4ba91a77
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Improved db_fetch_array() to return an associative array only:
        passing around arrays should be less expensive.
  11. May 20, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      CHANGES · 20397ad3
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Redid settings.module and even renamed it to conf.module.
          * Settings are now grouped in basic categories like "system
            settings", "module settings" and "filters".
        * Added new settings to make Drupal easier to configure and
        to make some aspects like the watchdog scale better.
      - Renamed includes/settings.php to includes/conf.php.
      - Added filter support to conf.module and introduced filter hooks so
        modules can implement and export new filters.  Example filters are
        an HTML filter (implemented), a profanity filter, an url converter,
        ASCII smileys to images filter and so on ...
      - Reworked the check_* functions: user contributed content/input is
        only verified and filtered once in its lifespan.
      - Altough this is a large commit, no database changes are required.
  12. Apr 14, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · d32216f8
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - added new variable: theme_footer which can be used to provide a
        footer message like a copyright notice. Themes should use this!
      - small improvement to example theme
      - added theme_footer to theme marvin
      - small improvement to
  13. Apr 13, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b87d482b
      Dries Buytaert authored
      Last nights updates (under construction):
        - added _type() hook so each module can return the content types he/she
  14. Apr 07, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · dae5c220
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - improved rating module: it now shows some basic statistics :-)
      - updated database files
      - removed affialiate-site and drupal-site module: maintain them
        by hand through a box for now will you.
  15. Mar 27, 2001
  16. Mar 10, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · accd5f0c
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - applied David Norman's patch to turn all <?'s into fully qualified
  17. Mar 03, 2001
  18. Mar 01, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 728249cb
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - fixed small translation glitch in format_interval
      - added a couple of missing t() functions
      - improved the comments module, fixed the score problem Jeroen
        reported earlier -> it's slicker but I hope it won't break anything
  19. Jan 26, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · d386c110
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - removed redundant spaces
  20. Jan 06, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 8511d9fb
      Dries Buytaert authored
      A batch of patches:
        - configuration:
          + renamed $db_name to $db_user
          + renamed $db_base to $db_name
        - fixed small diary glitch
        - fixed initial-comment-score problem
        - fixed comment rating bug: improved the API and updated the
        - removed some tabs from Steven ;)
        - fixed backend warnings and improved robustness
          I'm not happy yet with the headline grabber - it generates
          too many SQL errors.
        - some small cosmetic changes in comment.module
        - fixed minor glitch in format_interval()
  21. Jan 02, 2001
  22. Dec 30, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 44c48004
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - here a bunch of changes to make "drupal" (for now) work with PHP 4.0.4
      - tidied up some of the code and mainly working on the documentation
  23. Dec 14, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 8a778619
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - large batch of updates
  24. Dec 07, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 8b68d11d
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - changed quite a lot of things around, including small bug fixes (nothing)
        critical and module support.  The faq.php will - for instance - become a
  25. Nov 13, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 9559f61f
      Dries Buytaert authored
      Another batch with a lot of internal updates, yet no visual changes to the
      - watchdog (rewrite):
         + the collected information provides more details and insights
           for post-mortem research
         + input limitation
      - database abstraction layer:
         + mysql errors are now verbose and is no longer displayed in a
           browser - fixes a possible security risk
      - admin.php:
         + updated watchdog page
         + fixed security flaw
      - diary.php:
         + fixed nl2br problem
      - themes:
         + fixed comment bug in all 3 themes.
      - misc:
         + renamed some global variables for sake of consistency:
            $sitename  -->  $site_name
            $siteurl   -->  $site_url
         + added input check where (a) exploitable and (b) possible
         + added input size check
         + various small improvements
         + fixed various typoes
      ... and much, much more in fact.
  26. Oct 19, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 11ee95da
      Dries Buytaert authored
      A big, fat commit with a shitload of internal changes.  Not that much
      visual changes:
      - removed redundant files user.class.php, calendar.class.php
        and backend.class.php.
      - converted *all* mysql queries to queries supported by the
        database abstraction layer.
      - expanded the watchdog to record more information on what
        actually happened.
      - bugfix: anonymous readers where not able to view comments.
      - bugfix: anonymous readers could gain read-only access to
        the submission queue.
      - bugfix: invalid includes in backend.php
      - bugfix: invalid use of '$user->block'
      and last but not least:
      - redid 50% of the user account system
  27. Oct 10, 2000
  28. Sep 26, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      I just commit everything what was queued in my backlog: · 5fc99970
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Added a basic implementation of comment moderation
      - Updated and renamed my 2 themes: I removed redundant boxes and tried to
        work towards simplicity.
      - Disabled the other themes as they are broken (I gave you sufficent time
        to update them).
      - Removed redundant files.
      - Added security checks with regard to the usage of HTML tags.
  29. Jul 06, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 4e132c9f
      Dries Buytaert authored
      * _Major_ update of the comments and moderation system: it's a lot more
        stream-lined and more compact.  There are a few parts I like to optimize
        prior to heading towards comment moderation.
        Please test, report bugs and update the footer()-part of your themes a
        bit (see my theme)!!!
      -- Dries
  30. Jun 22, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · a2466c54
      Dries Buytaert authored
      * Commited a *temporary* version of the new comment system: I have been
        working on it for about 4 a 5 hours today and I considered it would be
        smart (backup- or crash-wise) to commit what I have made so far.  I'm
        aware of a few bugs and I'll keep workin on it:
          - removing bugs
          - clean up the code to make it very streamlined
          - improve error checking
        Once we got a stable comment system, I'll add moderation.  But right
        now I want to sort out the major problems.
      * I made my theme the default theme until the other themes are updated.
      * Expanded the database abstraction layer with more goodies.
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b32b897a
      Dries Buytaert authored
      * Integrated the database abstraction layer into the account pages.  One
        reason for doing so is because the database abstraction layer provides
        build-in error checking and a debug mode for easy development.
  31. Jun 11, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 130cbb71
      Dries Buytaert authored
       * Streamlined the database abstraction layer a bit (it's not much yet) and
         integrated it in most of the functions of `'.
  32. Jun 10, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 4ce030b8
      Dries Buytaert authored
      * is a new file that will serve as a database abstraction
        layer.  My new files already take advantage of the abstraction layer
        though no attempt is made to port the existing files: this is sheduled
        for a future v0.40 release (see
        Anyway, with the abstraction layer it should be theoretically possible
        to run drop on top of every database, even on top of a home-brewed
        file-based system.  *wink-to-UnConeD* ;-)