array( 'title' => t('Administer Job Recommendations'), ), 'delete own drop_jobs_recommendation' => array( 'title' => t('Delete own Job Recommendations'), ), 'view drop_jobs_recommendation' => array( 'title' => t('View Job Recommendations'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_init(). */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_init() { // Add admin section styles. if (drop_jobs_is_admin_page()) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'drop_jobs_recommendation') . '/css/drop_jobs_recommendation_admin.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'every_page' => TRUE)); } } /** * Implements hook_entity_info(). */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_entity_info() { $info = array(); $info['drop_jobs_recommendation'] = array( 'label' => t('Job Recommendation'), 'entity class' => 'DropJobsRecommendation', 'controller class' => 'DropJobsRecommendationController', 'base table' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation', 'fieldable' => FALSE, 'entity keys' => array( 'id' => 'rid', ), 'bundles' => array(), 'uri callback' => 'entity_class_uri', 'label callback' => 'entity_class_label', 'access callback' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation_access', 'module' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation', 'metadata controller class' => 'DropJobsRecommendationMetadataController', 'views controller class' => 'DropJobsRecommendationViewsController', ); // Support entity cache module. if (module_exists('entitycache')) { $info['recommendation']['entity cache'] = TRUE; // Entity cache obsoletes field cache. $info['recommendation']['field cache'] = FALSE; } return $info; } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_menu() { $items = array(); // Admin settings form. $items['admin/config/drop_jobs/recommendation'] = array( 'title' => 'Recommendation', 'description' => 'Configure Job Recommendations.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('drop_jobs_recommendation_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer drop_jobs_recommendation'), 'file' => '', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); // For the sake of convenience. $recommendation_uri = 'recommendation/%drop_jobs_recommendation'; $recommendation_uri_argument_position = 1; // View recommendation. $items[$recommendation_uri] = array( 'title callback' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation_page_title', 'title arguments' => array($recommendation_uri_argument_position), 'page callback' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation_view', 'page arguments' => array($recommendation_uri_argument_position), 'access callback' => 'entity_access', 'access arguments' => array('view', 'drop_jobs_recommendation', $recommendation_uri_argument_position), ); $items[$recommendation_uri . '/view'] = array( 'title' => 'View', 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => -10, ); // Edit recommendation. $items[$recommendation_uri . '/edit'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('drop_jobs_recommendation_form', $recommendation_uri_argument_position), 'access callback' => 'entity_access', 'access arguments' => array('edit', 'drop_jobs_recommendation', $recommendation_uri_argument_position), 'file' => '', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_PAGE | MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE, ); // Delete recommendation. $items[$recommendation_uri . '/delete'] = array( 'title' => 'Delete recommendation', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('drop_jobs_recommendation_delete_form', $recommendation_uri_argument_position), 'access callback' => 'entity_access', 'access arguments' => array('edit', 'drop_jobs_recommendation', $recommendation_uri_argument_position), 'file' => '', ); // Devel integration. if (module_exists('devel')) { $devel_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'devel'); $items[$recommendation_uri . '/devel'] = array( 'title' => 'Devel', 'page callback' => 'devel_load_object', 'file' => '', 'file path' => $devel_path, 'page arguments' => array('drop_jobs_recommendation', $recommendation_uri_argument_position), 'access arguments' => array('access devel information'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => 100, ); $items[$recommendation_uri . '/devel/load'] = array( 'title' => 'Load', 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, ); $items[$recommendation_uri . '/devel/render'] = array( 'title' => 'Render', 'page callback' => 'devel_render_object', 'page arguments' => array('drop_jobs_recommendation', $recommendation_uri_argument_position), 'access arguments' => array('access devel information'), 'file' => '', 'file path' => $devel_path, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => 100, ); } return $items; } /** * Determines whether the given user has access to a recommendation operation. * * @param $op * The operation being performed. One of 'view', 'update', 'create', 'delete' * or just 'edit' (being the same as 'create' or 'update'). * @param $recommendation * Optionally a recommendation to check access for. If nothing is given, * access for all recommendations is determined. * @param $account * The user to check for. Leave it to NULL to check for the current user. * @return boolean * Whether access is allowed or not. */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_access($op, $recommendation = NULL, $account = NULL) { if (!isset($account)) { $account = user_uid_optional_load(); } if (user_access('administer drop_jobs_recommendation')) { return TRUE; } $node = node_load($recommendation->nid); $own_recommendation = ($account->uid == $recommendation->uid || $account->uid == $node->uid); switch ($op) { case 'delete': return user_access('delete own drop_jobs_recommendation') && $own_recommendation; case 'view': // Allow the user to view the recommendation of its for him or // from one of his jobs. return user_access('view drop_jobs_recommendation') && $own_recommendation; default: return FALSE; } } /** * Menu title callback. * Returns page title for recommendation-related menu items. * * @param DropJobsRecommendation * The $recommendation we want to get a title for. * @return string * The recommendation's label. * * @see drop_jobs_recommendation_menu() */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_page_title(DropJobsRecommendation $recommendation) { return $recommendation->label(); } /** * Deletes a recommendation. * * @param DropJobsRecommendation * The recommendation object. */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_delete(DropJobsRecommendation $recommendation) { $recommendation->delete(); } /** * Delete multiple recommendations. * * @param array * An array of recommendation IDs. */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_delete_multiple(array $rids) { // Bypass the traditional entity_get_controller() approach because we // need to cancel each recommendation before its deleted. foreach ($rids as $rid) { if ($recommendation = drop_jobs_recommendation_load($rid)) { drop_jobs_recommendation_delete($recommendation); } } } /** * Create a new recommendation object. * * @param $values * An array of values to initialize the recommendation with. * @return DropJobsRecommendation * The newly-created recommendation object. */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_create(array $values) { return new DropJobsRecommendation($values); } /** * Saves a recommendation. * * @param $recommendation * The recommendation object. * @return boolean * Whether the recommendation was saved successfully. */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_save(DropJobsRecommendation $recommendation) { return $recommendation->save(); } /** * Fetch a recommendation object. * * @param $rid * Integer specifying the recommendation id. * @param $reset * A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset. * @return * A fully-loaded $recommendation object or FALSE if it cannot be loaded. * * @see drop_jobs_recommendation_load_multiple() */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_load($rid, $reset = FALSE) { $recommendations = drop_jobs_recommendation_load_multiple(array($rid), array(), $reset); return reset($recommendations); } /** * Load multiple recommendations based on certain conditions. * * @param $rids * An array of recommendation IDs. * @param $conditions * An array of conditions to match against the {drop_jobs_recommendation} table. * @param $reset * A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset. * @return * An array of recommendation objects, indexed by ID. * * @see entity_load() * @see drop_jobs_recommendation_load() * @see drop_jobs_recommendation_load_by_user() */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_load_multiple($rids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) { return entity_load('drop_jobs_recommendation', $rids, $conditions, $reset); } // @TODO load by user/job /** * DropJobsRecommendationcription view callback. * Displays a recommendation entity. * * This is here as opposed to in because if Devel is enabled * clicking on Devel->Render will trigger an error as the include is not * automatically included in that case. * * @param DropJobsRecommendation * The $recommendation we want to view. * @return string * The rendered recommendation entity. * * @see drop_jobs_recommendation_menu() */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_view(DropJobsRecommendation $recommendation) { drupal_set_title(entity_label('drop_jobs_recommendation', $recommendation)); return entity_view('drop_jobs_recommendation', array(entity_id('drop_jobs_recommendation', $recommendation) => $recommendation), 'full'); } /** * Implements hook_cron(). */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_cron() { if (variable_get_value('drop_jobs_recommendation_candidate_enable') || variable_get_value('drop_jobs_recommendation_job_enable')) { // Find Job Recommendations for candidates. This actually works both ways // as if a job is recommended for a candidate we can safely assume that // that candidate would be recommended for that job. $candidates = drop_jobs_candidate_get_pids(); if (!empty($candidates)) { $queue = DrupalQueue::get('drop_jobs_recommendation_queue'); foreach ($candidates as $pid) { $candidate = profile2_load($pid); $queue->createItem($candidate); } } } } /** * Implements hook_cron_queue_info(). */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_cron_queue_info() { return array( 'drop_jobs_recommendation_queue' => array( 'worker callback' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation_cron_run', // Default time setting should be ok. ), ); } /** * Worker callback. * * Finds Job Recommendations for a given candidate. * * @param Profile * The candidate $profile object. * * @see drop_jobs_recommendation_cron() * @see drop_jobs_recommendation_cron_queue_info() */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_cron_run(Profile $candidate) { // @TODO implement this. // $jobs = drop_jobs_recommendation_find($candidate); // include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'devel') . '/krumo/class.krumo.php'; // krumo($jobs);die; } /** * Find Job Recommendations for a given candidate. * * @param Profile * The candidate profile. * @return array * An array of recommended jobs, keyed by nid. */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_find(Profile $candidate) { // @TODO implement this. // include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'devel') . '/krumo/class.krumo.php'; // krumo($candidate); // die; } /** * Returns a map of job fields to candidate fields. * * @return array * An array where the key is the job field and value is corresponding * candidate field. */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_map() { $map = array(); $map['field_job_field'] = 'field_candidate_exp_field'; $map['field_job_study'] = 'field_candidate_edu_field'; $map['field_job_type'] = 'field_candidate_pref_occupation'; $map['field_job_languages'] = 'field_candidate_language'; $map['field_job_experience'] = 'field_candidate_exp_time'; $map['title'] = 'field_candidate_pref_title'; // Allow the map to be altered. drupal_alter('drop_jobs_recommendation', $map); return $map; } /** * Returns the bias for each job recommendation field. * * @return array * An array where the key is the field and the value is the bias. */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_bias() { $fields = array(); foreach (drop_jobs_recommendation_map() as $job_field => $candidate_field) { $fields[$job_field] = variable_get("djrb_{$job_field}", 0); } return $fields; } /** * Implements hook_variable_info(). */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_variable_info() { $variables = array(); $variables['drop_jobs_recommendation_candidate_enable'] = array( 'title' => t('Recommend jobs for candidates'), 'default' => FALSE, 'group' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation', 'token' => FALSE, ); $variables['drop_jobs_recommendation_candidate_subs'] = array( 'title' => t('Recommend jobs only for candidates with active subscriptions'), 'default' => FALSE, 'group' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation', 'token' => FALSE, ); $variables['drop_jobs_recommendation_candidate_subs_plans'] = array( 'title' => t('Recommend jobs only for candidates with active subscriptions of plans'), 'default' => array(), 'group' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation', 'token' => FALSE, ); $variables['drop_jobs_recommendation_job_enable'] = array( 'title' => t('Recommend candidates for jobs'), 'default' => FALSE, 'group' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation', 'token' => FALSE, ); $variables['drop_jobs_recommendation_job_subs'] = array( 'title' => t("Recommend candidates only for jobs who's employers have active subscriptions"), 'default' => FALSE, 'group' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation', 'token' => FALSE, ); $variables['drop_jobs_recommendation_job_subs_plans'] = array( 'title' => t('Recommend candidates only for jobs with active subscriptions of plans'), 'default' => array(), 'group' => 'drop_jobs_recommendation', 'token' => FALSE, ); return $variables; } /** * Implements hook_help(). */ function drop_jobs_recommendation_help($path, $arg) { switch ($path) { case 'dashboard/my-recommendations': return t('Here you can view, edit and delete your recommendations.'); case 'admin/config/drop_jobs/recommendation': return t('Here you can configure settings for job recommendations. This module can both recommend jobs for candidates as well as candidates for jobs.'); case 'admin/drop_jobs/recommendations': return t('Here you can view, edit and delete all job recommendations.'); break; } }