ad; $values['aid'] = $node->nid; $values['title'] = $node->title; $values['description'] = $node->body; $values['log_message'] = $node->log; $values['type'] = $node->adtype; $values['status'] = $node->adstatus; $values['url'] = url('node/'. $node->nid, array('absolute' => TRUE)); $values['redirect'] = url($node->redirect, array('absolute' => TRUE)); $values['comments'] = $node->comment_count; $values['created_small'] = format_date($node->created, 'small'); $values['created_medium'] = format_date($node->created, 'medium'); $values['created_large'] = format_date($node->created, 'large'); $values['activated_small'] = $node->activated ? format_date($node->activated, 'small') : t('never'); $values['activated_medium'] = $node->activated ? format_date($node->activated, 'medium') : t('never'); $values['activated_large'] = $node->activated ? format_date($node->activated, 'large') : t('never'); $values['expired_small'] = $node->expired ? format_date($node->expired, 'small') : t('never'); $values['expired_medium'] = $node->expired ? format_date($node->expired, 'medium') : t('never'); $values['expired_large'] = $node->expired ? format_date($node->expired, 'large') : t('never'); $values['autoactivate_small'] = $node->autoactivate ? format_date($node->autoactivate, 'small') : t('never'); $values['autoactivate_medium'] = $node->autoactivate ? format_date($node->autoactivate, 'medium') : t('never'); $values['autoactivate_large'] = $node->autoactivate ? format_date($node->autoactivate, 'large') : t('never'); $values['autoactivated_small'] = $node->autoactivated ? format_date($node->autoactivated, 'small') : t('never'); $values['autoactivated_medium'] = $node->autoactivated ? format_date($node->autoactivated, 'medium') : t('never'); $values['autoactivated_large'] = $node->autoactivated ? format_date($node->autoactivated, 'large') : t('never'); $values['autoexpire_small'] = $node->autoexpire ? format_date($node->autoexpire, 'small') : t('never'); $values['autoexpire_medium'] = $node->autoexpire ? format_date($node->autoexpire, 'medium') : t('never'); $values['autoexpire_large'] = $node->autoexpire ? format_date($node->autoexpire, 'large') : t('never'); $values['autoexpired_small'] = $node->autoexpired ? format_date($node->autoexpired, 'small') : t('never'); $values['autoexpired_medium'] = $node->autoexpired ? format_date($node->autoexpired, 'medium') : t('never'); $values['autoexpired_large'] = $node->autoexpired ? format_date($node->autoexpired, 'large') : t('never'); $statistics = ad_statistics($node->nid); // maximums $values['max_impressions'] = $node->maxviews; $values['max_clicks'] = $node->maxclicks; // global statistics $values['global_impressions'] = isset($statistics['global']) && !empty($statistics['global']) ? $statistics['global']['views'] : 0; $values['global_clicks'] = isset($statistics['global']) && !empty($statistics['global']) ? $statistics['global']['clicks'] : 0; // last year statistics $values['last_year_impressions'] = isset($statistics['last_year']) && !empty($statistics['last_year']) ? $statistics['last_year']['views'] : 0; $values['last_year_clicks'] = isset($statistics['last_year']) && !empty($statistics['last_year']) ? $statistics['last_year']['clicks'] : 0; // this year statistics $values['this_year_impressions'] = isset($statistics['this_year']) && !empty($statistics['this_year']) ? $statistics['this_year']['views'] : 0; $values['this_year_clicks'] = isset($statistics['this_year']) && !empty($statistics['this_year']) ? $statistics['this_year']['clicks'] : 0; // last month statistics $values['last_month_impressions'] = isset($statistics['last_month']) && !empty($statistics['last_month']) ? $statistics['last_month']['views'] : 0; $values['last_month_clicks'] = isset($statistics['last_month']) && !empty($statistics['last_month']) ? $statistics['last_month']['clicks'] : 0; // this month statistics $values['this_month_impressions'] = isset($statistics['this_month']) && !empty($statistics['this_month']) ? $statistics['this_month']['views'] : 0; $values['this_month_clicks'] = isset($statistics['this_month']) && !empty($statistics['this_month']) ? $statistics['this_month']['clicks'] : 0; // yesterday statistics $values['yesterday_impressions'] = isset($statistics['yesterday']) && !empty($statistics['yesterday']) ? $statistics['yesterday']['views'] : 0; $values['yesterday_clicks'] = isset($statistics['yesterday']) && !empty($statistics['yesterday']) ? $statistics['yesterday']['clicks'] : 0; // today statistics $values['today_impressions'] = isset($statistics['today']) && !empty($statistics['today']) ? $statistics['today']['views'] : 0; $values['today_clicks'] = isset($statistics['today']) && !empty($statistics['today']) ? $statistics['today']['clicks'] : 0; // last hour statistics $values['last_hour_impressions'] = isset($statistics['last_hour']) && !empty($statistics['last_hour']) ? $statistics['last_hour']['views'] : 0; $values['last_hour_clicks'] = isset($statistics['last_hour']) && !empty($statistics['last_hour']) ? $statistics['last_hour']['clicks'] : 0; // this hour statistics $values['this_hour_impressions'] = isset($statistics['this_hour']) && !empty($statistics['this_hour']) ? $statistics['this_hour']['views'] : 0; $values['this_hour_clicks'] = isset($statistics['this_hour']) && !empty($statistics['this_hour']) ? $statistics['this_hour']['clicks'] : 0; $owner = user_load($node->uid); $values['owner_name'] = $owner->name; $values['owner_email'] = $owner->mail; $values['owner_uid'] = $owner->uid; if (db_table_exists('ad_owners')) { $result = db_query('SELECT a.uid, u.mail, FROM {ad_owners} a INNER JOIN {users} u ON a.uid = u.uid WHERE a.aid = %d', $node->nid); $uids = $names = $emails = array(); while ($owner = db_fetch_object($result)) { $uids[$owner->uid] = $owner->uid; $names[$owner->uid] = $owner->name; $emails[$owner->uid] = $owner->mail; } $values['all_owner_names'] = implode(', ', $names); $values['all_owner_emails'] = implode(', ', $emails); $values['all_owner_uids'] = implode(', ', $uids); unset($names[$node->uid]); unset($emails[$node->uid]); unset($uids[$node->uid]); $values['secondary_owner_names'] = implode(', ', $names); $values['secondary_owner_emails'] = implode(', ', $emails); $values['secondary_owner_uids'] = implode(', ', $uids); } } break; } return $values; } /** * Implementation of hook_token_list(). */ function ad_token_list($type = 'all') { if ($type == 'ad' || $type == 'all') { $tokens['ad']['ad'] = t('The advertisement.'); $tokens['ad']['aid'] = t('The ID of the advertisement.'); $tokens['ad']['type'] = t('The type of ad.'); $tokens['ad']['status'] = t('The status of the ad.'); $tokens['ad']['url'] = t('The url of the advertisement.'); $tokens['ad']['redirect'] = t('The redirection url of the advertisement.'); $tokens['ad']['title'] = t('The title of the advertisement.'); $tokens['ad']['comments'] = t('The number of comments attached to the advertisement.'); $tokens['ad']['created_small'] = t('"Small" date format of when the advertisement was created.'); $tokens['ad']['created_medium'] = t('"Medium" date format of when the advertisement was created.'); $tokens['ad']['created_large'] = t('"Large" date format of when the advertisement was created.'); $tokens['ad']['activated_small'] = t('"Small" date format when the advertisement was activated.'); $tokens['ad']['activated_medium'] = t('"Medium" date format of when the advertisement was activated.'); $tokens['ad']['activated_large'] = t('"Large" date format of when the advertisement was activated.'); $tokens['ad']['expired_small'] = t('"Small" date format of when the advertisement was expired.'); $tokens['ad']['expired_medium'] = t('"Medium" date format of when the advertisement was expired.'); $tokens['ad']['expired_large'] = t('"Large" date format of when the advertisement was expired.'); $tokens['ad']['autoactivate_small'] = t('"Small" date format of when the advertisement will be automatically activated.'); $tokens['ad']['autoactivate_medium'] = t('"Medium" date format of when the advertisement will be automatically activated.'); $tokens['ad']['autoactivate_large'] = t('"Large" date format of when the advertisement will be automatically activated.'); $tokens['ad']['autoactivated_small'] = t('"Small" date format of when the advertisement was automatically activated.'); $tokens['ad']['autoactivated_medium'] = t('"Medium" date format of when the advertisement was automatically activated.'); $tokens['ad']['autoactivated_large'] = t('"Large" date format of when the advertisement was automatically activated.'); $tokens['ad']['autoexpire_small'] = t('"Small" date format of when the advertisement will be automatically expired.'); $tokens['ad']['autoexpire_medium'] = t('"Medium" date format of when the advertisement will be automatically expired.'); $tokens['ad']['autoexpire_large'] = t('"Large" date format of when the advertisement will be automatically expired.'); $tokens['ad']['autoexpired_small'] = t('"Small" date format of when the advertisement was automatically expired.'); $tokens['ad']['autoexpired_medium'] = t('"Medium" date format of when the advertisement was automatically expired.'); $tokens['ad']['autoexpired_large'] = t('"Large" date format of when the advertisement was automatically expired.'); $tokens['ad']['max_impressions'] = t('The maximum number of times this advertisement is allowed to be viewed.'); $tokens['ad']['max_clicks'] = t('The maximum number of times this advertisement is allowed to be clicked.'); $tokens['ad']['global_impressions'] = t('All time impression statistics'); $tokens['ad']['global_clicks'] = t('All time click statistics.'); $tokens['ad']['last_year_impressions'] = t('Ad impressions last year.'); $tokens['ad']['last_year_clicks'] = t('Ad clicks last year.'); $tokens['ad']['this_year_impressions'] = t('Ad impressions this year.'); $tokens['ad']['this_year_clicks'] = t('Ad clicks this year.'); $tokens['ad']['last_month_impressions'] = t('Ad impressions last month.'); $tokens['ad']['last_month_clicks'] = t('Ad clicks this month.'); $tokens['ad']['this_month_impressions'] = t('Ad impressions this month.'); $tokens['ad']['this_month_clicks'] = t('Ad clicks this month.'); $tokens['ad']['yesterday_impressions'] = t('Ad impressions yesterday.'); $tokens['ad']['yesterday_clicks'] = t('Ad clicks yesterday.'); $tokens['ad']['today_impressions'] = t('Ad impressions today.'); $tokens['ad']['today_clicks'] = t('Ad clicks today.'); $tokens['ad']['last_hour_impressions'] = t('Ad impressions last hour.'); $tokens['ad']['last_hour_clicks'] = t('Ad clicks this hour.'); $tokens['ad']['this_hour_impressions'] = t('Ad impressions this hour.'); $tokens['ad']['this_hour_clicks'] = t('Ad clicks this hour.'); $tokens['ad']['owner_name'] = t('The username of the ad creator.'); $tokens['ad']['owner_email'] = t('The email address of the ad creator.'); $tokens['ad']['owner_uid'] = t('The user ID of the ad creator.'); if (db_table_exists('ad_owners')) { $tokens['ad']['all_owner_names'] = t("A comma separated list of usernames of all the ad's owners."); $tokens['ad']['all_owner_emails'] = t("A comma separated list of email addresses of all the ad's owners."); $tokens['ad']['all_owner_uids'] = t("A comma separated list of user IDs of all the ad's owners."); $tokens['ad']['secondary_owner_names'] = t("A comma separated list of usernames of all the ad's owners minus the ad's creator."); $tokens['ad']['secondary_owner_emails'] = t("A comma separated list of email addresses of all the ad's owners minus the ad's creator."); $tokens['ad']['secondary_owner_uids'] = t("A comma separated list of user IDs of all the ad's owners minus the ad's creator."); } } return $tokens; }