README.txt ========== A module containing helper functions for Drupal developers and inquisitive admins. This module cna print a log of all database queries for each page request at the bottom of each page. The summary includes how many times each query was executed on a page (shouldn't run same query multiple times), and how long each query took (short is good - use cache for complex queries). Also a dpr() function is provided, which pretty prints arrays and strings. Useful during development. Included in this package is also: - devel_node_access module which prints out the node_access records for a given node._ - macro.module which records form submissions and can pay them back later or on another site. More information available at AUTHOR/MAINTAINER ====================== -moshe weitzman weitzman at tejasa DOT com NOTE ==== The subdirectory generate/ includes some scripts that can be used to help testing on a Drupal site. See generate/README.txt for details.