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  1. Apr 05, 2008
  2. Feb 07, 2008
  3. Feb 06, 2008
  4. Jan 17, 2008
  5. Jan 15, 2008
  6. Jan 13, 2008
  7. Jan 11, 2008
  8. Jan 10, 2008
  9. Jan 09, 2008
  10. Jan 01, 2008
    • Yves Chedemois's avatar
      Minor stuff : · 2e55329a
      Yves Chedemois authored
      - rename content_install_types() to content_types_install()
      - add missing include in content_storage_type() - was OK
        since the function is always called from
      - remove unnecessary (array) casts
  11. Dec 24, 2007
  12. Dec 23, 2007
  13. Dec 12, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      #198508 Clean up update process to accomodate the possibility that some field... · cf81474b
      Karen Stevenson authored
      #198508 Clean up update process to accomodate the possibility that some field modules won't get enabled until later while still making sure the module and column fields of the fields tables get populated as soon as we have any information about them. Fix those we can in content module's update, fix others using hook_content_notify when they get enabled, add special fixes needed for optionwidgets and text which changed the widget names so they don't update automatically.
      There are still more complex upgrade issues to address, just getting this much of the fix committed.Patch by fractile81 and me.
  14. Dec 11, 2007
  15. Dec 10, 2007
  16. Dec 08, 2007
  17. Nov 29, 2007
  18. Nov 28, 2007
  19. Nov 26, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Cleanup the content updates. · bbaf839c
      Karen Stevenson authored
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Remove old updates that spanned several schema changes and require that... · a0e4ca62
      Karen Stevenson authored
      Remove old updates that spanned several schema changes and require that database be current before upgrading to 6.x. This is needed because the CCK database has dramatically changed several times, including changing to and then away from table names that were later usurped by core. The 6.x structure finishes moving completely away from using table names prefixed with 'node_' to avoid future upgrade problems as core incorporates more parts of CCK.
      This means 4.7 to 6.x upgrades will require an intermediate update to 5.x, and 5.x to 6.x upgrades will require that the latest code be used to upgrade the database in 5.x before upgrading to 6.x.
      This won't be popular, but maintaining all those old updates to make sure that nothing breaks no matter what state the database is in has become an impossible task. Hopefully once everyone is stablized using the 6.x structure we can stick to automatic updates in the future.
  20. Nov 20, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Lots of cleanup of the new batch schema alter function, including making sure... · 401bf766
      Karen Stevenson authored
      Lots of cleanup of the new batch schema alter function, including making sure it will run correctly when called from an .install update function.
      Clean up old content.install functions to consolidate several that did similar things that created and then fixed some problems into a single new function that will clean up the database in all cases.
  21. Nov 18, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      This is probably going to break things again, but we now deprecate... · 6ddb7830
      Karen Stevenson authored
      This is probably going to break things again, but we now deprecate content_alter_db_table() and introduce content_alter_schema() which first analyzes the changes to see if they will result in loss of data, then uses batch processing to update the nodes one at a time, and then finally do the actual change to the schema.
  22. Nov 13, 2007
  23. Nov 10, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Create a helper function for the cache tablename since it gets changed, this... · 6e0b21c2
      Karen Stevenson authored
      Create a helper function for the cache tablename since it gets changed, this will help avoid errors during updates prior to the new table creation. Changed names of content_field and content_field_instance tablename helper functions and made them public, since they are used by other modules.
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Two big D6 port changes: · b4ad53bb
      Karen Stevenson authored
      #97861 change schema to store field column and module info in the field settings table so we have a way to clean fields up after a field module is uninstalled and rework all code to retrieve that info from the database instead of using module_invoke('database columns').
      #157176 major restructuring to move most existing field crud processing to This still needs more testing and is not the final API, but it is a beginning.
  24. Nov 08, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      Switch to using _content_field_tablename() and... · f4db2820
      Karen Stevenson authored
      Switch to using _content_field_tablename() and _content_field_instance_tablename() instead of node_field or content_field to properly handle tablenames before and after name change. Needed so update functions and their calls to content functions will work properly whether or not the tables have been renamed.
  25. Nov 07, 2007
  26. Nov 05, 2007
  27. Nov 02, 2007
  28. Oct 05, 2007
  29. Sep 30, 2007
  30. Aug 27, 2007
    • Karen Stevenson's avatar
      #157176 First round of FAPIzing the widgets. Widget invoke hook_elements() and... · e9b6b501
      Karen Stevenson authored
      #157176 First round of FAPIzing the widgets. Widget invoke hook_elements() and use FAPI #process, #value_callback, etc. Widgets now only produce a single element and content module handles multiple values. Widget elements are designed to be agnostic about where they are placed. The content module places them on nodes, but it should be possible to write custom code to place them elsewhere by creating a $field array that will tell the widget what parameters to use. See the referenced issue for more details.
  31. Aug 16, 2007