t('Stores theme-settings templates that allow overriding the theme settings used based on various contexts.'), 'fields' => array( 'tid' => array( 'description' => 'The unique ID of the theme settings template', 'type' => 'serial', 'length' => 5, 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'name' => array( 'description' => 'The friendly name of this theme settings template.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'system_name' => array( 'description' => 'The system name of this theme settings template.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'theme' => array( 'description' => 'The theme for which this theme settings template is relevant.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'data' => array( 'description' => t('Serialized data which is a copy of the theme settings array stored in the system table based on these overrides'), 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 'big', 'not null' => TRUE, 'serialize' => TRUE, ), ), 'primary key' => array('tid'), 'indexes' => array( 'theme' => array('theme'), 'system_name' => array('system_name'), 'tid' => array('tid'), ), ); $schema['delta_theme_overrides'] = array( 'description' => t('Override criteria for when to display an alternate theme settings template.'), 'fields' => array( 'did' => array( 'description' => 'The unique ID of the theme settings override', 'type' => 'serial', 'length' => 5, 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'tid' => array( 'description' => t('The template id this override uses. Relates to the tid field in {delta_theme_settings}'), 'type' => 'int', 'length' => 5, 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'name' => array( 'description' => 'The friendly name of this theme settings override.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'system_name' => array( 'description' => 'The system name of this theme settings override.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'condition' => array( 'description' => t('The condition in which this override fires.'), 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'weight' => array( 'description' => t('Weight field to prioritize the override.'), 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, ), 'status' => array( 'description' => 'Boolean indicating whether or not this item is enabled.', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, ), ), 'primary key' => array('did'), ); return $schema; } /** * Implementation of hook_uninstall(). */ function delta_uninstall() { // Remove all skinr variables. db_delete('variable') ->condition('name', 'delta_%', 'LIKE') ->execute(); }