(function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.initColorboxImageModule = { attach: function (context, settings) { // Image Attach Functionality $('div.image-attach-body > a, ul.images a', context).once('init-colorbox-image-module', function () { var $img = $('.image', this); if ($img.length === 0) { return true; } // Find derivative var matches = $img.attr('class').match(/image\-(\w+)/); if (matches === null) { return true; } var derivative = matches[1]; // Create link path var path_replacement = settings.colorbox.image_derivative == '_original' ? '' : '.' + settings.colorbox.image_derivative; var href = $img.attr('src').replace('.' + derivative, path_replacement); // Modify link to image this.href = href; // Add rel tag to group this.rel = 'image-gallery'; // Add image link title this.title = $img.attr('title'); // Colorbox it $(this).addClass('colorbox'); }); } }; })(jQuery);