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  1. Jan 10, 2008
  2. Jan 09, 2008
  3. Jan 07, 2008
  4. Jan 05, 2008
  5. Jan 04, 2008
  6. Jan 02, 2008
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Standardize on date_make_date() instead of calling date_create() in some... · bf582ebd
      Karen Stevenson authored
      Standardize on date_make_date() instead of calling date_create() in some places so there is a central place to test the timezone and date values before creating the date.
      Add method to customize the labeling of date parts to allow the label above the date part, inserted as the first item in the options array, or omitted.
      Remove some functions that are not being used or move them so they are called only when needed to clean up the code.
  7. Dec 31, 2007
  8. Dec 17, 2007
  9. Dec 05, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Rework the logic for handling the date timezone and converting from and to the... · c2eb4f0b
      Karen Stevenson authored
      Rework the logic for handling the date timezone and converting from and to the db storage timezone. Finally realized the widget cannot do the timezone transformation, the widget must always be handling a date in the same timezone so validation and other processes can work correctly no matter what route the form takes. It will be up to the field, not the element, to transform the date from gmt to the local timezone when the date is retrieved from storage and back again before saving it.
      This is the first of a series of updates to get this change implemented. Things are likely to be buggy untill all these changes are reworked and committed.
  10. Nov 02, 2007
  11. Oct 31, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      The Date Repeat API is mostly complete and can parse an iCal RRULE and return... · 4e351bff
      Karen Stevenson authored
      The Date Repeat API is mostly complete and can parse an iCal RRULE and return an array of dates that match the rule. Also added extensive simpletests on a variety of iCal RRULEs to test the logic. Not all iCal elements are included in this version, but the most common ones are. The API is not yet tied back into the Date module, so you can't do anything with it yet.
  12. Oct 12, 2007
  13. Oct 11, 2007
  14. Sep 25, 2007
  15. Sep 02, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Get rid of date_part_is_valid() which got too recursive and stick with just... · 19d83882
      Karen Stevenson authored
      Get rid of date_part_is_valid() which got too recursive and stick with just date_is_valid(); move hook_elements() to so all element code is together for clarity and easier debugging; break up processing in Date module so each process is for a single element for consistency with the way things will work in the 6.x CCK port; more cleanup of the date processing and validation;
  16. Jul 28, 2007