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  1. Apr 17, 2020
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  6. Oct 27, 2010
  7. Oct 26, 2010
  8. Jun 29, 2010
  9. Jul 19, 2009
  10. May 22, 2009
  11. Nov 30, 2008
  12. Apr 20, 2008
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      - Added a test framework to Drupal along with a first batch of tests for · ffc0e93c
      Dries Buytaert authored
        Drupal core!  This is an important milestone for the project so enable
        the module and check it out ... :)
        Thanks to Rok Žlender, Károly Négyesi, Jimmy Berry, Kevin Bridges, Charlie
        Gordon, Douglas Hubler, Miglius Alaburda, Andy Kirkham, Dimitri13, Kieran
        Lal, Moshe Weitzman, and the many other people that helped with testing
        over the past years and that drove this home.
        It all works but it is still rough around the edges (i.e. documentation
        is still being written, the coding style is not 100% yet, a number of
        tests still fail) but we spent the entire weekend working on it in Paris
        and made a ton of progress.  The best way to help and to get up to speed,
        is to start writing and contributing some tests ... as well as fixing
        some of the failures.
        For those willing to help with improving the test framework, here are
        some next steps and issues to resolve:
          - How to best approach unit tests and mock functions?
          - How to test drupal_mail() and drupal_http_request()?
          - How to improve the admin UI so we have a nice progress bar?
          - How best to do code coverage?
          - See http://g.d.o/node/10099 for more ...
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      - Added a test framework to Drupal along with a first batch of tests for · af474609
      Dries Buytaert authored
        Drupal core!  This is an important milestone for the project so enable
        the module and check it out ... :)
        Thanks to Rok Žlender, Károly Négyesi, Jimmy Berry, Kevin Bridges, Charlie
        Gordon, Douglas Hubler, Miglius Alaburda, Andy Kirkham, Dimitri13, Kieran
        Lal, Moshe Weitzman, and the many other people that helped with testing
        over the past years and that drove this home.
        It all works but it is still rough around the edges (i.e. documentation
        is still being written, the coding style is not 100% yet, a number of
        tests still fail) but we spent the entire weekend working on it in Paris
        and made a ton of progress.  The best way to help and to get up to speed,
        is to start writing and contributing some tests ... as well as fixing
        some of the failures.
        For those willing to help with improving the test framework, here are
        some next steps and issues to resolve:
          - How to best approach unit tests and mock functions?
          - How to test drupal_mail() and drupal_http_request()?
          - How to improve the admin UI so we have a nice progress bar?
          - How best to do code coverage?
          - See http://g.d.o/node/10099 for more ...
  13. Apr 21, 2004
  14. Aug 22, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      Implemented more suggestions by Keith: · 4d16c7c6
      Dries Buytaert authored
      - Made sure the 'Topic' title is only shown above the topics, not the icons.
      - Automatically shorten the username when it is too long.  I implemented this
        as part of format_name() and could therefore nuke some code in the
        statistics module.  This is change is somewhat experimental and I'm willing
        to revert or change this if a number of people aren't too happy with this
      - Left align the dates and authors: makes it easier/faster to scan.
      - Made the little tablesort arrows clickable.
  15. Jan 07, 2003
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · 485e1c39
      Dries Buytaert authored
      Great patch from Ulf:
      - The href target for a new window is "_new", not "new".
      - Generating <div> sections within <p> sections is forbidden by the
        XHTML standard. Using just the right aligned <div> should be
        sufficient and makes XHTML themes possible.
        (Prove at )
      - While parsing the header of an RSS feed one should be aware that
        there may be more <title> tags in subsections and that POSIX regular
        expressions are always gready. So make shure we don't get too much.
        (If you agree that using PCRE instead of the POSIX ones would be
        generally a good idea, then I am willing to make the patch, but for
        now I didn't want to mix POSIX and PCRE in one file.)
        (Prove at , try
        this feed without my patch)
      - Some RSS 2.0 feeds don't have a per item <link> section but have the
        permalink embedded in the <guid> section. This is not perfectly
        correct and the documentation mentions this possibility only in the
        examples, but since Dave Winer himself implements it this way it
        will happen more than once. So, if there is no link available and
        the guid looks like an address, then use that one.
        (Prove at , try
        this feed without my patch)
      - Don't only write eventually new Feed Header information into the
        database but also use them immediatly. Reuse the $feed array that is
        made for it.
      - If a feed doesn't provide per item titles, make shure to not produce
        defective markup by cutting the remainder of an entity. Instead of
        just cutting off anything behing the leading 30 characters of the
        cleaned description, it seems slicker to use up to 40 characters and
        split on word boundaries, but not on "&" or ";".
        (Prove also at .
        This feed will have title tags starting on February 1st, but I
        suspect many others without them out there.)
      With this patch one could consider Drupals aggregator RSS 2.0 ready.
  16. Mar 07, 2001
    • Dries Buytaert's avatar
      · f516626a
      Dries Buytaert authored
      A rather large and important update:
      revised most of the SQL queries and tried to make drupal as secure as possible (while trying to avoid redundant/duplicate checks).  For drupal's sake, try to screw something up.  See the mail about PHPNuke being hacked appr. 6 days ago.  The one who finds a problem is rewarded a beer (and I'm willing to ship it to Norway if required).  I beg you to be evil.  Try dumping a table a la "http://localhost/index.php?date=77778;DROP TABLE users" or something. ;)