errorMsg; $this->validate(); $this->noSQL(); } /** Validator method * @param * @return bool */ protected function validate() { // Empty in Base class } /** Adds an error message * @param string * @return void */ protected function setError ($msg) { $this->errorMsg = $msg; } //Returns true if input validates, false if not //@return boolean public function isValid () { if ( !empty($this->errorMsg) ) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } //@param //@return void protected function noSQL(){ if ( (preg_match('/select/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && preg_match('/from/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ) || (preg_match('/drop/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && preg_match('/table|index|database/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) || (preg_match('/alter/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && preg_match('/table|index|database/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) ){ $this->setError('Query input has SQL-like strings.'); } } } //ParserAfter subclass of Parser //Validates an 'after' term class ParseAfter extends Parser { // $after to validate public $after; //A constructor. //Constucts a new object public function __construct($after) { $this->after=$after; parent::__construct(); } //Validates an after term //@return void protected function validate() { if (!is_int(strtotime($this->after))){ $this->setError('After input string "' . $this->after .'" has the wrong input type or input is empty'); } if (preg_match('/^\d{4}$/', $this->after)){ $this->setError('After input string "' . $this->after .'" has only the year digits. Add a month'); } } //Construct SQL //@return string public function getSQL(){ if ($this->isValid()){ $sql = 'changed > ' . strtotime($this->after); return $sql; } else { return ''; } } } //ParserBefore subclass of Parser //Validates a 'before' term class ParseBefore extends Parser { // $before to validate public $before; //A constructor. //Constucts a new object public function __construct($before) { $this->before=$before; parent::__construct(); } //Validates an before term //@return void protected function validate() { if (!is_int(strtotime($this->before))){ $this->setError('Before input string "' . $this->before .'" has the wrong input type or is empty'); } if (preg_match('/^\d{4}$/', $this->before)){ $this->setError('Before input string "' . $this->before .'" has only the year digits. Add a month'); } } //Construct SQL //@return string public function getSQL(){ if ($this->isValid()){ $sql = 'changed < ' . strtotime($this->before); return $sql; } else { return ''; } } } //ParserType subclass of Parser //Validates a 'type' term class ParseType extends Parser { // $type to validate public $type; //A constructor. //Constucts a new object public function __construct($type) { $this->type = $type; parent::__construct(); } //Validates an type term //@return void protected function validate() { $content_types = node_get_types('types'); //get all content types as an array of objects with names of types as keys if (preg_match('/\s/', $this->type) > 0) { $query_types = explode(' ' , $this->type); foreach ($query_types as $key=>$value){ if (!array_key_exists($value, $content_types)) { $this->setError('Type "' . $value . '" does not exist on this site or input is empty'); } } } elseif (!array_key_exists($this->type, $content_types)) { //check if the passed query type is in the list of types on the site $this->setError('Type "' . $this->type . '" does not exist on this site or input is empty'); } } //Construct SQL //@return string public function getSQL(){ if ($this->isValid()){ if (preg_match('/\s/', $this->type) > 0) { $types = explode(' ' , $this->type); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++){ //handle multiple types input $types[$i] = '"' . $types[$i] . '"'; } $sql = "type IN (" . implode( ',', $types) . ")"; } else{ $sql = "type IN ('" . check_plain($this->type) . "')"; //handle single type input } return $sql; } else { return ''; } } } //ParserLimit subclass of Parser //Validates a 'limit' term class ParseLimit extends Parser { // $limit to validate public $limit; //A constructor. //Constucts a new object public function __construct($limit) { $this->limit = check_plain($limit); parent::__construct(); } //Validates a limit term //@return void protected function validate() { if (!is_numeric($this->limit)){ $this->setError('Limit input string "' . $this->limit .'" has the wrong input type or input is empty'); } } //Construct SQL //@return string public function getLimit(){ if ($this->isValid()){ return $this->limit; } else {return FALSE;} } } //ParserSearch subclass of Parser //Validates a 'search' term class ParseSearch extends Parser { // $search to validate public $search; public $limit; public $solr_added_nodes; //A constructor. //Constucts a new object public function __construct($search) { $this->search = $search; parent::__construct(); } //Validates a search term //@return void protected function validate() { if (strlen($this->search) > 2) { if (module_exists('cs_solr')) { $return_object = cs_solr_slr_search(check_plain($this->search)); //a call to a function in CS Solr module if (!$return_object->error) { $this->solr_added_nodes = array(); foreach ($return_object->docs as $docs){ foreach ($docs as $field => $value){ if ($field == 'nid') $this->solr_added_nodes[] = $value; } } } else{ $this->setError('Solr Search Engine returned an error: ' . $return_object->error); } } else{ $this->setError('SC Solr module does not exist or is not enabled.'); } } else{ $this->setError('Search string is too short. Need at least 3 characters.'); } } //Construct SQL //@return string public function getSQL(){ if ($this->isValid()){ $sql = ($this->solr_added_nodes) ? ' nid IN (' . implode(',', $this->solr_added_nodes) . ')' : ''; return $sql; } else { return ''; } } } //ParserField subclass of Parser //Validates a 'field' term class ParseField extends Parser { // $field to validate public $field; //A constructor. //Constucts a new object public function __construct($field) { $this->field = check_plain($field); parent::__construct(); } //Validates an field term //@return void protected function validate() { if (strlen($this->field) < 2) { $this->setError('Field input string "' . $this->field .'" is too short or empty'); } } // Construct FIELD // @return string public function getField(){ if ($this->isValid()){ $fields_array = array(); if (preg_match('/\s/', $this->field) > 0) { $fields_array = explode(' ' , $this->field); } else{ $fields_array[] = $this->field;} foreach ($fields_array as $value){ $return_fields[$value] = $value; } return $return_fields; } else { return array(); } } } // ParseSort subclass of Parser // Validates a 'sort' term class ParseSort extends Parser { // $sort to validate public $sort; // A constructor. // Constucts a new object public function __construct($sort) { $this->sort = check_plain($sort); parent::__construct(); } // Validates a sort term // @return void protected function validate() { if ((preg_match('/\s/', $this->sort) > 0) || !preg_match('/asc|desc/i', $this->sort)){ $this->setError('Sort input string "' . $this->sort .'" has the wrong input string or input is empty'); } } // Construct SQL // @return string public function getSQL(){ if ($this->isValid()){ $sql = ' ORDER BY changed ' . $this->sort; return $sql; } else { return ''; } } } // ParseBatch subclass of Parser // Validates a 'batch' term class ParseBatch extends Parser { // $batch to validate public $batch; // A constructor. // Constucts a new object public function __construct($batch) { $this->batch = check_plain($batch); parent::__construct(); } // Validates an batch term // @return void protected function validate() { if (!is_numeric($this->batch) || $this->batch <= 0){ $this->setError('Batch from input string "' . $this->batch .'" has the wrong input type or input is empty'); } } // Construct SQL // @return string public function getBatch(){ if ($this->isValid()){ return $this->batch; } else { return 1; } } } //ParseSize subclass of Parse //Validates a 'size' term //@return void class ParseSize extends Parser { // $size to validate public $size; // A constructor. // Constucts a new object public function __construct($size) { $this->size = check_plain($size); parent::__construct(); } // Validates an size term // @return void protected function validate() { if ($this->size != 'size'){ $this->setError('Size from input string "' . $this->size .'" has the wrong input type or input is empty'); } } } //ParseHelp subclass of Parse //Validates a 'help' term //@return string class ParseHelp extends Parser { // $help to validate public $help; // A constructor. public function __construct($help) { $this->help = check_plain($help); parent::__construct(); } // Validates an help term // @return void protected function validate() { if ($this->help != 'help'){ $this->setError('Help from input string "' . $this->help .'" has the wrong input type or input is empty'); } } // Construct output // @return string public function getHelp() { if ($this->isValid()) { $help_array = array(); $help_array['message'] = 'You are using Content Share help function.'; $help_array['URL'] = ''; global $user; $types = ($user->uid == 0) ? variable_get('content_share_content_types_anon', array()) : variable_get('content_share_content_types_auth', array()); $fields = ($user->uid == 0) ? variable_get('content_share_content_fields_anon', array()) : variable_get('content_share_content_fields_auth', array()); foreach ($types as $key=>$value) { if ($key === $value) { $help_array['types'][] = $key; } } foreach ($fields as $key=>$value) { if ($key === $value) { $help_array['fields'][] = $key; } } return $help_array; } else { return FALSE; } } } //*** ADD CLASSES FOR EACH TERM PARSING HERE