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  1. Jul 07, 2003
  2. Jun 17, 2003
  3. Jun 03, 2003
    • adrian's avatar
      Merged Matt Westgate's bugfix patch (thanks matt =) ). · 20f06862
      adrian authored
      "Hi Adrian,
      I was installing your buddylist module against the latest cvs and ran into a
      small snag.  When editing an user account, an error is thrown because your
      _user hook isn't returning an array, its returning a string.  This causes
      user updates to be ignored.
      By checking if the type == "edit_validate", you can return a null and not
      return anything.  This seems to fix the problem.
      Joy to you,
  4. May 13, 2003
  5. May 12, 2003
    • adrian's avatar
      Initial commit of buddylist.module, which allows users to maintain a personalized list · 4ee1bf38
      adrian authored
      of friend's on the system.
      Also included in the module is a block of the last 10 friend's blog updates, and a block
      displaying your buddies.
      Also optionally the ability to customize the user list blocks
      (buddy list and who's new at this time) to display an icon next to the names for adding
      and deleting buddies without having to go to their profile screen first.