if (Drupal.jsEnabled) { $(document).ready(function () { //theme log /* $('span.thmr_call').each(function () { this.onclick = function () { if (themerEnabled) { id = $(this).attr('id'); console.log(id); } }; }); */ var themerEnabled = 0; var themerToggle = function () { themerEnabled = 1 - themerEnabled; $('input', this).attr('checked', themerEnabled ? 'checked' : ''); $('#themer-popup').css('display', themerEnabled ? 'block' : 'none'); if (themerEnabled) { document.onclick = themerEvent; } else { document.onclick = null; } }; $(Drupal.settings.thmr_popup) .appendTo($('body')); $('
Themer Info
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'+ strs.function_arguments + '

' + vars.args); $('#themer-popup div.used').empty(); } else { $('#themer-popup dt.candidates-type').empty().prepend(strs.candidate_files); $('#themer-popup dd.candidates').empty().prepend(vars.candidates.join(", ")); $('#themer-popup div.attributes').empty().prepend('

'+ strs.template_variables + '

' + vars.arguments); $('#themer-popup div.used').empty().prepend('
'+ strs.file_used +'
'+ vars.used +'
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