Commerce Popular Products +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Commerce Popular Projects looks through your Drupal Commerce orders and figures out the most popular products for a given timeframe. You can include/exclude product node types, set the timeframe for your popularity ranking and calls a View to display your Commerce products. The settings screen is found in the main Commerce store settings. Popular products are displayed using a View which pulls in title only by default. The View can be overridden through the Views UI. The View is displayed in a block. On install the module attempts to place the block in the main content area, but if it cannot, you must set the block location manually. Obviously, because it is a block, you can use Context to control positioning. When the block is viewed, the module attempts to retrieve cached data about product popularity. If no cached data is available, it generates data, keeping its calculations within the timeframe as defined by the module settings, e.g. the last month. In parallel to this, the data is refreshed every time a customer completes checkout. All the settings are stored in the Variable table and are prepended by the module name. Installation: Install Views Install Commerce (& commerce modules). Commerce Popular Modules depends on the following Commerce modules: commerce_ui commerce_cart commerce_checkout commerce_customer commerce_line_item commerce_order commerce_payment commerce_price commerce_product commerce_product_reference commerce_product_pricing Install Commerce Popular Products Place the block wherever you want it Set up your products & product displays. Customize the view as you see fit. The default settings are sensible, but if you want them they live at admin/commerce/config/popular-products.