// $Id$ 5--1.x ====== Features -------- General - #203495 Initial Panels 2 integration : render a fieldgroup in a panel. - #189807 Views field handlers : show first or last of multiple values Field / Widget modules - #60713 Userreference : Add optional reverse link on user profile page for referenced users. - #131260 Userreference : Allow filter referenceable users by active/blocked status. - #221288 Text : Views argument can filter by the first letters of the values Bugfix ------ General - #211566 Limit data to nodes of the right content type when migrating data from per field to per type tables. - #210683 Execute content_clear_type_cache() after removing fields from nodes. - #210683 Clear node values from cache if field information is changed so stale values don't appear in node_load(). - #198420 Make sure internal field and widget names are truncated to 32 characters to match the database values. - Include views module in content_clear_type_cache() to prevent errors when this is called from .install files. - #226549 Fix untranslatable message on fieldgroup deletion Field / widget modules - #196575 Userreference : autocomplete did not filter users by role, need custom autocomplete instead of standard user autocomplete. - #183816 Number : Fix missing decimal in formatter. - #140687 OptionWidgets : fix 'single checkbox' stick on checked when used with text values. 5--1.6-1 ======== Hotfix release for CCK 1.6. Bugfix ------ General - #167607 Fix ' ' (missing ';') on field display. Field / widget modules - #167468 Nodereference : Fixed autocomplete widget w/ 'advanced (Views) mode' and Views 1.6 : the first set of matches is repeated for subsequent edits (Views query cache) 5--1.6 ====== IMPORTANT : this release fixes two cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in nodereference.module : - when a nodereference field is displayed using the 'plain' formatter - when a nodereference field is edited using the 'autocomplete text field' widget (only when _not_ using the 'advanced options - Views.module' for the field) All sites using CCK / nodereference.module should consider upgrading to this release as soon as possible. Features -------- General - #154827 Let modules know the 'dummy' node form built on the 'manage fields' tab is requested by CCK admin UI (problem with userreviewmodule). - #153101 Provide better explanation on the 'default value - php code' expected format. - #151347 Refactor content_field('load') to make it more legible. - #136697 Make field form_alter easier, if fieldgroups are used. Field / widget modules - #152892 Optionwidgets : Better help text for 'single on/off checkbox' widget label. - #65133 / #152016 Nodereference : Added 'full node' and 'teaser' formatters. - #126926 Nodereference : Skip node_load in 'title'-based formatters. Bugfix ------ General - #162603 Fix 4.7 -> 5.0 upgrade path (create cache_content table before any update is run). - #155416 Limit non standard CSS (transparency) to the field overview page. - #160130 Content_copy - fix drupal_goto in form submit handler. - #157786 Fix capitalization on fieldgroup edit form. - #136229 Fieldgroup weights not correctly imported when using content_copy.module. - #149832 Use 'plain' format for views argument handler ($op = 'title'). - #137900 Added whitespace after field labels on node display Field / widget modules - Nodereference : Fixed XSS vulnerabilities (missing check_plain's around node titles). - #147205 Nodereference : Fixed 'advanced settings - view arguments' not working. - #155327 Nodereference : Added missing "n." table aliases in 'referenceable nodes' query. - #153284 Nodereference : Fix unneeded and repeating {view_view} queries when 'advanced (Views) node selection' is *not* used. - #150297 Nodereference : Fix encoded raw htmlentities appearing in select widgets when using 'advanced (Views) node selection' is used. - #129016 Nodereference : Prevent possible errors if formatter is called with non numeric 'nid'. 5--1.5 ====== Features -------- - #126333 Update to Views 1.6 API (no need to update cached queries on field setup changes anymore) - #115848 Optimization : use dedicated cache table - #126776 Enhance 'default value php code' help text and error message. - minor - collapse 'default value php code' if empty Bugfix ------ General - Curly quotes fixes in German translation - #130545 Core translation destroyed by German translation - Fieldgroup_data cache was fetched every time from the database -> fixed static caching - #128994 Fix for 'ungroup multiple values' views handler populating every 'column' of the values with the first column (revert http://drupal.org/cvs?commit=58000) - #116775 Stupid conflict on field form when field_name == 'name' - #122991 Fixes further display page issues with no fields / groups - #127010 (followup to #125661) - proper escaping in update_sql - Forgot some t() labels in fieldgroups - #125661 escape group description in update_sql (fieldgroup update) - #125536 fixed descriptions on node forms and node display - #125185 fix minor error in update_1004. Field / widget modules - #130230 Optionwidgets : allow setting back to 'no value' for non required fields - #123970 Text : 'trimmed' formatter : trim first, then check_markup 5--1.4 ====== Features -------- General - #117621 Allow field modules to provide their own views integration data - #120172 String update - make field name / label workflow clearer on 'add new field' form - #115425 Allow field descriptions to be translated - #85679 Fieldgroups : group fields on node display Field / widget modules - #114145 Noderef : Add 'view arguments' setting for view-defined referenceable nodes Bugfix ------ General - #108226 (minor) ungroup field handler : no need to rebuild the field queryname - #122118 Prevent possible memory overflow in content_update_1003 - #116058 (PgSQL) Wrong use of db_add_column in content_update_1002 - #115332 MySQL5 : fix errors when adding new or existing field - #119103 Translate field label in node display (as in node form) - #122991 Fix 'invalid argument in foreach' on field display tab when no fieldgroups Field / widget modules - #108094 Text : fix MySQL5 error on text field creation. - #117813 Noderef / Userref : Fix select list widget filling 'delta' column with the nid / uid - #117031 Userref : Fix broken "roles that can be referenced" - #123667 Number : Fix incorrect code for prefix / suffix 5--1.3 ====== Features -------- General - #59451 Added management of default values for fields - #107128 Added teasers / full nodes support in an overview form for display settings - Reworked theming example and instructions accordingly - Removed hook_field('view') for core field modules (default 'view' op is now handled in content.module) - #108755 Add group name in the 'class' attributes of groups fieldsets - #112225 Moved content_types_rebuild to hook_enable Field / widget modules - #108302 Number : Added formatters for numbers (+ be sure non-numeric data is not stored) - #110570 Number : Added prefix and suffix option - #111129 Optionwidgets : Added widget to handle single on/off checkbox - #112464 Standardize validation in field rather than widget, Standardize use of $items rather than $node_field Bugfix ------ General - #105787 (critical) move data tables from 'node_*' to 'content_*' to avoid possible clashes with core 'node_*' tables - #104229 Fixed occasional 'wrong datatype' error on field overview - #108914 Fixed error when several fieldgroups have the same name - #111276 Fixed link to module page in warning message when no field module is enabled - Remove deprecated help text in fieldgroup.module - #109863 Fixed table name error in content.install (4.7 upgrade path) - #108094 (incomplete) fix for "text columns are not allowed defaults values with MySQL(5)" ? - #100546 Postgres compatibility, change integer unsigned to int_unsigned - #108226 make cck view field handler play nicely with Views Fusion module ('ungroup' handler) - #114936 make sure default value form element is not required Field / widget modules - #107667 Added missing '#size' for mutliple select widgets (display issues with Opera) - #108037 Optionwidgets : (update function) Added missing curly braces around table name - #114346 fix error on empty noderef fields 5--1.2 ====== Bugfix ------ - #107752 Changed JOIN USING to INNER JOIN in fieldgroup for MYSQL 3 compatibility - #84634 Added error handling for some PHP5 array_merge errors - Fixed some invalid t()'ed strings for .pot extractor 5--1.1 ====== This version has database changes in it and requires update.php. Files added fieldgroup.module fieldgroup.info fieldgroup.install content_copy.module content_copy.info content.css UPGRADE.txt Files removed date.module date.info date.install Features -------- General - #99446 Added content_copy module for import/export for type, group, and field definitions. - #57483 Added fieldgroup module to core CCK. - #99672 Improved UI for setting weights and groups on field overview page - #99672 Added body field (if present) to the fields overview - #79887 Default field theming does not display label on empty fields. - #88135 Views handling of multiple fields : allow option to group multiple fields together. - #105787 Refactor generation of data table names - #107208 Make db tables storage-agnostic (remove MyISAM enforcement) - Optimized .inc files inclusion - Removed hook_simpletest for now - Misc code cleanup Field / widget modules - Removed original date.module. Use http://drupal.org/project/date instead. - #89172 Improved handling for optionwidgets, adding ability to create options as an array in php or as a list of values. Also fixes View handling, making sure the right value is swapped in for the option in Views tables and lists. Bugfix ------ General - #105270 Adapt field and group admin forms to work better with programmatic submissions. - Add field type and module as hidden fields to content_admin_field form to make programmatic form submission easier - #104259 Add code to create node_content tables and function content_types_rebuild() to fix database if content types are added when CCK is not enabled. - #89351 Make sure node_content table row gets deleted when no fields are in it. - Fix url in fields tab table. - #101599 Fixed node not being passed to formatters in view field handler - When changing storage from 'per field' to 'per content type',NULL values were copied as 0 or string 'NULL' - #98895 Always include content_admin.inc file in admin area. - #100535 Fix occasional fatal error on node view when $node->content comes empty. - #101946 Make sure no default value is provided for MySQL text and blob columns. - #81688 Ensure multiple fields have a label to mark "required" asterisk - #105603 Make goup names consistent with field names ('group-*' => 'group_*') Field / widget modules - #104598 Text : core now treats maxlength = '' as maxlength = 0 - Text : store one '' (empty string) for empty multiple fields (stored nothing previously) - #103585 Userreference : force transposed node_field['uid'] to array when empty. - #98910 Userreference : Fixed storage issues for empty userreference fields - #106150 Userreference : make user list sorting consistent - #82439 Number : Fixed storage issues for empty number fields 5.0 port - #106932 Fixed migration path from outdated 4.7 versions - #100744 Fixed migration path from outdated 4.7 versions - #99713 Fixed field weights not playing correctly with 'non-cck' fields on node display - #99096 Fixed content_form being called twice on form generation - #100535 Fixed occasional fatal error on node view when $node->content comes empty - Field instances were not removed on a content type deletion - "enctype : multipart" was added to node forms for every content type - Removed hook_help when deprecated by .info files 5--1.0-beta =========== - initial 5.x release