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  1. Jul 11, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · d6d60de3
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Added blog.module to replace diary.module (contrubeted by Julian):
         + feedback wanted
      - Added updated import.module (contributed by Julian):
         + user page do browse the headlines by feed and bundle, to display
           the item descriptions, etc.
      - Fixed small bug in
      - Updated database.mysql
  2. Jul 08, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 4ac70d70
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Updated database.mysql
  3. Jun 23, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 5ff9dd65
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Made it possible to enter longer username such as 'Gerhard K*llesreit'.
      - Updated database.mysql.
  4. Jun 17, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 03c06a86
      Dries Buytaert authored
      Oops, a rather large commit:
      - Changed meta.module, node.module and index.php to use comma-seperated
        lists of attributes rather then "foo=a,bar=b" lists.  This makes it a
        a lot easier to use both modules.  In addition, error handling can be
        discarded as it can't be made any simpler, really ...
        It fits rather nicely in Drupal's design so I'm getting more and more
        happy with this meta.module (but we are not 100% there yet).
      - node.module,
         + Improved the node-related admin interface so that navigating back
           and forth the administrative menus is made both easier and faster.
         + Removed some redundant database fields from the node table.  See
         + Added 2 news hooks called "node_insert" and "node_update".  Just
           like this is the case with the existing hook "node_delete" these
           new hooks will automatically get called when a node has been
           inserted or udpated.  Note that this is an optional call-back that
           only needs to be implemented when required.  With the addition of
           these two hooks, the node mechanism (version 1) is pretty well
      - watchdog.module:
         + Fixed bug whit the 'regular messages' query in the watchdog.module.
      - book.module:
         + Fixed bug in book.module: the 'parent' was not set properly when
           updating a book page.
         + Made it so that older versions of a book page are automatically
           reactived upon deletion of the most recent version, i.e. when
           doing a version roll-back.
         + Undid Remco's patch to; it does not work in some cases.
      - conf.module:
         + Fine-tuned some of the options in conf.module a bit.
      - marvin.theme:
         + Visual changes to make it look better on Windows browsers.  Mind
           to give some feedback on this?
         + Fixed 3 HTML typos/bugs.
         + XHTML-ified the theme at a best effort basis; I didn't carry the
           XHTML specification with me.
         + Made use of the theme_slogan variable to display the site's slogan.
         + As soon we have at least one valid XHTML theme we can wonder on how
           to integrate other XML namespaces (cfr. MathML story at
      - database.mysql:
         + Updated database.mysql so that it contains all the latest "database
  5. May 20, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      CHANGES · 20397ad3
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Redid settings.module and even renamed it to conf.module.
          * Settings are now grouped in basic categories like "system
            settings", "module settings" and "filters".
        * Added new settings to make Drupal easier to configure and
        to make some aspects like the watchdog scale better.
      - Renamed includes/settings.php to includes/conf.php.
      - Added filter support to conf.module and introduced filter hooks so
        modules can implement and export new filters.  Example filters are
        an HTML filter (implemented), a profanity filter, an url converter,
        ASCII smileys to images filter and so on ...
      - Reworked the check_* functions: user contributed content/input is
        only verified and filtered once in its lifespan.
      - Altough this is a large commit, no database changes are required.
  6. May 19, 2001
    • Steven Wittens's avatar
      Added poll.module, a poll module :) · c0ecd46a
      Steven Wittens authored
      It's mainly intended as a sideblock-element as there's no real use in having them show up on the mainpage. There's no real poll-browsing system for now either.
      I still need to write documentation, and I'm not yet satisfied with the node-output (non-sideblock). I should be able to improve it once the $theme->nodebox ideas get finalized.
  7. May 16, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 6f02738c
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Removed the "history"-field from the SQL table "users" and added
        this information to the "users"-field in both nodes and comments.
        This database/table change reduces the number of SQL queries and
        makes Drupal scale better where a lot of voting/moderation takes
        place.  Last but not least it can be considered a new and better
        foundation for future moderation metrics / algorithms.  In other
        words: it is plain better.
          --> oops, all voting/moderation results will be lost!
          --> requires database update, see "2.00-to-x.xx.sql"!
      - Updated database/database.mysql
  8. May 14, 2001
  9. Apr 19, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 3f1979aa
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Addition: made it so that comments can be enabled/disabled on
        a node per node basis, rather then on a category per category
        basis.  The default settings for each individual category can
        be changed though.
        Example: it can be setup so that - by default - all stories
        posted to the category "article" will have comments enabled
        but stories submitted to "announcement" not.
        Different configuration schemes can easily be added later.
        Requires a SQL update, see 2.00-to-x.xx.sql/database.mysql.
      - Addition: made submit.php only use categories that users can
        actually submit new content to.
  10. Apr 16, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b1c66cb5
      Dries Buytaert authored
      Another big update so please read this carefully because there is important information hidden in it.
      Made it so that we can disable/enable comments on a category by category basis. In order to accomplish this I had to make a few (*temporary*) changes.
      I moved all comment code from the "module level" (eg. story.module) to the "node level".  It was nothing but the logical next step in nodifying drupal.  This enables us to add comments to all existing content types including book entries.  But also for book entries, this to can be toggled on and off. :-)
      Moreover module writers don't have to worry about the complex comment logic: it is "abstracted" away.  This implies that story.module got smaller, faster and easier to comprehend. :-)
      In order to accomplish this, I had to update ALL THEMES, which I did - and on my way I updated Goofy, Oranzh and UnConeD - with the previous changes.  All themes are up-to-date now!  I also had to remove the [ reply to this story ] links, and temporally re-introcuded the "Add comment" button in the "Comment control".  Tempora lly that is, UnConeD. ;)
      I plan to upgrade either tommorow or wednesday so test away if you have some time to kill. ;)
      Oh, I also fixed a few bugs and made various small improvements.
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 599677ef
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - updated database.mysql file
  11. Apr 07, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b4a05b83
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - removed redundant tables
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · dae5c220
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - improved rating module: it now shows some basic statistics :-)
      - updated database files
      - removed affialiate-site and drupal-site module: maintain them
        by hand through a box for now will you.
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 38806b4a
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - fixed bug in throttle()
      - streamlined method invocation in
      - added node_status() function to modules
      - added NEW (mostly static) page module
      - added NEW settings module
  12. Apr 06, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 8213f5b2
      Dries Buytaert authored
      A lot of small changes (search-n-replace) make a big commit:
        - fixed update bug in book.module
        - provide a log message when both adding and updating book pages
        - all configurable variables are now accessed through "variable_get()":
        - rewrote watchdog and submission throttle and removed
        - improved robustness of
        - imporved story.module
        - updated ./database/database.sql
  13. Mar 03, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · ecc651d8
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - added a new faq module with administration interface
  14. Feb 27, 2001
  15. Feb 18, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 4371b627
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - added fine-grained user permission system which allows us to give
        certain users access to specific administration sections only.
          Ex. a FAQ maintainer can only edit the FAQ, and members of an
              "editorial board" can only edit comments, diaries and
               stories, ..
      - code review => rewrote include/ which is much easier now
      - fixed 4 small bugs
  16. Feb 17, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 52a1d1bb
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - More updates on the translation support
  17. Feb 14, 2001
  18. Feb 12, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · db554e85
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - initial import of the preliminary translation code.
      - added for benchmarking purpose
      - bugfix for php-clean
      - bugfix for account.php
      - removed redundant format_data
      - ...
  19. Feb 07, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 77ed5310
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - added new feature for evaluating purpose: user rating (mojo, karma)!
      - removed tabs from Jeroen's theme
  20. Feb 04, 2001
  21. Jan 23, 2001
  22. Jan 21, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · ea978885
      Dries Buytaert authored
      I know, I know, it is getting nasty lately but I have another large commit after nothing but code.
      This time I redid the "category"-stuff.  Categories - from now on called sections - are now maintained from the admin pages, can have their own post, dump and timout thresholds as discussed earlier (some weeks ago).  By tomorrow evening users will be able to enable or disable section as well - i.e. to customize the content of
  23. Jan 20, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 2952d16f
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - updated/improved discussion engine: it needs additional fine-tuning
        though but I think this is stable enough for public consumption and
        real-life testing.
         ==> a first big step towards a flexible comment engine.
        - Required theme updatins:
          UnConeD: check your $theme->controls() as I added a very, very
                   dummy implementation
        - Required database updates:
          alter table users modify mode tinyint(1) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;
          alter table comments change sid lid int(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
          alter table comments add link varchar(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;
          update comments set link = 'story';
  24. Jan 13, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 8b4c95b2
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - rewrote the block placement stuff and updated the themes.
        IMPORTANT: you have to drop 2 tables "blocks" and "layout"
                   and you have to recreate them again with those
                   in database/database.mysql
      - integrated the documentation written by UnConeD
  25. Jan 07, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 554d9b08
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - fixed 2 small bugs in account.php
      - drastically improved administration section
      - drastically revamped story administration:
        added new feature to schedule the publishing of stories
      - applied correct naming conventions to submission.php
      - fixed 1 small glitch in boxes
      - somewhat expanded the documentation
      = changed one SQL table
      - updated the faq with info on drupal
      - ... and more things I forgot about
  26. Jan 03, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 4572760e
      Dries Buytaert authored
      A batch of preparations for release candidate 2:
       - expanded documentation
         (written by Jeroen)
       - fixed bug in includes/
       - fixed bug in modules/backend.class
       - renamed some of the SQL tables (!)
       - started making the diary.module truly modular (not finished yet)
       - renamed "admin_blocks" to "boxes"
       - added new functionality to "boxes": apart from PHP boxes, you
         can now create ASCII boxes as well as HTML boxes for those who
         are not confident with PHP.
         (requested by stalor)
       - added drupal-site module to keep track of known drupal sites
       - added small Perl script to generate encrypted CVS passwords
  27. Dec 30, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 83f6495c
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Jeroen: here are the correct and up-to-date database tables!
  28. Dec 16, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 62588af9
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - a few more updates
  29. Oct 31, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 6c445ef8
      Dries Buytaert authored
      * updated the database files
  30. Oct 24, 2000
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 1641d9f8
      Dries Buytaert authored
      * added the database tables of drop to CVS: not the content, just the
        table definitions.