/* * IE CSS * * CSS targeted specifically for Internet Explorer for Windows. * * Properties starting with an underscore _ are for IE 5 and 6 only. * Properties starting with head:first-child+body are for IE7 only. * Properties with a child selector (>) or sibling selector (+) are for IE7 only. * */ #search { margin-left:30%; } /* * Tabs CSS - IE 5 and 6 don't support PNGs with alpha transparency. */ ul.primary li a, ul.primary li a .tab, ul.secondary li a, ul.secondary li a .tab { _display: inline; /* Otherwise the blocks mistakenly get 100% width in IE5 */ _di\splay: inline-block; /* Otherwise the blocks mistakenly get 100% width in IE6 */ } ul.primary, ul.secondary { _width: 100%; /* Otherwise IE5 treats the ul as floated */ _w\idth: auto; /* Reset to auto width for IE6 */ } ul.primary li a, ul.primary li a:visited { _background: url(images/tab-left-ie6.png) no-repeat left -38px; _font-weight: bold; _text-decoration: none; _color: #777 } ul.primary li a .tab { _background: url(images/tab-right-ie6.png) no-repeat right -38px; } ul.primary li a:hover { _background: url(images/tab-left-ie6.png) no-repeat left -76px; } ul.primary li a:hover .tab { _background: url(images/tab-right-ie6.png) no-repeat right -76px; } ul.primary li.active a, ul.primary li.active a:hover { _background: url(images/tab-left-ie6.png) no-repeat left 0; } ul.primary li.active a .tab, ul.primary li.active a:hover .tab { _background: url(images/tab-right-ie6.png) no-repeat right 0; } blockquote { _width:80%; } code, pre { _width:95%; }