Current API VERSION: 2.0. See API.txt for more information. ctools 7.x-1.x-dev ================== Changelog reset for 7.x #911396 by alex_b: Prevent notices in export UI. #919768 by mikey_p: Allow url options to be sent to ctools_ajax_command_url(). #358953 by cedarm: Allow term context to return lowercase, spaces to dashes versions of terms. #931434 by EclipseGc: Argument plugin for node revision ID. #910656: CTools AJAX sample wizard demo "domesticated" checkbox value not stored. #922442 by EugenMayer, neclimdul and voxpelli: Make sure ctools_include can handle '' or NULL directory. #919956 by traviss359: Correct example in wizard advanced help. #942968: Fix taxonomy term access rule with tag term vocabs. #840344: node add argument had crufty code causing notices. #944462 by longhairedgit: Invalid character in regex causes rare notice. #938778 by dereine: Fix profile content type for D7 updates. Add detach event to modal close so that wysiwyg can detach the editor. Variant titles showing up as blank if more than one variant on a page. #940016: token support was not yet updated for D7. #940446: Skip validation on back and cancel buttons in all wizards. #954492: Redirect not always working in #955348: Lack of redirect on "Update" button in Page Manager causing data loss sometimes. #941778: Update and save button should not appear in the "Add variant" path. #955070 by EclipseGc: Update ctools internal page tokens to work properly on content all content. #956890 by EclipseGc: Update views_content to not use views dependency since that is gone. #954728 by EclipseGc: Update node template page function name to not collide with new hook_node_view(). #946534 by EclipseGc: Add support for field content on all entitities. #952586 by EclipseGc: Fix node_author content type. #959206: If a context is not set when rendering content, attempt to guess the context (fixes Views panes where "From context" was added but pane was never edited.) #961654 by benshell: drupal_alter() only supports 4 arguments. #911362 by alex_b: Facilitate plugin cache resets for tests. #945360 by naxoc: node_tag_new() not updated to D7. #953804 by EclipseGc: Fix node comment rendering. #953542 by EclipseGc: Fix node rendering. #953776 by EclipseGc: Fix node link rendering.