var exec = require('sync-exec'); var exit = 0; var glob = require("glob"); var globOptions = { ignore: [ 'bower_components/**/*', 'node_modules/**/*' ] }; var pkg = require('../../package'); // Change to \{{ hook }} once that variable is available. // @see var hooks = pkg.githooks && pkg.githooks['{{ task }}']; if (hooks) { var ret, hook, files, commands, staged, matchAll; var filesMatched = []; // Iterate over all hook definitions. for (var h in hooks) { hook = hooks[h]; commands = hook.commands || []; staged = hook.staged === void 0 ? false : !!hook.staged; matchAll = hook.matchAll === void 0 ? true : !!hook.matchAll; // Iterate over all files in a hook definition. if (hook.files) { // Expand all file paths using glob (for pattern matching). if (typeof hook.files === 'string') { files = glob.sync(hook.files, globOptions) || []; } if (Array.isArray(hook.files)) { files = []; for (var f = 0; f < hook.files.length; f++) { files = [].concat(files, glob.sync(hook.files[f], globOptions) || []); } } // All files must either be staged or modified for the entire // hook definition command(s) to be executed. for (f in files) { var file = files[f]; if (file) { // Only continue if file has been staged or modified. ret = exec((staged ? 'git diff --name-only --cached ' + file : 'git diff HEAD@{1} --stat -- ' + file)); exit = ret.status; if (exit === 0 && ret.stdout !== '') { filesMatched.push(file); } else if (matchAll && (exit > 0 || ret.stdout === '')) { console.log(ret.stdout); filesMatched = []; break; } } } } // Iterate over all commands that should be executed for matched files. if (filesMatched.length) { if (typeof commands === 'string') { commands = [commands]; } for (var c in commands) { var command = commands[c]; console.log("\033[4;35mgit: {{ task }}\033[0;35m\n>> " + command + "\033[0m\n"); ret = exec(command); console.log(ret.stdout); exit = ret.status; if (exit > 0) { break; } } } // Display any errors. if (exit > 0 && ret && ret.stderr) { console.log(ret.stderr); } } } process.exit(exit);