INTRODUCTION ------------ The DropShark module integrates your Drupal site with the DropShark monitoring, trending, and alerts service. CONTENTS -------- * Installation * Linfo PHP Library * Cron Setup * Troubleshooting * Maintainers INSTALLATION ------------ Install the module per the normal Drupal module installation procedure. See for further information. Once installed go to "admin/config/services/dropshark" to register your site with the DropShark service. LINFO PHP LIBRARY ----------------- You will likely want to install the Linfo library to collect additional server data. See Installing Linfo can be done by either of the following means: * If you use a Composer-based workflow, Linfo will be pull in automatically as a dependency. * Download and install v3.0.1 into your libraries folder so that the standalone_autoload.php file is located at libraries/linfo/standalone_autoload.php. CRON SETUP ---------- The DropShark module will periodically collect data from your site using Drupal's cron mechanism. You may also supplement this behavior via the following means: * Set up a cron task to call `drush dropshark-collect` or `drush drpshrk` as often as you wish. * Set up a cron task that makes a HTTP request to your site as often as you wish to collect data. The path is "dropshark/collect" and the request needs to contain a URL parameter named "key" with the value of the site's DropShark site ID. Example 50e7b4ca-3576-435e-8ead-523ee9d4054e. Also, you may disable the core cron functionality via the "cron" element in the `dropshark.settings` configuration to `false`. There is no UI mechanism to set this, but it may be controlled by importing a config file with the desired value or setting via drush. TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- Please report bugs, issues, and feature requests in the issue queue at Additionally you may contact DropShark support at MAINTAINERS ----------- Current maintainers: * Will Long (