date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format, not timezone adjusted * 'all_day' => whether this is an all-day event * 'tz' => the timezone of the date, could be blank for absolute * times that should get no timezone conversion. * * Exception dates can have muliple values and are returned as arrays * like the above for each exception date. * * Most other properties are returned as PROPERTY => VALUE. * * Each item in the VCALENDAR will return an array like: * [0] => Array ( * [TYPE] => VEVENT * [UID] => 104 * [SUMMARY] => An example event * [URL] => * [DTSTART] => Array ( * [datetime] => 1997-09-07 09:00:00 * [all_day] => 0 * [tz] => US/Eastern * ) * [DTEND] => Array ( * [datetime] => 1997-09-07 11:00:00 * [all_day] => 0 * [tz] => US/Eastern * ) * [RRULE] => Array ( * [FREQ] => Array ( * [0] => MONTHLY * ) * [BYDAY] => Array ( * [0] => 1SU * [1] => -1SU * ) * ) * [EXDATE] => Array ( * [0] = Array ( * [datetime] => 1997-09-21 09:00:00 * [all_day] => 0 * [tz] => US/Eastern * ) * [1] = Array ( * [datetime] => 1997-10-05 09:00:00 * [all_day] => 0 * [tz] => US/Eastern * ) * ) * ) * * @param $filename * Location (local or remote) of a valid iCalendar file * @return array * An array with all the elements from the ical * @todo * figure out how to handle this if subgroups are nested, * like a VALARM nested inside a VEVENT. */ function date_ical_import($filename) { $items = array(); // Fetch the iCal data. If file is a URL, use drupal_http_request. fopen // isn't always configured to allow network connections. if (substr($filename, 0, 4) == 'http') { // Fetch the ical data from the specified network location $icaldatafetch = drupal_http_request($filename); // Check the return result if ($icaldatafetch->error) { drupal_set_message('Request Error: '. $icaldatafetch->error, 'error'); return false; } // Break the return result into one array entry per lines $icaldatafolded = explode("\n", $icaldatafetch->data); } else { $icaldatafolded = @file($filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); if ($icaldatafolded === FALSE) { drupal_set_message('Failed to open file: '. $filename, 'error'); return false; } } return date_ical_parse($icaldatafolded); } /** * Return an array of iCalendar information from an iCalendar file. * * As date_ical_import() but different param. * * @param $icaldatafolded * an array of lines from an ical feed. * @return array * An array with all the elements from the ical. */ function date_ical_parse($icaldatafolded = array()) { // Verify this is iCal data if (trim($icaldatafolded[0]) != 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR') { drupal_set_message('Invalid calendar file:'. $filename, 'error'); return false; } // "unfold" wrapped lines $icaldata = array(); foreach ($icaldatafolded as $line) { $out = array(); // See if this looks like the beginning of a new property or value. // If not, it is a continuation of the previous line. // The regex is to ensure that wrapped QUOTED-PRINTABLE data // is kept intact. if (!preg_match('/([A-Z]+)[:;](.*)/', $line, $out)) { $line = array_pop($icaldata) . ($line); } $icaldata[] = $line; } unset($icaldatafolded); // Parse the iCal information $parents = array(); $subgroups = array(); foreach ($icaldata as $line) { $line = trim($line); $vcal .= $line ."\n"; // Deal with begin/end tags separately if (preg_match('/(BEGIN|END):V(\S+)/', $line, $matches)) { $closure = $matches[1]; $type = 'V'. $matches[2]; if ($closure == 'BEGIN') { array_push($parents, $type); array_push($subgroups, array()); } else if ($closure == 'END') { end($subgroups); $subgroup =& $subgroups[key($subgroups)]; switch ($type) { case 'VCALENDAR': if (prev($subgroups) == false) { $items[] = array_pop($subgroups); } else { $parent[array_pop($parents)][] = array_pop($subgroups); } break; // Add the timezones in with their index their TZID case 'VTIMEZONE': $subgroup = end($subgroups); $id = $subgroup['TZID']; unset($subgroup['TZID']); // Append this subgroup onto the one above it prev($subgroups); $parent =& $subgroups[key($subgroups)]; $parent[$type][$id] = $subgroup; array_pop($subgroups); array_pop($parents); break; // Do some fun stuff with durations and all_day events // and then append to parent case 'VEVENT': case 'VALARM': case 'VTODO': case 'VJOURNAL': case 'VVENUE': case 'VFREEBUSY': default: // Can't be sure whether DTSTART is before or after DURATION, // so parse DURATION at the end. if (isset($subgroup['DURATION'])) { date_ical_parse_duration($subgroup); } // Check for all-day events setting the 'all_day' property under // the component instead of DTSTART/DTEND subcomponents if ((isset($subgroup['DTSTART']) && !isset($subgroup['DTEND'])) || ($subgroup['DTSTART']['all_day'] && $subgroup['DTEND']['all_day'])) { $subgroup['all_day'] = true; if (!isset($subgroup['DTEND'])) { $subgroup['DTEND'] = $subgroup['DTSTART']; } unset($subgroup['DTSTART']['all_day']); unset($subgroup['DTEND']['all_day']); } // Add this element to the parent as an array under the // component name default: prev($subgroups); $parent =& $subgroups[key($subgroups)]; $parent[$type][] = $subgroup; array_pop($subgroups); array_pop($parents); break; } } } // Handle all other possibilities else { // Grab current subgroup end($subgroups); $subgroup =& $subgroups[key($subgroups)]; // Split up the line into nice pieces for PROPERTYNAME, // PROPERTYATTRIBUTES, and PROPERTYVALUE preg_match('/([^;:]+)(?:;([^:]*))?:(.+)/', $line, $matches); $name = strtoupper(trim($matches[1])); $field = $matches[2]; $data = $matches[3]; $parse_result = ''; switch ($name) { // Keep blank lines out of the results. case '': break; // Lots of properties have date values that must be parsed out. case 'CREATED': case 'LAST-MODIFIED': case 'DTSTART': case 'DTEND': case 'DTSTAMP': case 'RDATE': case 'TRIGGER': case 'FREEBUSY': case 'DUE': case 'COMPLETED': $parse_result = date_ical_parse_date($field, $data); break; case 'EXDATE': $parse_result = date_ical_parse_exceptions($field, $data); break; case 'DURATION': // Can't be sure whether DTSTART is before or after DURATION in // the VEVENT, so store the data and parse it at the end. $subgroup['DURATION'] = array('DATA' => $data); break; case 'RRULE': case 'EXRULE': $parse_result = date_ical_parse_rrule($field, $data); break; case 'SUMMARY': case 'DESCRIPTION': case 'LOCATION': $parse_result = date_ical_parse_text($field, $data); break; // For all other properties, just store the property and the value. // This can be expanded on in the future if other properties should // be given special treatment. default: $parse_result = $data; break; } // Store the result of our parsing $subgroup[$name] = $parse_result; } } return $items; } /** * Parse a ical date element. * * Possible formats to parse include: * PROPERTY:YYYYMMDD[T][HH][MM][SS][Z] * PROPERTY;VALUE=DATE:YYYYMMDD[T][HH][MM][SS][Z] * PROPERTY;VALUE=DATE-TIME:YYYYMMDD[T][HH][MM][SS][Z] * PROPERTY;TZID=XXXXXXXX;VALUE=DATE:YYYYMMDD[T][HH][MM][SS] * PROPERTY;TZID=XXXXXXXX:YYYYMMDD[T][HH][MM][SS] * * The property and the colon before the date are removed in the import * process above and we are left with $field and $data. * * @param $field * The text before the colon and the date, i.e. * ';VALUE=DATE:', ';VALUE=DATE-TIME:', ';TZID=' * @param $data * The date itself, after the colon, in the format YYYYMMDD[T][HH][MM][SS][Z] * 'Z', if supplied, means the date is in UTC. * * @return array * $items array, consisting of: * 'datetime' => date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format, not timezone adjusted * 'all_day' => whether this is an all-day event with no time * 'tz' => the timezone of the date, could be blank if the ical * has no timezone; the ical specs say no timezone * conversion should be done if no timezone info is * supplied * @todo * Another option for dates is the format PROPERTY;VALUE=PERIOD:XXXX. The period * may include a duration, or a date and a duration, or two dates, so would * have to be split into parts and run through date_ical_parse_date() and * date_ical_parse_duration(). This is not commonly used, so ignored for now. * It will take more work to figure how to support that. */ function date_ical_parse_date($field, $data) { $items = array('datetime' => '', 'all_day' => '', 'tz' => ''); if (empty($data)) { return $items; } // Make this a little more whitespace independent $data = trim($data); // Turn the properties into a nice indexed array of // array(PROPERTYNAME => PROPERTYVALUE); $field_parts = preg_split('/[;:]/', $field); $properties = array(); foreach ($field_parts as $part) { if (strpos($part, '=') !== false) { $tmp = explode('=', $part); $properties[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1]; } } // Record if a time has been found $has_time = false; // If a format is specified, parse it according to that format if (isset($properties['VALUE'])) { switch ($properties['VALUE']) { case 'DATE': preg_match (DATE_REGEX_ICAL_DATE, $data, $regs); $datetime = date_pad($regs[1]) .'-'. date_pad($regs[2]) .'-'. date_pad($regs[3]); // Date break; case 'DATE-TIME': preg_match (DATE_REGEX_ICAL_DATETIME, $data, $regs); $datetime = date_pad($regs[1]) .'-'. date_pad($regs[2]) .'-'. date_pad($regs[3]); // Date $datetime .= ' '. date_pad($regs[4]) .':'. date_pad($regs[5]) .':'. date_pad($regs[6]); // Time $has_time = true; break; } } // If no format is specified, attempt a loose match else { preg_match (DATE_REGEX_LOOSE, $data, $regs); $datetime = date_pad($regs[1]) .'-'. date_pad($regs[2]) .'-'. date_pad($regs[3]); // Date if (isset($regs[4])) { $has_time = true; $datetime .= ' '.date_pad($regs[5]) .':'. date_pad($regs[6]) .':'. date_pad($regs[7]); // Time } } // Use timezone if explicitly declared if (isset($properties['TZID'])) { $tz = $properties['TZID']; // Fix commonly used alternatives like US-Eastern which should be US/Eastern. $tz = str_replace('-', '/', $tz); } // If declared as UTC with terminating 'Z', use that timezone else if (strpos($data, 'Z') !== false) { $tz = 'UTC'; } // Otherwise this date is floating... else { $tz = ''; } $items['datetime'] = $datetime; $items['all_day'] = $has_time ? false : true; $items['tz'] = $tz; return $items; } /** * Parse an ical repeat rule. * * @return array * Array in the form of PROPERTY => array(VALUES) * PROPERTIES include FREQ, INTERVAL, COUNT, BYDAY, BYMONTH, BYYEAR, UNTIL */ function date_ical_parse_rrule($field, $data) { $data = str_replace('RRULE:', '', $data); $items = array('DATA' => $data); $rrule = explode(';', $data); foreach ($rrule as $key => $value) { $param = explode('=', $value); if ($param[0] == 'UNTIL') { $values = date_ical_parse_date('', $param[1]); } else { $values = explode(',', $param[1]); } // Different treatment for items that can have multiple values and those that cannot. if (in_array($param[0], array('FREQ', 'INTERVAL', 'COUNT', 'WKST'))) { $items[$param[0]] = $param[1]; } else { $items[$param[0]] = $values; } } return $items; } /** * Parse exception dates (can be multiple values). * * @return array * an array of date value arrays. */ function date_ical_parse_exceptions($field, $data) { $data = str_replace('EXDATE:', '', $data); $items = array('DATA' => $data); $ex_dates = explode(',', $data); foreach ($ex_dates as $ex_date) { $items[] = date_ical_parse_date('', $ex_date); } return $items; } /** * Parse the duration of the event. * Example: * DURATION:PT1H30M * DURATION:P1Y2M * * @param $subgroup * array of other values in the vevent so we can check for DTSTART */ function date_ical_parse_duration(&$subgroup) { $items = $subgroup['DURATION']; $data = $items['DATA']; preg_match('/^P(\d{1,4}[Y])?(\d{1,2}[M])?(\d{1,2}[W])?(\d{1,2}[D])?([T]{0,1})?(\d{1,2}[H])?(\d{1,2}[M])?(\d{1,2}[S])?/', $data, $duration); $items['year'] = isset($duration[1]) ? str_replace('Y', '', $duration[1]) : ''; $items['month'] = isset($duration[2]) ?str_replace('M', '', $duration[2]) : ''; $items['week'] = isset($duration[3]) ?str_replace('W', '', $duration[3]) : ''; $items['day'] = isset($duration[4]) ?str_replace('D', '', $duration[4]) : ''; $items['hour'] = isset($duration[6]) ?str_replace('H', '', $duration[6]) : ''; $items['minute'] = isset($duration[7]) ?str_replace('M', '', $duration[7]) : ''; $items['second'] = isset($duration[8]) ?str_replace('S', '', $duration[8]) : ''; $start_date = array_key_exists('DTSTART', $subgroup) ? $subgroup['DTSTART']['datetime'] : date_format(date_now(), DATE_FORMAT_ISO); $timezone = array_key_exists('DTSTART', $subgroup) ? $subgroup['DTSTART']['tz'] : variable_get('date_default_timezone_name', NULL); if (empty($timezone)) { $timezone = 'UTC'; } $date = date_make_date($start_date, $timezone); $date2 = drupal_clone($date); foreach ($items as $item => $count) { if ($count > 0) { date_modify($date2, '+'. $count .' '. $item); } } $format = isset($subgroup['DTSTART']['type']) && $subgroup['DTSTART']['type'] == 'DATE' ? 'Y-m-d' : 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; $subgroup['DTEND'] = array( 'datetime' => date_format($date2, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME), 'all_day' => isset($subgroup['DTSTART']['all_day']) ? $subgroup['DTSTART']['all_day'] : 0, 'tz' => $timezone, ); $items['DURATION'] = date_format($date2, 'U') - date_format($date, 'U'); $subgroup['DURATION'] = $items; } /** * Parse and clean up ical text elements. */ function date_ical_parse_text($field, $data) { if (strstr($field, 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE')) { $data = quoted_printable_decode($data); } // Strip line breaks within element $data = str_replace(array("\r\n ", "\n ", "\r "), '', $data); // Put in line breaks where encoded $data = str_replace(array("\\n", "\\N"), "\n", $data); // Remove other escaping $data = stripslashes($data); return $data; } /** * Return a date object for the ical date, adjusted to its local timezone. * * @param $ical_date * an array of ical date information created in the ical import. * @param $to_tz * the timezone to convert the date's value to. * @return object * a timezone-adjusted date object */ function date_ical_date($ical_date, $to_tz = FALSE) { // If the ical date has no timezone, must assume it is stateless // so treat it as a local date. if (empty($ical_date['tz'])) { $from_tz = date_default_timezone_name(); } else { $from_tz = $ical_date['tz']; } $date = date_make_date($ical_date['datetime'], $from_tz); if ($to_tz && $ical_date['tz'] != '' && $to_tz != $ical_date['tz']) { $date = date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open($to_tz)); } return $date; } /** * Turn an array of events into a valid iCalendar file * * @param $events * An array of events where each event is an array keyed on the uid: * 'start' => start date object, * 'end' => end date object, * optional, omit for all day event. * 'summary' => Title of event (Text) * 'description' => Description of event (Text) * 'location' => Location of event (Text) * 'uid' => ID of the event for use by calendaring program. * Recommend the url of the node * 'url' => URL of event information * * @param $calname * Name of the calendar. Will use site name if none is specified. * * @return * Text of a date_icalendar file. * * @todo * add folding and more ical elements */ function date_ical_export($events, $calname = NULL) { $output .= "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\n"; $output .= "METHOD:PUBLISH\n"; $output .= 'X-WR-CALNAME:'. date_ical_escape_text($calname ? $calname : variable_get('site_name', '')) ."\n"; $output .= "PRODID:-//Drupal iCal API//EN\n"; foreach ($events as $uid => $event) { // Skip any items with empty dates. if (!empty($event['start'])) { $output .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\n"; $output .= "DTSTAMP;TZID=". date_default_timezone_name() .";VALUE=DATE-TIME:". date_format(date_now(), DATE_FORMAT_ICAL) ."\n"; $timezone = timezone_name_get(date_timezone_get($event['start'])); if (!empty($timezone)) { $timezone = "TZID=$timezone;"; } else { $timezone = ''; } if ($event['start'] && $event['end']) { $output .= "DTSTART;". $timezone ."VALUE=DATE-TIME:". date_format($event['start'], DATE_FORMAT_ICAL) ."\n"; $output .= "DTEND;". $timezone ."VALUE=DATE-TIME:". date_format($event['end'], DATE_FORMAT_ICAL) ."\n"; } else { $output .= "DTSTART;". $timezone ."VALUE=DATE-TIME:". date_format($event['start'], DATE_FORMAT_ICAL) ."\n"; } $output .= "UID:". ($event['uid'] ? $event['uid'] : $uid) ."\n"; if ($event['url']) { $output .= "URL;VALUE=URI:". $event['url'] ."\n"; } if ($event['location']) { $output .= "LOCATION:". date_ical_escape_text($event['location']) ."\n"; } $output .= "SUMMARY:". date_ical_escape_text($event['summary']) ."\n"; if ($event['description']) { $output .= "DESCRIPTION:". date_ical_escape_text($event['description']) ."\n"; } $output .= "END:VEVENT\n"; } } $output .= "END:VCALENDAR\n"; return $output; } /** * Escape #text elements for safe iCal use * * @param $text * Text to escape * * @return * Escaped text * */ function date_ical_escape_text($text) { //$text = strip_tags($text); $text = str_replace('"', '\"', $text); $text = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $text); $text = str_replace(",", "\,", $text); $text = str_replace(":", "\:", $text); $text = str_replace(";", "\;", $text); $text = str_replace("\n", "\n ", $text); return $text; } /** * Build an iCal RULE from $form_values. * * @param $form_values * an array constructed like the one created by date_ical_parse_rrule() * * [RRULE] => Array ( * [FREQ] => Array ( * [0] => MONTHLY * ) * [BYDAY] => Array ( * [0] => 1SU * [1] => -1SU * ) * [UNTIL] => Array ( * [datetime] => 1997-21-31 09:00:00 * [all_day] => 0 * [tz] => US/Eastern * ) * ) * [EXDATE] => Array ( * [0] = Array ( * [datetime] => 1997-09-21 09:00:00 * [all_day] => 0 * [tz] => US/Eastern * ) * [1] = Array ( * [datetime] => 1997-10-05 09:00:00 * [all_day] => 0 * [tz] => US/Eastern * ) * ) * */ function date_api_ical_build_rrule($form_values) { //grab the RRULE data and put them into iCal RRULE format $RRULE = 'RRULE:FREQ='. $form_values['FREQ']; $RRULE .= ';INTERVAL='. $form_values['INTERVAL']; // Unset the empty 'All' values. unset($form_values['BYDAY']['']); unset($form_values['BYMONTH']['']); unset($form_values['BYMONTHDAY']['']); if ($form_values['BYDAY']) { $RRULE .= ';BYDAY='. implode(",", $form_values['BYDAY']); } if ($form_values['BYMONTH']) { $RRULE .= ';BYMONTH='. implode(",", $form_values['BYMONTH']); } if ($form_values['BYMONTHDAY']) { $RRULE .= ';BYMONTHDAY='. implode(",", $form_values['BYMONTHDAY']); } if ($form_values['UNTIL']['datetime']) { $RRULE .= ';UNTIL='. date_convert($form_values['UNTIL']['datetime'], DATE_DATETIME, DATE_ICAL); } // iCal rules presume the week starts on Monday unless otherwise specified, // so we'll specify it. if (isset($form_values['WKST'])) { $RRULE .= ';WKST='. $form_values['WKST']; } else { $RRULE .= ';WKST='. date_repeat_dow2day(variable_get('date_first_day', 1)); } // Exceptions dates go last, on their own line. if (is_array($form_values['EXDATE'])) { $ex_dates = array(); foreach ($form_values['EXDATE'] as $value) { $ex_date = date_convert($value['datetime'], DATE_DATETIME, DATE_ICAL); if (!empty($ex_date)) { $ex_dates[] = $ex_date; } } if (!empty($ex_dates)) { sort($ex_dates); $RRULE .= chr(13) . chr(10) .'EXDATE:'. implode(',', $ex_dates); } } elseif (!empty($form_values['EXDATE'])) { $RRULE .= chr(13) . chr(10) .'EXDATE:'. $form_values['EXDATE']; } return $RRULE; }