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  1. Feb 18, 2008
  2. Feb 15, 2008
  3. Feb 03, 2008
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Getting rid of offsets!! Alter query code to cast ISO and UNIX dates to native... · 3dddd854
      Karen Stevenson authored
      Getting rid of offsets!! Alter query code to cast ISO and UNIX dates to native datetimes and do timezone conversion in the database. Much faster and more accurate.
      This will mean this version of the code will not work for databases that are not able to do native timezone conversion, but even inexpensive shared hosts will probably have the MYSQL database timezone tables installed, and PostgreSQL has good timezone handling enabled by default.
      The MYSQL timezone conversion code should be accurate, the PostgreSQL code looks right from the documentation but needs to be verified.
      The offset fields can now be dropped from the Date fields since we only need the timezone name to do the conversion.
      I probably missed some places that need to be adjusted for this change, but this should get most of the necessary fixes in place.
  4. Jan 30, 2008
  5. Jan 29, 2008
  6. Dec 05, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Rework the logic for handling the date timezone and converting from and to the... · c2eb4f0b
      Karen Stevenson authored
      Rework the logic for handling the date timezone and converting from and to the db storage timezone. Finally realized the widget cannot do the timezone transformation, the widget must always be handling a date in the same timezone so validation and other processes can work correctly no matter what route the form takes. It will be up to the field, not the element, to transform the date from gmt to the local timezone when the date is retrieved from storage and back again before saving it.
      This is the first of a series of updates to get this change implemented. Things are likely to be buggy untill all these changes are reworked and committed.
  7. Oct 16, 2007
  8. Oct 15, 2007
  9. Aug 31, 2007