'fieldset', '#title' => t('Boost Apache .htaccess settings generation'), '#description' => t('Explanation of .htaccess variables

Be sure to save the configuration and then go to the htaccess rules generation page and copy the rules.', array('!link' => url('http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/mod_rewrite-variables-cheatsheet.html'), '!rules' => url('admin/config/system/boost/htaccess/generator'))), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_server_name_http_host'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Servers URL or Name'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_server_name_http_host', BOOST_SERVER_NAME_HTTP_HOST), '#options' => array( '%{HTTP_HOST}' => '%{HTTP_HOST}', '%{SERVER_NAME}' => '%{SERVER_NAME}', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], ), '#description' => t('Best to leave these as %{}, only try the last option(s) if boost is still not working.'), ); // Set DOCUMENT_ROOT $drupal_subdir = rtrim($base_path, '/'); $document_root = str_replace("\\", '/', getcwd()); // fix windows dir slashes $document_root = trim(str_replace($drupal_subdir, '', $document_root)); // remove subdir $options = array('%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}' => '%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}', $document_root => $document_root); // initial options $rejects = array('SCRIPT_FILENAME', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'); // values to ignore $output = boost_admin_htaccess_array_find($document_root, $_SERVER, $rejects); //search for values that match getcwd $description_extra = ''; if (!empty($output)) { foreach ($output as $key => $value) { $temp = '%{ENV:' . $key . '}'; $options[$temp] = $temp . ' = ' . $value; // adding values to options if (strcmp($value, $document_root) == 0) { $best = $temp; // set best since it's a match } } } if (strcmp($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $document_root) == 0) { $best = '%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}'; } elseif (!isset($best)) { $best = $document_root; $description_extra = t('Please open an boost issue on Drupal.org, since apache and php might not be configured correctly.', array('!link' => url('http://drupal.org/node/add/project-issue/boost'))); } $percent = 0; $int = similar_text(substr(trim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']), 18, 1), substr(trim($document_root), 18, 1), $percent); $description = t('Value of %best is recommended for this server.', array('%best' => $best)) . ' ' . $description_extra; $form['htaccess']['boost_document_root'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Document Root'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_document_root', BOOST_DOCUMENT_ROOT), '#options' => $options, '#description' => $description, ); $form['htaccess']['boost_apache_etag'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('ETag Settings'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_apache_etag', BOOST_APACHE_ETAG), '#options' => array( 3 => "Set FileETag 'MTime Size' - Useful in server clusters (Highly Recommended)", 2 => "Set FileETag 'All' - Default if enabled", 1 => "Set FileETag 'None' - Do not send an etag", 0 => 'Do Nothing', ), '#description' => t('Uses FileETag Directive to set ETags for the files cached by Boost. More info on this subject', array('!link' => url('http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/core.html#fileetag'), '!about' => url('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_ETag'), '!stack' => url('http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged?tagnames=etag&sort=votes&pagesize=50'))), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_apache_xheader'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Boost Tags'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_apache_xheader', BOOST_APACHE_XHEADER), '#options' => array( 1 => 'Set Boost header', 0 => 'Do not set Boost header', ), '#description' => t('In order to identify that the page is being served from the cache, Boost can send out a header that will identify any files served from the boost cache.'), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_ssl_bypass'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Bypass the boost cache for ssl requests.'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_ssl_bypass', BOOST_SSL_BYPASS), '#description' => t('Ticking this is recommended if you use the securepages module.'), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_add_default_charset'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Add "AddDefaultCharset X" to the htaccess rules'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_add_default_charset', BOOST_ADD_DEFAULT_CHARSET), '#description' => t('Depending on your i18n settings you might want this disabled or enabled. X is set below'), ); $form['htaccess']['boost_charset_type'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Add "AddDefaultCharset utf-8" to the htaccess rules'), '#default_value' => variable_get('boost_charset_type', BOOST_CHARSET_TYPE), '#description' => t('Depending on your i18n settings you might want this disabled or enabled.'), ); // reset htaccess on submit; $form['#submit'][] = 'boost_form_submit_handler'; return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Form builder; Configure boost settings. * * @ingroup forms * @see system_settings_form() */ function boost_admin_htaccess_generation() { // Generated .htaccess output $htaccess = boost_admin_htaccess_generate_htaccess(); $form['boost_generated'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Generated Rules'), '#default_value' => $htaccess, '#rows' => count(explode("\n", $htaccess))+1, '#wysiwyg' => FALSE, '#description' => t("Copy this into your .htaccess file below
  # If your site is running in a VirtualDocumentRoot at http://example.com/,
  # uncomment the following line:
  # RewriteBase / 
and above
  # Pass all requests not referring directly to files in the filesystem to
  # index.php. Clean URLs are handled in drupal_environment_initialize().

Note that the generated rules' settings can be configure at !link.", array('!link' => l('admin/config/development/performance/boost/htaccess-settings', 'admin/config/development/performance/boost/htaccess-settings'))), ); // reset htaccess on submit; $form['#submit'][] = 'boost_form_submit_handler'; return $form; } /** * Generate htaccess code. * * http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/mod_rewrite-variables-cheatsheet.html * * @return string * htaccess code */ function boost_admin_htaccess_generate_htaccess() { global $base_path; $server_name = variable_get('boost_server_name_http_host', BOOST_SERVER_NAME_HTTP_HOST); $document_root = variable_get('boost_document_root', BOOST_DOCUMENT_ROOT); $drupal_subdir = rtrim($base_path, '/'); // Various dir's $cache_dir = variable_get('boost_root_cache_dir', BOOST_ROOT_CACHE_DIR); $normal_dir = variable_get('boost_normal_dir', BOOST_NORMAL_DIR); $char = variable_get('boost_char', BOOST_CHAR); // Go through every storage type getting the extesion and if it supports gzip. $enabled_file_extensions = array(); $types = boost_get_storage_types(); foreach ($types as $title => $content_types) { foreach ($content_types as $type => $values) { if ($values['enabled']) { $enabled_file_extensions[$values['extension']]['gzip'] = $values['gzip']; if (empty($enabled_file_extensions[$values['extension']]['content_type'])) { $enabled_file_extensions[$values['extension']]['content_type'] = $type; } } } } $output = array('gzip' => '', 'normal' => ''); $gzip_count = 0; $normal_count = 0; foreach ($enabled_file_extensions as $extension => $values) { $type = $values['content_type']; if ($values['gzip']) { $output['gzip'] .= " RewriteCond $document_root$base_path$cache_dir/%{ENV:boostpath}/$server_name%{REQUEST_URI}$char%{QUERY_STRING}\.$extension -s\n"; $output['gzip'] .= " RewriteRule .* $cache_dir/%{ENV:boostpath}/$server_name%{REQUEST_URI}$char%{QUERY_STRING}\.$extension [L,T=$type,E=no-gzip:1]\n"; $gzip_count++; } $output['normal'] .= " RewriteCond $document_root$base_path$cache_dir/%{ENV:boostpath}/$server_name%{REQUEST_URI}$char%{QUERY_STRING}\.$extension -s\n"; $output['normal'] .= " RewriteRule .* $cache_dir/%{ENV:boostpath}/$server_name%{REQUEST_URI}$char%{QUERY_STRING}\.$extension [L,T=$type]\n"; $normal_count++; } $skip = !empty($gzip_count) ? $normal_count + $gzip_count + 1 : $normal_count; // Generate the rules $string = " ### BOOST START ###\n"; if (!empty($output)) { $string .= "\n"; $string .= " # Allow for alt paths to be set via htaccess rules; allows for cached variants (future mobile support)\n"; $string .= " RewriteRule .* - [E=boostpath:$normal_dir]\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= " # Caching for anonymous users\n"; $string .= " # Skip boost IF not get request OR uri has wrong dir OR cookie is set OR request came from this server" . (variable_get('boost_ssl_bypass', BOOST_SSL_BYPASS) ? " OR https request" : "") . "\n"; $string .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !^(GET|HEAD)$ [OR]\n"; $string .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^$base_path(admin|$cache_dir|misc|modules|sites|system|openid|themes|node/add|comment/reply))|(/(edit|user|user/(login|password|register))$) [OR]\n"; if (variable_get('boost_ssl_bypass', BOOST_SSL_BYPASS)) { $string .= " RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on [OR]\n"; } $string .= " RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} " . variable_get('boost_cookie', BOOST_COOKIE) . " [OR]\n"; $string .= " RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} 200\n"; $string .= " RewriteRule .* - [S=$skip]\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= " # GZIP\n"; $string .= " RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-encoding} !gzip\n"; $string .= " RewriteRule .* - [S=$gzip_count]\n"; $string .= $output['gzip']; $string .= "\n"; $string .= " # NORMAL\n"; $string .= $output['normal']; } $string .= "\n"; $string .= " ### BOOST END ###\n"; return $string; } /** * Returns all key/values in array that are equal. * * @param $needle * What your searching for * @param $haystack * Array of values * @param $a_not * Optional array of key names to exclude */ function boost_admin_htaccess_array_find($needle, $haystack, $a_not = array()) { $out = array(); foreach ($haystack as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value) && strstr($value, $needle) !== FALSE) { $good = TRUE; foreach ($a_not as $not) { if (strpos($key, $not) !== FALSE) { $good = FALSE; } } if ($good) { $out[$key] = $value; } } } return $out; }