$data) { // Convert named placeholders to anonymous placeholders, since the menu // system stores paths using anonymous placeholders. $replacements = array_fill_keys(array_keys($data['arguments'][0]), '%'); $data['parent'] = strtr($data['parent'], $replacements); $new_map[strtr($path, $replacements)] = $data; // Collect paths to hide. if (isset($data['hide'])) { $hidden[strtr($data['hide'], $replacements)] = 1; } } $expand_map = $new_map; unset($new_map); // Retrieve dynamic menu link tree for the expansion mappings. $tree_dynamic = admin_menu_tree_dynamic($expand_map); // Merge local tasks with static menu tree. $tree = menu_tree_all_data($menu_name); admin_menu_merge_tree($tree, $tree_dynamic, array(), $hidden); return $tree; } /** * Load menu link trees for router paths containing dynamic arguments. * * @param $expand_map * An array containing menu router path placeholder expansion argument * mappings. * * @return * An associative array whose keys are the parent paths of the menu router * paths given in $expand_map as well as the parent paths of any child link * deeper down the tree. The parent paths are used in admin_menu_merge_tree() * to check whether anything needs to be merged. * * @see hook_admin_menu_map() */ function admin_menu_tree_dynamic(array $expand_map) { $p_columns = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH; $i++) { $p_columns[] = 'p' . $i; } // Fetch p* columns for all router paths to expand. $router_paths = array_keys($expand_map); $plids = db_select('menu_links', 'ml') ->fields('ml', $p_columns) ->condition('router_path', $router_paths) ->execute() ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // Unlikely, but possible. if (empty($plids)) { return array(); } // Use queried plid columns to query sub-trees for the router paths. $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml'); $query->join('menu_router', 'm', 'ml.router_path = m.path'); $query ->fields('ml') ->fields('m', array_diff(drupal_schema_fields_sql('menu_router'), drupal_schema_fields_sql('menu_links'))); // The retrieved menu link trees have to be ordered by depth, so parents // always come before their children for the storage logic below. foreach ($p_columns as $column) { $query->orderBy($column, 'ASC'); } $db_or = db_or(); foreach ($plids as $path_plids) { $db_and = db_and(); // plids with value 0 may be ignored. foreach (array_filter($path_plids) as $column => $plid) { $db_and->condition($column, $plid); } $db_or->condition($db_and); } $query->condition($db_or); $result = $query ->execute() ->fetchAllAssoc('mlid', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // Store dynamic links grouped by parent path for later merging and assign // placeholder expansion arguments. $tree_dynamic = array(); foreach ($result as $mlid => $link) { // If contained in $expand_map, then this is a (first) parent, and we need // to store by the defined 'parent' path for later merging, as well as // provide the expansion map arguments to apply to the dynamic tree. if (isset($expand_map[$link['path']])) { $parent_path = $expand_map[$link['path']]['parent']; $link['expand_map'] = $expand_map[$link['path']]['arguments']; } // Otherwise, just store this link keyed by its parent path; the expand_map // is automatically derived from parent paths. else { $parent_path = $result[$link['plid']]['path']; } $tree_dynamic[$parent_path][] = $link; } return $tree_dynamic; } /** * Walk through the entire menu tree and merge in expanded dynamic menu links. * * @param &$tree * A menu tree structure as returned by menu_tree_all_data(). * @param $tree_dynamic * A dynamic menu tree structure as returned by admin_menu_tree_dynamic(). * @param $expand_map * An array containing menu router path placeholder expansion argument * mappings. * @param $hidden * An array containing links to hide, keyed by path. * * @see hook_admin_menu_map() * @see admin_menu_tree_dynamic() * @see menu_tree_all_data() */ function admin_menu_merge_tree(array &$tree, array $tree_dynamic, array $expand_map, array $hidden) { foreach ($tree as $key => $data) { $path = $data['link']['router_path']; // Recurse into regular menu tree. if ($tree[$key]['below']) { admin_menu_merge_tree($tree[$key]['below'], $tree_dynamic, $expand_map, $hidden); } // Hide link if requested, but only if there is no dynamic tree data for it. elseif (isset($hidden[$path]) && !isset($tree_dynamic[$path])) { $tree[$key]['link']['access'] = FALSE; continue; } // Nothing to merge, if this parent path is not in our dynamic tree. if (!isset($tree_dynamic[$path])) { continue; } // Add expanded dynamic items. foreach ($tree_dynamic[$path] as $link) { // If the dynamic item has custom placeholder expansion parameters set, // use them, otherwise keep current. if (isset($link['expand_map'])) { // If there are currently no expansion parameters, we may use the new // set immediately. if (empty($expand_map)) { $current_expand_map = $link['expand_map']; } else { // Otherwise we need to filter out elements that differ from the // current set, i.e. that are not in the same path. $current_expand_map = array(); foreach ($expand_map as $arguments) { foreach ($arguments as $placeholder => $value) { foreach ($link['expand_map'] as $new_arguments) { // Skip the new argument if it doesn't contain the current // replacement placeholders or if their values differ. if (!isset($new_arguments[$placeholder]) || $new_arguments[$placeholder] != $value) { continue; } $current_expand_map[] = $new_arguments; } } } } } else { $current_expand_map = $expand_map; } // Skip dynamic items without expansion parameters. if (empty($current_expand_map)) { continue; } // Expand anonymous to named placeholders. // @see _menu_load_objects() $path_args = explode('/', $link['path']); $load_functions = unserialize($link['load_functions']); foreach ($load_functions as $index => $function) { if ($function) { if (is_array($function)) { list($function,) = each($function); } // Add the loader function name minus "_load". $placeholder = '%' . substr($function, 0, -5); $path_args[$index] = $placeholder; } } $path_dynamic = implode('/', $path_args); // Create new menu items using expansion arguments. foreach ($current_expand_map as $arguments) { // Create the cartesian product for all arguments and create new // menu items for each generated combination thereof. foreach (admin_menu_expand_args($arguments) as $replacements) { $newpath = strtr($path_dynamic, $replacements); // Skip this item, if any placeholder could not be replaced. // Faster than trying to invoke _menu_translate(). if (strpos($newpath, '%') !== FALSE) { continue; } $map = explode('/', $newpath); $item = admin_menu_translate($link, $map); // Skip this item, if the current user does not have access. if (empty($item)) { continue; } // Build subtree using current replacement arguments. $new_expand_map = array(); foreach ($replacements as $placeholder => $value) { $new_expand_map[$placeholder] = array($value); } admin_menu_merge_tree($item, $tree_dynamic, array($new_expand_map), $hidden); $tree[$key]['below'] += $item; } } } // Sort new subtree items. ksort($tree[$key]['below']); } } /** * Translate an expanded router item into a menu link suitable for rendering. * * @param $router_item * A menu router item. * @param $map * A path map with placeholders replaced. */ function admin_menu_translate($router_item, $map) { _menu_translate($router_item, $map, TRUE); // Run through hook_translated_menu_link_alter() to add devel information, // if configured. $router_item['menu_name'] = 'management'; // @todo Invoke as usual like _menu_link_translate(). admin_menu_translated_menu_link_alter($router_item, NULL); if ($router_item['access']) { // Override mlid to make this item unique; since these items are expanded // from dynamic items, the mlid is always the same, so each item would // replace any other. // @todo Doing this instead leads to plenty of duplicate links below // admin/structure/menu; likely a hidden recursion problem. // $router_item['mlid'] = $router_item['href'] . $router_item['mlid']; $router_item['mlid'] = $router_item['href']; // Turn menu callbacks into regular menu items to make them visible. if ($router_item['type'] == MENU_CALLBACK) { $router_item['type'] = MENU_NORMAL_ITEM; } // @see _menu_tree_check_access() $key = (50000 + $router_item['weight']) . ' ' . $router_item['title'] . ' ' . $router_item['mlid']; return array($key => array( 'link' => $router_item, 'below' => array(), )); } return array(); } /** * Create the cartesian product of multiple varying sized argument arrays. * * @param $arguments * A two dimensional array of arguments. * * @see hook_admin_menu_map() */ function admin_menu_expand_args($arguments) { $replacements = array(); // Initialize line cursors, move out array keys (placeholders) and assign // numeric keys instead. $i = 0; $placeholders = array(); $new_arguments = array(); foreach ($arguments as $placeholder => $values) { // Skip empty arguments. if (empty($values)) { continue; } $cursor[$i] = 0; $placeholders[$i] = $placeholder; $new_arguments[$i] = $values; $i++; } $arguments = $new_arguments; unset($new_arguments); if ($rows = count($arguments)) { do { // Collect current argument from each row. $row = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; ++$i) { $row[$placeholders[$i]] = $arguments[$i][$cursor[$i]]; } $replacements[] = $row; // Increment cursor position. $j = $rows - 1; $cursor[$j]++; while (!array_key_exists($cursor[$j], $arguments[$j])) { // No more arguments left: reset cursor, go to next line and increment // that cursor instead. Repeat until argument found or out of rows. $cursor[$j] = 0; if (--$j < 0) { // We're done. break 2; } $cursor[$j]++; } } while (1); } return $replacements; } /** * Build the administration menu as renderable menu links. * * @param $tree * A data structure representing the administration menu tree as returned from * menu_tree_all_data(). * * @return * The complete administration menu, suitable for theme_admin_menu_links(). * * @see theme_admin_menu_links() * @see admin_menu_menu_alter() */ function admin_menu_links_menu($tree) { $links = array(); foreach ($tree as $data) { // Skip invisible items. if (!$data['link']['access'] || $data['link']['type'] == MENU_CALLBACK) { continue; } // Hide 'Administer' and make child links appear on this level. // @todo Make this configurable. if ($data['link']['router_path'] == 'admin') { if ($data['below']) { $links = array_merge($links, admin_menu_links_menu($data['below'])); } continue; } // Remove local tasks on 'admin'. if (in_array($data['link']['router_path'], array('admin/by-task', 'admin/by-module'))) { continue; } // Omit alias lookups. $data['link']['localized_options']['alias'] = TRUE; // Remove description to prevent mouseover tooltip clashes. unset($data['link']['localized_options']['attributes']['title']); $links[$data['link']['mlid']] = array( '#title' => $data['link']['title'], '#href' => $data['link']['href'], '#options' => $data['link']['localized_options'], '#weight' => $data['link']['weight'], ); if ($data['below']) { $links[$data['link']['mlid']] += admin_menu_links_menu($data['below']); } } return $links; } /** * Build icon menu links; mostly containing maintenance helpers. * * @see theme_admin_menu_links() */ function admin_menu_links_icon() { $destination = drupal_get_destination(); $links = array( '#theme' => 'admin_menu_links', '#weight' => -100, ); $links['icon'] = array( '#title' => theme('admin_menu_icon'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('admin-menu-icon')), '#href' => '', '#options' => array( 'html' => TRUE, ), ); // Add link to manually run cron. $links['icon']['cron'] = array( '#title' => t('Run cron'), '#weight' => 50, '#access' => user_access('administer site configuration'), '#href' => 'admin/reports/status/run-cron', ); // Add link to run update.php. $links['icon']['update'] = array( '#title' => t('Run updates'), '#weight' => 50, '#access' => ($GLOBALS['user']->uid == 1 || !empty($GLOBALS['update_free_access'])), '#href' => base_path() . 'update.php', '#options' => array( 'external' => TRUE, ), ); // Add link to drupal.org. $links['icon']['drupal.org'] = array( '#title' => 'Drupal.org', '#weight' => 100, '#access' => user_access('display drupal links'), '#href' => 'http://drupal.org', ); // Add links to project issue queues. foreach (module_list(FALSE, TRUE) as $module) { $info = drupal_parse_info_file(drupal_get_path('module', $module) . '/' . $module . '.info'); if (!isset($info['project']) || isset($links['icon']['drupal.org'][$info['project']])) { continue; } $links['icon']['drupal.org'][$info['project']] = array( '#title' => t('@project issue queue', array('@project' => $info['name'])), '#weight' => ($info['project'] == 'drupal' ? -10 : 0), '#href' => 'http://drupal.org/project/issues/' . $info['project'], '#options' => array( 'query' => array('version' => (isset($info['core']) ? $info['core'] : 'All')), ), ); } // Add items to flush caches. $links['icon']['flush-cache'] = array( '#title' => t('Flush all caches'), '#weight' => 20, '#access' => user_access('flush caches'), '#href' => 'admin_menu/flush-cache', '#options' => array( 'query' => $destination, ), ); $caches = array( 'admin_menu' => t('Administration menu'), 'cache' => t('Cache tables'), 'menu' => t('Menu'), 'registry' => t('Class registry'), 'requisites' => t('Page requisites'), 'theme' => t('Theme registry'), ); foreach ($caches as $arg => $title) { $links['icon']['flush-cache'][$arg] = array( '#title' => $title, '#href' => 'admin_menu/flush-cache/' . $arg, '#options' => array( 'query' => $destination, ), ); } // Add link to toggle developer modules (performance). $saved_state = variable_get('admin_menu_devel_modules_enabled', NULL); $links['icon']['toggle-modules'] = array( '#title' => isset($saved_state) ? t('Enable developer modules') : t('Disable developer modules'), '#weight' => 88, '#access' => user_access('administer site configuration'), '#href' => 'admin_menu/toggle-modules', '#options' => array( 'query' => $destination, ), ); // Add Devel module links. if (module_exists('devel')) { // Add variable editor. $links['icon']['devel-variables'] = array( '#title' => t('Variable editor'), '#weight' => 20, '#access' => user_access('access devel information'), '#href' => 'devel/variable', ); } return $links; } /** * Build user/action links; mostly account information and links. * * @see theme_admin_menu_links() */ function admin_menu_links_user() { $links = array( '#theme' => 'admin_menu_links', '#weight' => 100, ); // Add link to show current authenticated/anonymous users. $links['user-counter'] = array( '#title' => admin_menu_get_user_count(), '#description' => t('Current anonymous / authenticated users'), '#weight' => -90, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('admin-menu-action', 'admin-menu-users')), '#href' => (user_access('administer users') ? 'admin/people/people' : 'user'), ); $links['account'] = array( '#title' => $GLOBALS['user']->name, '#weight' => -99, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('admin-menu-action', 'admin-menu-account')), '#href' => 'user/' . $GLOBALS['user']->uid, ); $links['logout'] = array( '#title' => t('Log out'), '#weight' => -100, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('admin-menu-action')), '#href' => 'user/logout', ); // Add Devel module switch user links. $switch_links = module_invoke('devel', 'switch_user_list'); if (!empty($switch_links) && count($switch_links) > 1) { foreach ($switch_links as $uid => $link) { $links['account'][$link['title']] = array( '#title' => $link['title'], '#description' => $link['attributes']['title'], '#href' => $link['href'], '#options' => array( 'query' => $link['query'], 'html' => !empty($link['html']), ), ); } } return $links; } /** * Form builder function for module settings. */ function admin_menu_theme_settings() { $form['admin_menu_margin_top'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Adjust top margin'), '#default_value' => variable_get('admin_menu_margin_top', 1), '#description' => t('Shifts the site output down by approximately 20 pixels from the top of the viewport. If disabled, absolute- or fixed-positioned page elements may be covered by the administration menu.'), ); $form['admin_menu_position_fixed'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Keep menu at top of page'), '#default_value' => variable_get('admin_menu_position_fixed', 0), '#description' => t('Displays the administration menu always at the top of the browser viewport (even when scrolling the page).'), ); // @todo Re-confirm this with latest browser versions. $form['admin_menu_position_fixed']['#description'] .= '
' . t('In some browsers, this setting may result in a malformed page, an invisible cursor, non-selectable elements in forms, or other issues.') . ''; $form['tweaks'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Advanced settings'), ); $form['tweaks']['admin_menu_tweak_modules'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Collapse module groups on the %modules page', array( '%modules' => t('Modules'), '!modules-url' => url('admin/modules'), )), '#default_value' => variable_get('admin_menu_tweak_modules', 0), ); if (module_exists('util')) { $form['tweaks']['admin_menu_tweak_modules']['#description'] .= '
' . t('If the Utility module was installed for this purpose, it can be safely disabled and uninstalled.') . ''; } $form['tweaks']['admin_menu_tweak_permissions'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Collapse module groups on the %permissions page', array( '%permissions' => t('Permissions'), '@permissions-url' => url('admin/people/permissions'), )), '#default_value' => variable_get('admin_menu_tweak_permissions', 0), ); $form['tweaks']['admin_menu_tweak_tabs'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Move local tasks into menu'), '#default_value' => variable_get('admin_menu_tweak_tabs', 0), '#description' => t('Moves the tabs on all pages into the administration menu. Only possible for themes using the CSS classes tabs primary and tabs secondary.'), ); // Fetch all available modules manually, since module_list() only returns // currently enabled modules, which makes this setting pointless if developer // modules are currently disabled. $all_modules = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT name, filename, info FROM {system} WHERE type = 'module' ORDER BY name ASC"); foreach ($result as $module) { if (file_exists($module->filename)) { $info = unserialize($module->info); $all_modules[$module->name] = $info['name']; } } $devel_modules = variable_get('admin_menu_devel_modules', _admin_menu_developer_modules()); $devel_modules = array_intersect_key($all_modules, array_flip($devel_modules)); $form['tweaks']['admin_menu_devel_modules_skip'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => t('Developer modules to keep enabled'), '#default_value' => variable_get('admin_menu_devel_modules', array()), '#options' => $devel_modules, '#access' => !empty($devel_modules), '#description' => t('The selected modules will not be disabled when the link %disable-developer-modules below the icon in the menu is invoked.', array( '%disable-developer-modules' => t('Disable developer modules'), )), ); return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). * * Extends Devel module with Administration menu developer settings. */ function _admin_menu_form_devel_admin_settings_alter(&$form, $form_state) { // Shift system_settings_form buttons. $weight = isset($form['buttons']['#weight']) ? $form['buttons']['#weight'] : 0; $form['buttons']['#weight'] = $weight + 1; $form['admin_menu'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Administration menu settings'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, ); $display_options = array('mid', 'weight', 'pid'); $display_options = array(0 => t('None'), 'mlid' => t('Menu link ID'), 'weight' => t('Weight'), 'plid' => t('Parent link ID')); $form['admin_menu']['admin_menu_display'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Display additional data for each menu item'), '#default_value' => variable_get('admin_menu_display', 0), '#options' => $display_options, '#description' => t('Display the selected items next to each menu item link.'), ); $form['admin_menu']['admin_menu_show_all'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Display all menu items'), '#default_value' => variable_get('admin_menu_show_all', 0), '#description' => t('If enabled, all menu items are displayed regardless of your site permissions. Note: Do not enable on a production site.'), ); } /** * Menu callback; Enable/disable developer modules. * * This can save up to 150ms on each uncached page request. */ function admin_menu_toggle_modules() { $rebuild = FALSE; $saved_state = variable_get('admin_menu_devel_modules_enabled', NULL); if (isset($saved_state)) { // Re-enable modules that were enabled before. module_enable($saved_state); variable_del('admin_menu_devel_modules_enabled'); drupal_set_message(t('Enabled these modules: !module-list.', array('!module-list' => implode(', ', $saved_state)))); $rebuild = TRUE; } else { // Allow site admins to override this variable via settings.php. $devel_modules = variable_get('admin_menu_devel_modules', _admin_menu_developer_modules()); // Store currently enabled modules in a variable. $devel_modules = array_intersect(module_list(FALSE, FALSE), $devel_modules); $devel_modules = array_diff($devel_modules, variable_get('admin_menu_devel_modules_skip', array())); if (!empty($devel_modules)) { variable_set('admin_menu_devel_modules_enabled', $devel_modules); // Disable developer modules. module_disable($devel_modules); drupal_set_message(t('Disabled these modules: !module-list.', array('!module-list' => implode(', ', $devel_modules)))); $rebuild = TRUE; } else { drupal_set_message(t('No developer modules are enabled.')); } } if ($rebuild) { // Make sure everything is rebuilt, basically a combination of the calls // from system_modules() and system_modules_submit(). drupal_theme_rebuild(); menu_rebuild(); cache_clear_all('schema', 'cache'); cache_clear_all(); drupal_clear_css_cache(); drupal_clear_js_cache(); // Synchronize to catch any actions that were added or removed. actions_synchronize(); // Finally, flush admin_menu's cache. admin_menu_flush_caches(); } drupal_goto(); } /** * Helper function to return a default list of developer modules. */ function _admin_menu_developer_modules() { return array( 'cache_disable', 'coder', 'content_copy', 'debug', 'delete_all', 'demo', 'devel', 'devel_node_access', 'devel_themer', 'macro', 'form_controller', 'imagecache_ui', 'journal', 'rules_admin', 'stringoverrides', 'trace', 'upgrade_status', 'user_display_ui', 'util', 'views_ui', 'views_theme_wizard', ); } /** * Flush all caches or a specific one. * * @param $name * (optional) Name of cache to flush. */ function admin_menu_flush_cache($name = NULL) { switch ($name) { case 'admin_menu': admin_menu_flush_caches(); break; case 'menu': menu_rebuild(); break; case 'registry': registry_rebuild(); // Fall-through to clear cache tables, since registry information is // usually the base for other data that is cached (e.g. SimpleTests). case 'cache': // Don't clear cache_form - in-progress form submissions may break. // Ordered so clearing the page cache will always be the last action. // @see drupal_flush_all_caches() $core = array('cache', 'cache_bootstrap', 'cache_filter', 'cache_page'); $cache_tables = array_merge(module_invoke_all('flush_caches'), $core); foreach ($cache_tables as $table) { cache_clear_all('*', $table, TRUE); } break; case 'requisites': // Change query-strings on css/js files to enforce reload for all users. _drupal_flush_css_js(); drupal_clear_css_cache(); drupal_clear_js_cache(); break; case 'theme': system_rebuild_theme_data(); drupal_theme_rebuild(); break; default: // Flush all caches; no need to re-implement this. module_load_include('inc', 'system', 'system.admin'); $form = $form_state = array(); system_clear_cache_submit($form, $form_state); break; } drupal_goto(); } /** * Render an icon to display in the administration menu. * * @ingroup themeable */ function theme_admin_menu_icon() { return '' . t('Home') . ''; }