'fieldset', '#title' => t('Boost Apache .htaccess settings generation'), '#description' => t('Explanation of .htaccess variables

Be sure to save the configuration and then go to the htaccess rules generation page and copy the rules.
Apache 2.4 users should uncomment the two marked sections, each line beginning with # ', array('!link' => url('http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/mod_rewrite-variables-cheatsheet.html'), '!rules' => url('admin/config/system/boost/htaccess/generator'))), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_server_name_http_host'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t("Server's URL or Name"), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_server_name_http_host', BOOST_SERVER_NAME_HTTP_HOST), '#options' => array( '%{HTTP_HOST}' => '%{HTTP_HOST}', '%{SERVER_NAME}' => '%{SERVER_NAME}', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], ), '#description' => t('Best to leave these as %{}, only try the last option(s) if boost is still not working.'), ); // Set DOCUMENT_ROOT $drupal_subdir = rtrim($base_path, '/'); $document_root = str_replace("\\", '/', getcwd()); // fix windows dir slashes $document_root = trim(str_replace($drupal_subdir, '', $document_root)); // remove subdir $options = array('%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}' => '%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}', $document_root => $document_root); // initial options $rejects = array('SCRIPT_FILENAME', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'); // values to ignore $output = boost_admin_htaccess_array_find($document_root, $_SERVER, $rejects); //search for values that match getcwd $description_extra = ''; if (!empty($output)) { foreach ($output as $key => $value) { $temp = '%{ENV:' . $key . '}'; $options[$temp] = $temp . ' = ' . $value; // adding values to options if (strcmp($value, $document_root) == 0) { $best = $temp; // set best since it's a match } } } if (strcmp($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $document_root) == 0) { $best = '%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}'; } elseif (!isset($best)) { $best = $document_root; $description_extra = t('Please open an boost issue on Drupal.org, since apache and php might not be configured correctly.', array('!link' => url('http://drupal.org/node/add/project-issue/boost'))); } $percent = 0; $int = similar_text(substr(trim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']), 18, 1), substr(trim($document_root), 18, 1), $percent); $description = t('Value of %best is recommended for this server.', array('%best' => $best)) . ' ' . $description_extra; $form['htaccess']['boost_document_root'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Document Root'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_document_root', BOOST_DOCUMENT_ROOT), '#options' => $options, '#description' => $description, ); $form['htaccess']['boost_apache_etag'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('ETag Settings'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_apache_etag', BOOST_APACHE_ETAG), '#options' => array( 3 => "Set FileETag 'MTime Size' - Useful in server clusters (Highly Recommended)", 2 => "Set FileETag 'All' - Default if enabled", 1 => "Set FileETag 'None' - Do not send an etag", 0 => 'Do Nothing', ), '#description' => t('Uses FileETag Directive to set ETags for the files cached by Boost. More info on this subject', array('!link' => url('http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/core.html#fileetag'), '!about' => url('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_ETag'), '!stack' => url('http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged?tagnames=etag&sort=votes&pagesize=50'))), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_apache_xheader'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Boost Tags'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_apache_xheader', BOOST_APACHE_XHEADER), '#options' => array( 1 => 'Set Boost header', 0 => 'Do not set Boost header', ), '#description' => t('In order to identify that the page is being served from the cache, Boost can send out a header that will identify any files served from the boost cache.'), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_ssl_bypass'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Bypass the boost cache for ssl requests.'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_ssl_bypass', BOOST_SSL_BYPASS), '#description' => t('Ticking this is recommended if you use the securepages module.'), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_add_default_charset'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Add "AddDefaultCharset X" to the htaccess rules'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_add_default_charset', BOOST_ADD_DEFAULT_CHARSET), '#description' => t('Depending on your i18n settings you might want this disabled or enabled. X is set below'), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_charset_type'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Add "AddDefaultCharset utf-8" to the htaccess rules'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_charset_type', BOOST_CHARSET_TYPE), '#description' => t('Depending on your i18n settings you might want this disabled or enabled.'), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_match_symlinks_options'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('%cache_folder Options', array( '%cache_folder' => $document_root . '/' . variable_get('boost_root_cache_dir', BOOST_ROOT_CACHE_DIR) . '/' . variable_get('boost_normal_dir', BOOST_NORMAL_DIR) . '/' . variable_get('boost_server_name_http_host', BOOST_SERVER_NAME_HTTP_HOST) . '/.htaccess' )), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_match_symlinks_options', BOOST_MATCH_SYMLINKS_OPTIONS), '#options' => array( 1 => 'Set "Options +FollowSymLinks"', 0 => 'Set "Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch"', ), '#description' => t('The .htaccess file in the cache folder requires "Options +FollowSymLinks" or "Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch" for mod_rewrite. Some hosting companies only permit the SymLinksIfOwnerMatch option. If you get a http 500 error code try setting SymLinksIfOwnerMatch.'), ); // reset htaccess on submit; $form['#submit'][] = 'boost_form_submit_handler'; return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Form builder; Configure boost settings. * * @ingroup forms * @see system_settings_form() */ function boost_admin_htaccess_generation() { // Generated .htaccess output $htaccess = boost_admin_htaccess_generate_htaccess(); $form['boost_generated'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Generated Rules'), '#default_value' => $htaccess, '#rows' => count(explode("\n", $htaccess))+1, '#wysiwyg' => FALSE, '#description' => t("Copy this into your .htaccess file below
  # If your site is running in a VirtualDocumentRoot at http://example.com/,
  # uncomment the following line:
  # RewriteBase / 
and above
  # Pass all requests not referring directly to files in the filesystem to
  # index.php. Clean URLs are handled in drupal_environment_initialize().

Note that the generated rules' settings can be configure at !link.", array('!link' => l('admin/config/development/performance/boost/htaccess-settings', 'admin/config/development/performance/boost/htaccess-settings'))), ); // reset htaccess on submit; $form['#submit'][] = 'boost_form_submit_handler'; return $form; } /** * Generate htaccess code. * * http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/mod_rewrite-variables-cheatsheet.html * * @return string * htaccess code */ function boost_admin_htaccess_generate_htaccess() { global $base_path; $server_name = variable_get('boost_server_name_http_host', BOOST_SERVER_NAME_HTTP_HOST); $document_root = variable_get('boost_document_root', BOOST_DOCUMENT_ROOT); $drupal_subdir = rtrim($base_path, '/'); // Various dir's $cache_dir = variable_get('boost_root_cache_dir', BOOST_ROOT_CACHE_DIR); $normal_dir = variable_get('boost_normal_dir', BOOST_NORMAL_DIR); $char = variable_get('boost_char', BOOST_CHAR); // Go through every storage type getting the extesion and if it supports gzip. $enabled_file_extensions = array(); $types = boost_get_storage_types(); foreach ($types as $title => $content_types) { foreach ($content_types as $type => $values) { if ($values['enabled']) { $enabled_file_extensions[$values['extension']]['gzip'] = $values['gzip']; if (empty($enabled_file_extensions[$values['extension']]['content_type'])) { $enabled_file_extensions[$values['extension']]['content_type'] = $type; } } } } $output = array('gzip' => '', 'normal' => ''); $gzip_count = 0; $normal_count = 0; foreach ($enabled_file_extensions as $extension => $values) { $type = $values['content_type']; $output['normal'] .= " RewriteCond $document_root$base_path$cache_dir/%{ENV:boostpath}/$server_name%{REQUEST_URI}$char%{QUERY_STRING}\.$extension -s\n"; $output['normal'] .= " RewriteRule .* $cache_dir/%{ENV:boostpath}/$server_name%{REQUEST_URI}$char%{QUERY_STRING}\.$extension [L,T=$type]\n"; $normal_count++; } $skip = !empty($gzip_count) ? $normal_count + $gzip_count + 1 : $normal_count + 1; // Generate the rules $string = " ### BOOST START ###\n"; if (!empty($output)) { $string .= "\n"; $string .= " # Allow for alt paths to be set via htaccess rules; allows for cached variants (future mobile support)\n"; $string .= " RewriteRule .* - [E=boostpath:$normal_dir]\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "# # Apache 2.4 bug workaround\n"; $string .= "# # Enables Search from home page https://drupal.org/node/2078595#comment-8724321\n"; $string .= "# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(POST)$\n"; $string .= "# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} $base_path\n"; $string .= "# RewriteRule .* $base_path [S=" . ($skip+1) . "]\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= " # Caching for anonymous users\n"; $string .= " # Skip boost IF not get request OR uri has wrong dir OR cookie is set OR request came from this server" . (variable_get('boost_ssl_bypass', BOOST_SSL_BYPASS) ? " OR https request" : "") . "\n"; $string .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !^(GET|HEAD)$ [OR]\n"; $string .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^$base_path(admin|$cache_dir|misc|modules|sites|system|openid|themes|node/add|comment/reply))|(/(edit|user|user/(login|password|register))$) [OR]\n"; if (variable_get('boost_ssl_bypass', BOOST_SSL_BYPASS)) { $string .= " RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on [OR]\n"; } $string .= " RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} " . variable_get('boost_cookie', BOOST_COOKIE) . " [OR]\n"; $string .= " RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} 200\n"; $string .= " RewriteRule .* - [S=$skip]\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "# # Apache 2.4 bug workaround\n"; $string .= "# # Enables caching of index/ home page\n"; $string .= "# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^" . "$base_path" . "index\.php$\n"; $string .= "# RewriteCond $document_root$base_path$cache_dir/%{ENV:boostpath}/%{HTTP_HOST}" . $base_path . "\\" . $char . "%{QUERY_STRING}\.html -s\n"; $string .= "# RewriteRule .* $cache_dir/%{ENV:boostpath}/$server_name$base_path" . "\\" . $char ."%{QUERY_STRING}\.html [L,T=text/html]"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= " # NORMAL\n"; $string .= $output['normal']; } $string .= "\n"; $string .= " ### BOOST END ###\n"; return $string; } /** * Returns all key/values in array that are equal. * * @param $needle * What your searching for * @param $haystack * Array of values * @param $a_not * Optional array of key names to exclude */ function boost_admin_htaccess_array_find($needle, $haystack, $a_not = array()) { $out = array(); foreach ($haystack as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value) && strstr($value, $needle) !== FALSE) { $good = TRUE; foreach ($a_not as $not) { if (strpos($key, $not) !== FALSE) { $good = FALSE; } } if ($good) { $out[$key] = $value; } } } return $out; }