realm == 'mymodule_myrealm') { if ($row->grant_view) { $name = db_result(db_query('SELECT name FROM {role} WHERE rid = %d', $row->gid)); return 'Role ' . theme_placeholder($name) . ' may view this node.'; } else { return 'No access.'; } } } /** * Acknowledge ownership of 'alien' grant records. * * Some node access modules store grant records directly into the {node_access} * table rather than returning them through hook_node_access_records(). This * practice is not recommended and DNA will flag all such records as 'alien'. * * If this is unavoidable, a module can confess to being the owner of these * grant records, so that DNA can properly attribute them. * * @see hook_node_access_records() * * @ingroup node_access */ function hook_node_access_acknowledge($grant) { if ($grant['realm'] == 'mymodule_all' && $grant['nid'] == 0) { return TRUE; } } /** * @} End of "addtogroup hooks". */