. * * By default, adserve configuration happens dynamically as ads are served. * However, it is possible to override dynamic settings with static defaults. * Refer to the documentation/ADSERVE_CONFIGURATION.txt for details on adding * adserve overrides to settings.php. * * Note that the path to Drupal's root directory can not be overriden in * settings.php as adserve needs this path to find settings.php in the first * place. To hard code the path to Drupal's root directory, uncomment the * following define statement, and set the correct path. This is not generally * required. On a Unix server this path will be something like '/path/to/web'. * On a Windows server this path will be something like 'D:\path\to\web'. */ //define('DRUPAL_ROOT', '/var/www/html'); /** * The main adserve logic. */ function adserve_ad($options = array()) { static $displayed_count = 0; // if no $options are passed in, assume we're using JavaScript if (!empty($options)) { adserve_variable('variable_load', $options); } else { adserve_variable('variable_load'); } // include Drupal's settings.php adserve_bootstrap(0); // if debug enabled, dump current state adserve_debug(); // start with 'error' set to false adserve_variable('error', FALSE); // invoke cache function (file already included in adserve_variable) $ids = adserve_cache('get_ad_ids'); // display the advertisement(s) return adserve_cache('display', $ids); } /** * Retrieve variables from $_GET array or from passed in $value array. */ function adserve_variable($variable, $value = NULL) { global $conf; static $variables = NULL, $overridden = NULL, $cache_loaded = array(); // Declare variables if not already declared. if ($variables === NULL) { $variables = new stdClass(); } // Update the value, if set. if (isset($value)) { $variables->$variable = $value; } if (!isset($variables->loaded) || $variable == 'variable_load') { if ($variable == 'variable_load' && isset($value)) { $values['debug'] = isset($value['debug']) ? $value['debug'] : ''; $values['c'] = isset($value['adcache']) ? $value['adcache'] : ''; $values['n'] = isset($value['nids']) ? $value['nids'] : ''; $values['t'] = isset($value['tids']) ? $value['tids'] : ''; $values['k'] = isset($value['hostid']) ? $value['hostid'] : ''; $values['q'] = isset($value['quantity']) ? $value['quantity'] : 1; $values['m'] = isset($value['ad_display']) ? $value['ad_display'] : 0; unset($value); } else { $values = $_GET; } // Don't use getcwd as path may involve symbolic links $variables->ad_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); // 'debug' is an integer. $variables->debug = isset($values['debug']) ? (int)$values['debug'] : 0; // Cache types are comprised of only letters. $variables->adcache = isset($values['c']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', '', $values['c']) : 'none'; // Nids is an integer or a ",". $variables->nids = isset($values['n']) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', $values['n']) : ''; // Tids is an integer or a ",". $variables->tids = isset($values['t']) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', $values['t']) : ''; // Hostid is an md5() which is comprised of numbers and letters a-f. $variables->hostid = isset($values['k']) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9a-f]/', '', $values['k']) : ''; // Display url $variables->url = isset($values['u']) ? $values['u'] : ''; if (!$variables->url) { $variables->url = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; } // Display alias $variables->alias = isset($values['l']) ? $values['l'] : ''; // Quantity is an integer. $variables->quantity = isset($values['q']) ? (int)$values['q'] : 0; // Ad ID is an integer. $variables->aid = isset($values['a']) ? (int)$values['a'] : 0; // Method is compriese of only letters. $variables->ad_display = isset($values['m']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', '', $values['m']) : 'javascript'; // Set defaults. $variables->quantity = $variables->quantity ? $variables->quantity : 1; if ($variables->debug) { foreach ($variables as $variable => $val) { echo "$variable: '$val'
\n"; } if ($variables->debug == 1) exit; } $variables->loaded = TRUE; // Override the value, if set during initialization. if (isset($value)) { $variables->$variable = $value; } } if (!$overridden) { if (isset($conf)) { foreach ($conf as $var => $val) { $variables->$var = $val; if ($variables->debug) { echo "Override $var: '$val'
\n"; } } $overridden = TRUE; } } if (!isset($cache_loaded[$variables->adcache])) { // Retrieve variables defined by cache plugin, if enabled. if ($variables->adcache != 'none') { $includes = array($variables->ad_dir ."/cache/$variables->adcache/ad_cache_$variables->adcache.inc", $variables->ad_dir ."/../ad_$variables->adcache/ad_cache_$variables->adcache.inc"); foreach ($includes as $include) { if (file_exists($include)) { if ($variables->debug) { echo "Attempting to include cache include file '$include'.
\n"; } require_once($include); } else if ($variables->debug) { echo "Failed to find cache include file '$include'.
\n"; } $function = 'ad_cache_'. $variables->adcache .'_variables'; if (function_exists($function)) { $external_variables = $function(); foreach ($external_variables as $key => $val) { if (!isset($variables->$key)) { $variables->$key = $val; } } } } } $cache_loaded[$variables->adcache] = TRUE; } if ($variable == 'variable_dump') { echo "Dumping \$variables:
\n"; echo '
    foreach ($variables as $var => $val) {
      echo "  $var($val)
\n"; } echo '
'; } if (isset($variables->$variable)) { return $variables->$variable; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Invoke a function in the specified file. */ function adserve_invoke_file($function, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL) { $output = ''; if (function_exists($function)) { $output = $function($arg1, $arg2); } else if (adserve_variable('debug')) { echo "Function '$function' does not exist.
\n"; } return $output; } /* * When debugging, strip away distracting header errors. Dump all other errors. */ function _debug_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile = NULL, $errline = 0, $errcontext = NULL) { if (!preg_match('/Cannot modify header information/', $errstr) && !preg_match('/Cannot send session cache limiter/', $errstr)) { echo "PHP: errno($errno): $errstr "; if ($errfile && $errline) { echo "; Line $errline in [$errfile]"; } echo "
\n"; if (!empty($errcontext) && adserve_variable('debug') >= 5) { echo 'Error context:
      echo '
'; } } } /** * Dump debug message to screen; set custom error handler. */ function _debug_echo($text) { static $error_handler = FALSE; static $time = 0; if (adserve_variable('debug')) { if ($time < time()) { $time = time(); echo '--> Time mark: '. date('H:i:s', $time) ."
\n"; _debug_memory(); } if (!$error_handler) { set_error_handler('_debug_error_handler'); $error_handler = TRUE; } echo "$text
\n"; } } function _debug_memory() { $memory = ''; if (adserve_variable('debug') && function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $memory = number_format(round(memory_get_usage() / 1024, 3), 3); echo "Memory usage: $memory K
\n"; } } /** * Include Drupal's bootstrap.inc. */ function adserve_include_drupal() { // For optimal performance set DRUPAL_ROOT at the top of this file. if (defined('DRUPAL_ROOT')) { if (is_dir(DRUPAL_ROOT) && file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT .'/includes/bootstrap.inc')) { chdir(DRUPAL_ROOT); adserve_variable('root_dir', DRUPAL_ROOT); } else { echo 'Invalid DRUPAL_ROOT ('. DRUPAL_ROOT .') defined in adserve.inc'; } } else { $path = explode('/', adserve_variable('ad_dir')); while (!empty($path)) { // Search for top level Drupal directory to perform bootstrap. chdir(implode('/', $path)); if (file_exists('./includes/bootstrap.inc')) { adserve_variable('root_dir', getcwd()); break; } array_pop($path); } } require_once adserve_variable('root_dir') .'/includes/bootstrap.inc'; } /** * Include the necessary files and call the Drupal bootstrap. */ function adserve_bootstrap($bootstrap = NULL) { adserve_include_drupal(); // If no specific bootstrap is specified, do a full bootstrap. if (!isset($bootstrap)) { $bootstrap = DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL; } echo _debug_echo("Drupal bootstrap '$bootstrap'."); drupal_bootstrap($bootstrap); echo _debug_echo("Drupal bootstrap complete."); } /** * Display additional debug information. */ function adserve_debug() { if (adserve_variable('debug')) { echo "Root drupal directory detected as '". adserve_variable('root_dir') ."'.
\n"; $ad_dir = adserve_variable('ad_dir'); $files = array("$ad_dir/serve.php", "$ad_dir/adserve.inc", "$ad_dir/adcache.inc", "$ad_dir/ad.module"); if (adserve_variable('debug') >= 2) { $files = array_merge($files, array("$ad_dir/ad.install")); } if (adserve_variable('debug') >= 3) { $files = array_merge($files, array("$ad_dir/image/ad_image.module", "$ad_dir/image/ad_image.install", "$ad_dir/text/ad_text.module", "$ad_dir/text/ad_text.install", "$ad_dir/embed/ad_embed.module", "$ad_dir/report/ad_report.module", "$ad_dir/notify/ad_notify.module", "$ad_dir/notify/ad_notify.install", "$ad_dir/cache/file/ad_cache_file.inc", "$ad_dir/cache/file/ad_cache_file.module", "$ad_dir/permission/ad_permission.module", "$ad_dir/weight/probability/ad_weight_probability.module", "$ad_dir/weight/probability/ad_weight_probability.inc")); } foreach ($files as $file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { echo "Error: '$file' does not exist!
\n"; } else if (!is_readable($file)) { echo "Error: '$file' is not readable!
\n"; } else { $fd = fopen($file, 'r'); while (!feof($fd)) { $line = fgets($fd); if (substr($line, 0, 5) == ""; break; } } } } echo "
\n"; } }