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  1. Jul 04, 2011
  2. May 08, 2011
  3. Feb 25, 2011
  4. Nov 02, 2009
  5. Feb 08, 2009
  6. Jan 26, 2009
  7. Sep 20, 2008
  8. May 26, 2008
  9. May 09, 2008
  10. Mar 17, 2008
  11. Aug 09, 2006
  12. Jul 05, 2006
  13. Dec 31, 2005
  14. Sep 08, 2005
  15. Aug 28, 2005
  16. Jul 23, 2005
  17. Jun 22, 2005
  18. Jan 09, 2005
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      - Patch #13260 by UnConeD: watchdog module improvements. · 64b100d1
      Dries Buytaert authored
        We added a 'severity' column to watchdog():
          watchdog($type, $message, $link) --> watchdog($type, $message, $severity, $link);
          * Specify a severity in case you are reporting a warning or error.
          * The $link-parameter is now the fourth parameter instead of the third.
        TODO: document this in the upgrade guide.
  19. Nov 28, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      - Refactored the statistics and watchdog module (views). The most important · 70fcf51e
      Dries Buytaert authored
        changes are:
        1. Simplified the statistics pages: there are less pages and on the
           remaining pages there is a lot less visual clutter (less columns and
           better presentation).
        2. Reorganized the 'administer - logs' menu: flattened the menu structure
           and removed a number of links.
        3. Improved performance.  Most statistics pages used about 160 slow SQL
           queries which made the statistics pages fairly unusable on my system.
           The new pages use at least 10 times less SQL queries and render much
           faster.  They are actually usable.
        4. There is now a 'track'-tab on node pages, and a second subtrab on the
           user accounts 'track'-tab for people with the 'access statistics'
           permission.  They can be used to resp. track the node and the user.
           This makes the statistics more accessible.
        5. Changed the way watchdog messages are filtered.  This makes it easier
           to introduce new watchdog types.
        6. Reworked the statistics module's permissions.
        7. Less code: 223 insertions(+), 343 deletions(-).
        8. Fixed several glitches: for example, the statistics pages sorted the
           'Name' column by user ID instead of by name.  Unfortunately, it is
           too difficult to backport these to DRUPAL-4-5.
        1. Review the statistics modules help pages.
        2. Help fine-tune the interfaces/views.
        1. You'll want to run update.php.
  20. Sep 09, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b84b6e42
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Patch #10663 by JonBob: documentation improvements: fixed some typos and improved consistency to the use of Doxygen/api.module commands in the comments.
  21. Aug 21, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 94e30bf7
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Patch by JonBob: for consistency and readability, add brief descriptions of each source file inside the @file comment block at the head of the file. This helps with Doxygen indexing, and also allows neophytes to see what a file does immediately on opening the source, regardless of the organization of the hooks.
  22. Aug 12, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 0f088b79
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Patch #9983 by Stefan: various code style improvements.
  23. Aug 07, 2004
  24. Jun 02, 2004
  25. Jan 02, 2004
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · b63747fd
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Removed the hard-coded list of watchdog types.  The list is compiled
        dynamically and can be extended through the watchdog() call.  (Chris
        could use it to move the cron message to their own category.)
  26. Dec 29, 2003
  27. Nov 18, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · a0640e66
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Improved module loading when serving cached pages.  Moshe's bootstrap patch.
      - Used legend and fieldset tags for the configuration page.
  28. Sep 14, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 9fbab016
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Tidied up the usage of module_invoke() and module_invoke_all().  Patch by
        Jonathan Chaffer.
  29. Apr 21, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 6db29f35
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Made cron.php add a watchdog entry upon completion.
  30. Nov 01, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 336b713a
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - A large batch of updates, amongst them a rewritten node system.  More
        information available on the mailing list.
  31. Oct 20, 2001
  32. Jul 18, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · a3b9b7e9
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - node.module:
          + added missing t()-functions (reported by Nick).
      - locale.module:
          + renamed '$lang' to '$language' (reported by Nick).
  33. Jul 16, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 04369e6a
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - cron.php:
          + potential improvement (thanks KJ)
  34. May 19, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 34af2a3a
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Rewrote the cron system.  Removed cron.module and moved all cron
        related options to settings.module.  Cron was a confusing thing:
        it has been made simpler both in terms of code and configuration.
         + You had to rehash your modules to make the cron show up in
           the list.  This is no longer required.
         + You couldn't tell what cron "watchdog" or cron "story" were
           up to.  Instead, we now display a clear description message
           for every cron involved.
         + The user interface of setting.module - and the admin section
           in general, looks a bit ackward but I couldn't care less and
           don't want to see this improve at the time being.
      - Improved setting.module:
         + Now uses variable_set().
         + Added some help and documentaition on how to setup cron.
      - Improved ./export.
      - Updated CHANGELOG.
      - I'm now going to look into UnConeD's question with regard to
        check_output() and $theme->node(), as well as the filter and
        macro stuff.  I'll probably be fine-tuning setting.module a
        bit more on my way.
  35. May 05, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · be8e898d
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Uhm.  Rewrote the module system: less code clutter, less run-time
        overhead, and a lot better (simpler) module API.  I had to edit a
        LOT of files to get this refactored but I'm sure it was worth the
        For module writers / maintainers:
        None of the hooks changed, so 95% of the old modules should still
        work.  You can remove some code instead as "$module = array(...)"
        just became obsolete.  Also - and let's thank God for this - the
        global variable "$repository" has been eliminated to avoid modules
        relying on, and poking in drupal's internal data structures.  Take
        a look at include/ to investigate the details/changes.
      - Improved design of the content modules "story", "book" and "node"
        (to aid smooth integration of permisions + moderate.module).  I'm
        still working on the permissions but I got side tracked for which
        I "Oops!".
  36. Mar 29, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 04ad9b8a
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - fixed issue depricated call-by-reference issues
      - fixed small visual glitch in includes/
      - changed SQL tables around a bit to be more consistent
        (result: small changes to a lot of different files)
      - improved robustness of includes/
      - improved output of cron.module
      - improved output of node.php
  37. Mar 10, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · accd5f0c
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - applied David Norman's patch to turn all <?'s into fully qualified
  38. Feb 04, 2001
  39. Jan 26, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · d386c110
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - removed redundant spaces